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Show BOYS BECOME CARELESS Mrs, Helen May Seriously Injured by Coaster Sled Last Night. Mrs. Helen May, who lives at 10 Currant Cur-rant street, was run Into by a coaster sled directed by a boy named Robert Burns, at Center and Fourth North, Wednesday Wed-nesday evening, and Is now at tho home of her son-in-law, C. B. Grogan. 'fit Peach street, In a uomcwhat serious condition. con-dition. Since the laic heavy fall of snow the youngsters with their coasters have made a world of trouble for pedestrians, car men and the police, who have tried In vain to Induce them to enjoy their sport without making it a menace to the lives and limbs of people who use the streets and cross-walks of the district which the boys have taken, possession of. Mrs. May was on her way home, early last evening when, at the corner named, she was struck and knocked down by tho sled piloted by young Burns. She was picked up In a painfully crippled condition condi-tion and taken lo the home of her son-in-law, on Peach street. There Doctor Harry D. Niles was cnlled. and gavo temporary tem-porary relief to the sufferer. As Is tho rule In such ..crises. It was Impossible on first examination to determine the extent of the lady's Injuries. It was deemed sufest. however, to keep her at the homo of Mr. Grogan until she has recovered from the shock of the accident. It will he a day or so before the caee can be properly diagnosed. -The Chief of Police has found It necessary neces-sary to station an officer at the point where the coasters arc thickest, in order to protect both the public and the boys themselves. |