Show clear Sun sunley liy school ENQUIRER utah jan 27 1895 though th ough the influence of mrs and mis B F 1 E eveert son kelv camb from provo and organized a sunday school for the benefit of the school children on ai was gotten up for the purpose of obtaining the required books last week which was in the forro of a dime museum it was ruder the management of mra J H fitzgerald mr J robison with his light dresa and bat veil and fan plaid the part of tie beauty mr fitzgerald the chinese giant mias allie tae snake charmer mies nellie fitz berald Circa asin kirl mr baker the bearded jadv and john wilcox the fat girl of fourteen years the wid man of barney and hia wife were re presented acy dick pickering and mig wilcox the double headed women was represented by miss uzzie stickney and miss laura janer and last bu not least wag tom thumb and his wife represented DV master herman Schou eld a little boy of eight searf and nera brock a little girl of four deaia lunch waa served and a post office was opened which waa prepared for the occasion there was also a program 0 bones and le citations rendered end a bill in the evening the performance perform ince netted the school a neat aum |