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Show teRwTIALTPuDRAKERND Nmbalraer; 225 S. West Temple; phones p. . yC3 7tE3 FLOWER SHOP. GEO. J. DWYER, Etr. Under Nat'l Bank of Republic ipNUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES l&GETcirfcTELScTFRO pcKenzle. DlBplay yardg, 422 S. State. WANTED 3DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND iattre6S remaking. Utah Bedding j-Mfg. Co. Both phoneB 3S3. b803 )IES TO MAKE SANITARY BELTS, jue'rial all cut ready to sew. 51.20 per in, particulars, stamped envelope. ox Co., Dept. 182. Chicago g!615 TINTED ROOMING HOUSE ON COM-th&lon COM-th&lon or moderate salary by party of wrlsnce. Best references. T 42. Trl-ieKotfice. Trl-ieKotfice. S1013 'FURN. FLAT FOR MONTHS OF iebniary and March. Add. T 45, Trlb-Ev Trlb-Ev gl67 InTED PARTIES TO BUY STOCK XAmerIcan Perfect Combustion Heat-2 Heat-2 Co.. devices save 25 to 50 per cent Mi See working model and get par-Lars par-Lars at State St Hardware Store. 262 PEtate st. gl9.70 -00 ON FIRST-CLASS MORTGAGE iecurltv. Inquire J. M. Bowman, Room 165 Main. g!972 JftjR OLD CLOTHING; WILL CALL. lvatlon Army. Both phones. t21Dl JGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IRON, jfrass. rags, bottles, rubber, copper, 13. Utah Juak Co., G3 E. 8th South. tjfne 229. z307 ntED EXTRA LARGE FIRE-ioof FIRE-ioof second-hand safo. Address, with Jtloulai-8, box 918. e898 m. PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOH fecond-hand household goods. Star jnltura Co., 315 So. State. ANTED A GOOD DOUBLE WORK Sarness: mupt be In good condition and .isonable price. Bell Tel Forest 166. g!922 N WITH HORSE TO CARRY PA-jer PA-jer route Apply Tribuno office, at fi- d2352 &E8TONE QUARRY LANDS. WILL ase or buy., Address T 23, Tribune. j g!633 f;L KINDS SECOND-HAND CLOTH-te, CLOTH-te, trunks, valises; best prices paid. jLCommercial street. Reply by postal TaT PhoneB 3771-K. t74 fjk REAL ESTATE. . hav buyers for all classes of werty. Have constant inquiry, espoc-y:''or espoc-y:''or vacant lots and modern homes ItoU Biros. Have you listed YOUR props' prop-s' with us? Call or phono Wllson-Rrman Wllson-Rrman Co.. 52 W. 2d South, tel. 492. yibera R. E. Association. bS57 RYE YOUR FURNACE AND CHIM-JfXr CHIM-JfXr cleaned by Griffin. King Hard- jfjp Co.. both phones, glGG IfclNEY SWEEPING AND FURNACE aanlng. Leave orders at Druehl & Bnken's. Both phones 100. gl!24 PITTED NICE ROQM AND BOARD for man and wife, in private modern Wine, G. T. Bates, Kenyon hotel. g679 rJiRENT SIX-ROOMED MODERN COT-Age, COT-Age, N. E.. by family of three, about ipj 1. Ind. phono 3045; Bell phone 3699. '& g217 J glTE POINTER PUP. BROWN 3Bts: female; with collar. Return Big p7 South West Temple. iLD WATCH. ON MAIN OR 3E-Jfeen 3E-Jfeen Walker's store and Whltlngham afSim,nn?eram "J--M-" Return to of- iWalkers store. Reward. g201S PR-COVERED KID GLOVE. BE (ween Short Line depot and Main. Ro-jp Ro-jp to Tribune office. SI reward. g2025 ,?ALL Pl'nSB. CONTAINING MONEY jnd 2 kcj-s Return 211 W. 7lh South. tard. g2028 jTE FRENCH POODLE DOG. ONE r5c!i"n ce.ai one snot on back. Reward. jtbo. State. g2032 &3iL SUKBURST PIN. DIAMOND ,Kvard" -Return to Flat J. ian. Jrd E, and 3rd So, C2034 iuYS WATCH FOB. AT AUDITORI-!Auln?n AUDITORI-!Auln?n m 1 So- nd E- Tuesday p. m. iurn Tribuno office. Reward. g2035 fe'KrACB GOhD WATCH. NEAR inaard Laundry. Reward. -203S KMrA'S ,GOLD WATCH. CLOS- dairy. 130 e. 2nd' So. f5H 1T,,0T. GOLD MOUNTED. Jgeturncd to Tribune. giggc !'h?3'D PENDANT. ENGRAVED r!2?f Rlurn to Tribuno office. rowa' g!902 ' REWARD FOR RETURN OF w . nclot"ook left In dlnlng-' dlnlng-' otei. K,nutFford. Monday evening. -- Finder can keep money in but must return keyn. Hotel "ord- glOSl P,WHO FOUND SMALL BLACK I vlilte terrier on Itli or 5th of Jan- return to 203 West 3rd South; $20 1 "0 quest Ions. Call mornings. i7- glC51 UP'fiM;URP5's' SET with topaz: flr plonsB return to 230 East 2nd T-r Reward' eim ffijH HJt1- TERRIER PUP. RET ffe'K rVAT.r.H AND CHAIN AND f' w-'tl1 Injtlnl". between Main and Plff ,nrlat South, Call at Gl S. 1st 'J-T P" gl92f. 1m)"i?.V.RSb AND MONEY. APPLY aponth Main. -2046 gftHOUSE GLEANING !E?ANlll1 "hciusecTSaIJing l nonea Bag, 819 rf?'1?" HOUSE.CLKANING CO.. 59 S',L. South- Alt kinds of house-ung house-ung done, by the hour or contract. L. i A GOOD CECAMBERMAID. APPLY THE New Fields Apartments, 20 East lat So. YOUNG LADY FOR CASHIER; ONE who has .hod some axperlenco In operating oper-ating a typewriter. Answer In own handwriting, hand-writing, with references. Address T -17. Tribune, g20U EXPERIENCED GIRLS ON BOSOM Ironer and shirt finisher. Palace" Laun-dry. Laun-dry. 758 East 4th South. g203 WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. Address box 48, St. Anthony. Ida. g2045 LAUNDRY HELP. Experienced shirt machine operator and shirt finisher; also manglo room girls. Empire-Utah Laundry Co. g2054 10 GOOD GIRLS. APPLY AT ONCE. J. G. McDonald Candy Co,. 169 W. 3rd So. g!540 GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; ALSO Woman Wo-man to waah Tuesdays. 408 L street. g!763 LADY COMPOSITOR AT 160 EAST Second South street, gl701 GIRL WANTED. 184 SO. 9TH EAST; no washing; good wages. gl919 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; HOUSE-work; small family, no washing. 40 J Btreet. g!923 GIRL FOR COOKING AND DOWN-stoira DOWN-stoira work. No. 6 Fort Douglas. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: good place for right party. 442 South West Temple. gl9l GOOD GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, one in neighborhood preferred. Call 222 West 2nd South. g!9fi2 FIRST-CLASS LADY STENOGRAPHER. one who understands something about keening books and has some business ability preferred. 431 D. F. Walker bldg. g!968 GOOD GIRL WANTED; GOOD WAGES. Apply 464 2nd street. g!9S5 A LADY STENOGRAPHER JNTEREST-ed JNTEREST-ed In pBychlc or physical science, can obtain employment part time by addressing address-ing 663 South West Temple. f2810 ! GIRLS FOR MANGLE ROOM AND OTHER DEPARTMENTS. APPLY TROY LAUNDRY, 431 SO. 6TH EAST STREET. J821 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; HOUSE-work; email family. 33 South 7th East. g!41 A LADY STENOGRAPHER, 431 D. F. Walker bldg. g!152 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: no washing. 937 2nd 3t, g213 NURSE GIRL. CALL AFTERNOONS. 501 N. 1st West. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. AP-ply AP-ply at once, J. G. McDonald Candy Co.. 159 West 3rd South. g!269 GIRLS FOR LAUNDRY WORK IN ALL departments. Apply Troy Laundry, No. 431 South Sixth East street. i WANTED HELP MALE SLTclTli)Rir'"F sure, big profits; nil O K. H. C. Porter. 231 Atlac block. g2050 ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER OF EXPE-rience, EXPE-rience, good position to right party; references required. Address T 49, Trl-bune. Trl-bune. g2055 AT ONCE, OFFICE BOY. 603 TRIBUNE building. g2051 ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN; state experience and salary expected Address T 48, Tribune. g2039 MAN EXPERIENCED IN CROCKERY wanted, to run branch store: must give references. Apply at 245 So. Main. g2026 GOOD MACHINISTS WITH RAILROAD experience, out of city. Add W 33, Tribune. g731 EXPERIENCED NIGHT PORTER, also eecond porter. Kenyon hotel. A DELIVERY BOY AT SMITH, DRUG company. gl97l WANTED COAT MAKER AT ONCE. M. H. Loefflcr, Grand Junction, Colo. gl907 YOUNG MAN WITH MERCANTILE office experience: first-class references required. Apply J. G. McDonald Candy Co., 159 W. 3rd South. WANTED WHITE PIANO PLAYER; must be a good singer. Address 252 1st Ave. So.. Pocatello, Ida. g!652 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant and household help. Hoadquarters for laborers. 69 E. 2d Sou tli. Phones 464. e742 BARBER WANTED AT 219 SO MAIN. elfl48 MAN OR BOY TO DO CHORES FOR board. Ind. phono 3659. g910 SOLICITORS FOR ACCIDENT AND health Insurance. First-class proposition proposi-tion for men or women. Warren Foster. 02 Commercial Blk. g917 A FIRST-CLASS MEAT CUTTER AND sausage maker. Address T 14, Tribune. g!502 FOUR FIRST-CLASS MEN, SOLICIT-ors, SOLICIT-ors, accident and health Insurance; references ref-erences required. Apply Imperial Casualty Cas-ualty company, room 201, D. F. Walker block, Salt Lake City. f273S BOYS WANTED AT KEITH-O'BRIEN Htore- g!340 PLUMHOF EMPLOYMENT AGENCY; headquarters for all kinds of help, etc. COj E. 2nd So. Fone 35S4. g!51 SEVERAL GOOD BOILER-MAKERS, with railroad experience for out-of-town. Top wages to good men. Add. W 35. Tribune. g730 WANTED SITUATION fIrtcXass maFhinist mSSIRES position; mining work a specialty. Ad-dress Ad-dress T 58, Tribune. g2037 SEWING BY DAY IN PRIVATE FAM-ily; FAM-ily; children's clothes a specialty. Add. T 7. Tribuno. gl40fi POSITION AS SOLICITOR OR COL-lector. COL-lector. references or bond. Address T 39. Trihuno, ' glSGfi BY RELIABLE MAN, AS JANITOR. Understands steam-heating. Aug Roth, 75C W. 2nd North. gUQO FIRST-CLASS FIREMAN OF EXPER-ionco EXPER-ionco wants position. Address T ll. Tribune. g!425 EXPERIENCED OFFICIO MAN WANTS position with stock broker or mining company. Address W 65, Tribuno. g!348 WHERE TO STOP LIJCC)LNHfK)u!iC prlotor. 68 East 1st South; 200 rooms, rates 25c, 35a and 50c. xlUGl KEY FITTING ' Ex1ERTLOCK j Ing. Carter's, 325 S. W. Temple St-Bell St-Bell phone 1146-X. g821 EXPERT SAFE AND LOCK WORK. Bicycle Supply Co., 273 So. West Tom-pie. Tom-pie. g!9 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME PINK. CLAIRVOYANT MB-dlum. MB-dlum. I'll give information regarding all business affairs, etc.; teat meetings Sunday and Thurnflny. Bell phono 3H44-K. 3H44-K. 118 5. First West. c832 MRS. W- WEIR, FROM SAN FRAN-clsco, FRAN-clsco, will give clairvoyant and psychometric psy-chometric readings dally on business and love affairs, etc.; satisfaction guaranteed- No. 1 Dubel avonuo. 2nd South, bo-tweon bo-tweon 3rd and 4th East. Bel 'phono 4794-Y. gl341 ACCORDION PLEATING ACORlSujlC'injNl pleating and pinking. Mrs. JcnncnB, 508 E. 3d South. Bell phono 296G-IC J-- ' FOR RENT SS'G" SREEr7)OM brick residence. furnlHhed or unfurnished: unfur-nished: lease If desired. 12, B, Casady Co.. 407 Atlas block. g2052 CLOSE IN. STRICTLY' MODERN 8-room 8-room residence; hot water heat; stationary sta-tionary wash tubs, etc W. L. WImmor, successor to Anderson Real Estate Investment Invest-ment Co.. 300 Herald Building. Both 'phones 474. g3050 5-P.M. MOD. HOUSE. IN REAR 531 SO. West Temple. Call at No. 8. . g2040 ONE-HALF OF GROUND floor and basement, and all of 2nd floor, 42x100 ft., brick block. Nos. 221 and 223 S. W. Temple. Will remodel to suit and glvo long lease. Desk 'room, ground floor.-In floor.-In our desirable office, No. 17 W. 2nd So. St. CAPITAL R. E. I. CO. i g823 FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; FUR-nlture FUR-nlture for sale at a bargain. No. 3 Du-! Du-! bel avenue. gl284 i-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE BARN, ONE acre land. 1259 So. 11th East. g!54a NICE 5-R. MODERN COTTAGE. 064 East 3rd So. 325. C. W. Miller, 112 W. 2nd So. glS03 FOR RENT FINE STORE ROOM, Ptate, near Second South. Will divide, If desired. Fine basement, freight elevator, eleva-tor, rear entrance, steam heat. Apply, G. S Holmes. FOR RENT. STORE ROOM, SECOND South and Second East. Apply G. S Holmes, Knutsford Hotel. g!910 TWO UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. ground floor, large lawn. 258 So. 1st West. gl897 5 RM. MOD. COTTAGE. APPLY 23 or 27 H St. g!634 TWO 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSES, $20 and $25. 33 So. 7th East. g02G 7-ROOM MOD BRICK. CLOSE IN; NO car fare: everything convenient; S25. 4 Amos terrace, rear 323 E. 3rd So. Call Houston R. E. Co. g!861 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. $25.00 PER MO. Enquire on premises, 32 E, Fifth South. g!085 BASEMENT UNDER 54 EAST FIRST South, 40 by 50 feet, $18. g!754 MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, NEWLY furnished. Apply 277 "I" street. g!963 FOR RENT OR SALE CAFE. COM-pletely COM-pletely furnished: reasonable. Inquire 379 South State street. g!977 MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. HOT WA-ter, WA-ter, elcc. light, paved sidewalks. In-qulre In-qulre 971 South lpt West. g!982 ?2o MODERN FLAT. 6 ROOMS AND laundry, best bargain In city, no chll- dren. 664 East 2nd South. gS03 $30 6SI FIFTH ST., 8 ROOMS, MOD., furnnce $1248 Pitts street, between 3rd and ith South. 7th and Sth West; 4 rooms. Wilson-Sherman Co., 62 West 2nd So. Tel. 492. g!741 SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; ALSO elegant furniture of 5 rooms for sale at a bargain, east side; must sell at onco. Bell phone 1797-Z. g628 FIVE-ROOM MODERN FLAT AT 658 E. 3rd So. Inquire 151 East 1st South. g724 92-ROOM HOTEL. GOOD LOCATION. Apply Freed Furn. and Carpet Co. g737 $30.00681 STH ST., 8-ROOM MOD.. furnace. Wilson-Sherman Co., 52 W. 2nd So. Tel. 492 g738 $35.009 ROOMS, MODERN; HOT WA-ter WA-ter heat, 343 South 10th East. Marnane, 47 Commercial blk. Bell phono 4919 Red. f2772 7-ROOM MOD. FURNISHED HOUSE. suitable for two famlllGS. and also barn, 653 So. West Temple. f233 A 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, AND six rooms of furniture for sale cheap. 33 Vino St., near McCornlck's rcsldonco. e!042 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN BRICK. 30 D street. Inquire 38 D. f!4S8 ON BRIGHAM ST., 7-RM MODERN house, with barn. Apply 927 Brlgham street. Bell 1090-Y. g!75 NO. 115 THIRD STREET, 5-ROOM brick; modern; $30. Weir. 36 West Second South. g239 HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE OF EIGHT ROOMS, $50; 280 NORTH MAIN. FRITSCH. NO. 12 E. 2ND SOUTH ST. PHONES: IND., 747; BELL, 3567. g795 OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT, 10X30, ON street floor, good window space. No. 73 So. Main st. g!068 THREE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. ground floor, and two rooms upstairs 315 So- W. Temple. g013 FOR RENT STORE BUILDING WEST of Main St., close In. About 30x60 feet. Two stories; large lot. Little LIttlo. g911 FIVE-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE, CLOSE in Positively no children. Enquire 134 W. 6th So. g857 GOOD 8-ROOM PARTLY MODERN brick house. 1310 S. Sth East St.. cheap rent to right party. Hoffman Bros., 02 W. 2nd So. sL g784 FOR RENT COTTAGE. 333 13TH EAST street. 'Phone C2. f2139 BOARD AND ROOMS BOARD AND ROOM. 3 DOORS EAST of the Emory-Holmes. 119 Brlgham. Ind. phone 637. d2433 BOARD AND ROOM WITH FURNACE heat. 4GS Third East. Bell 'phono 4745-Y. glOOS PRETTY SUITE AND SINGLE ROOMS with excellent table board Private family. Lafayette Villa, 503 South 10th East street. g!658 FOR RENT, WITH BOARD. PLEAS-ant PLEAS-ant front suite, suitable for two or three gentlemen; 112 North State. g!637 MODERN FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD and piano. 457 E. 1st South. glC45 BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE FAM-lly; FAM-lly; modem. Ind. 'phono 1901. 225 W. 5th South. x967 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD 375 So. 2d East. c-2153 BEST HOME COOKING IN THE CITY. 442 So. W. Temple. Try It gSG7 NICE ROOMS. FINE BOARD, EVERY-thlng EVERY-thlng modern. Rates reasonable. 115 South Fourth East. g912 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS and board. Everything modern. Ono block from Knutsford Hotel. Bell phonn No. 2312-X. gSlG NIGHJ JIIO OL ATTEND M"I EE'S FAMOUS NIGHT school for business. Room 33, Hooper bldg J. B. McKce gll)74 WANTED TEAMS AT SUGAR FACTORY, OUDe1TANY number: 22 cents por ton for hauling bcet3 from yards to sheds. 250 feet. Ap-ply Ap-ply N. C. Flygarc, at factory. glfiGil WANTED AGENTS AriVEn3NWAT ly; legltlmato proposition: no canvassing, canvass-ing, rofcronccs exchanged. Coast College of Sign and Card Writing, Manhattan building. Lop Angeles, Cal. gl905 INVESTIGATE SOMETHING NEW. NO experience Easy money. 73 Stato, Room 14. Call forenoons glGOO STENOGRAPHER MMT'sA?tTC)N phcr. Accurate work: reasonable charges. 527 Atlas block, 'Phono Ind. 22G4. gMSG Aj&CHITBOTS ERSK1NE c L1LJ ENBEKG, KjMjVUj to 230-231 Com'l. Club bldg. Phono. Ind. 843; Boll, S43-K. Artistic homes. j-3 RTFDTBBSP plTasanfr suitable ,for gentlemen. 270 East 1st South. g2047 NEW HOTEL ELY JUST OPENED. centrally located; rooms Blngle or en suite. Baths and tolophono; steam heat: rates moderate. 41 W. 3rd So. g!674 3 FURN. ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-kooplng. HOUSE-kooplng. 438 So. 0th East. g!725 FURN. BOOMS. MOD.. STEAM HEAT. 225 So. 3rd East. g!556 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; STEAM heat. 234 South Main. gl96P- TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED, UNFUR-nished. UNFUR-nished. with or without board. 15 East 7th South. g!976 TWO ROOMS. PANTRY AND CLOSET. furnished for housekeeping. No. 44 N. 2nd West. . g!983 THREE ROOMS AND PANTRY. NICE-ly NICE-ly furn- for housokeplng; $16.00 per month. No. 1 Cartwrlght Court, bet. 6th and flth So. and State. g!546 $15 THREE ROOMS, NEWLY FUR-nlshcd, FUR-nlshcd, 4fl Pitts street, between 3rd and 4th South. 7th and Sth West. Wilson-Sherman Co., 62 We3t 2nd So. Tel. 4D2. g!742 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FURNISHED complete: ground floor; house now, modern. 165 West Sth South. g!744 TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: TERMS reasonable. 350 E. So. Tomplo. f8E5 ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room for one or two gentlemen; easy walking distance. Inq. 539 Bridgeport. or phone Ind. 3532. c2201 PRETTY ROOM, CHOICE LOCATION, close In, quiet. Bell 'phone 48S3 Red. g!764 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 241 EAST Brlgham. g!759 TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping. 441 So. Main. g!7S4 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-keoplng; HOUSE-keoplng; no children. 231 So. lBt West. g!7S3 NICELY FURN. ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 150 N. Main. g!987 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; ground floor. 215 West 6th South. f!729 FURN. ROOM IN MODERN HOUSE. Apply 67 C at. References. fB45 MODERN FLAT. GOOD LOCATION. Idquire 72 West 5th So. Tele. 28.17 Rod. f2110 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, modern house, private family; home cooking. Bell phone 4881-Red. g457 MODERN ROOMS. CLOSE TO Business. Busi-ness. Gentlemen preferred. 142 2nd East. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT 56 W 1st South. Whltlngham block. g633 I TWO HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. . TWO blocks from R. G. W. shops; water and electric lights, 436 W. 3rd So, g403 FURN. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. close In. Inq. 121 W. 4th So. g!040 NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN modem house; electric lights and heat. C14 South State. g!496 SWELL FURN. ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two 'gentlemen; mod.; close In. 443 So. 1st West. You Should Advertise.' i ; FOR RENT FURNISHED two"" f"uinished rooms for housekeeping. 134 North 5th West. g2057 WANTED TWO GENTLEMEN FOR front room, furnished, In private family. fam-ily. Call at 535 South West Temple. g2059 TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. No. 7 Vino avonuo. W. 3rd Bo. gl039 3-ROOM COTTAGE. S69 LINCOLN AVE.. between Sth and 9th So., 9th and 10th East. Bell 'phono .1233-N-K- g!139 THE PLEASANTON, HANDSOMELY -furnished rooms, modern, closo In. No. G Kondall Square Ind. phono 1039. a2037 THE RICHLIEU FURN. ROOMS, rooms for light housekeeping; rooms from $1.60 per wk. up. 3054 E. 2nd So. g!411 FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ground floor. The Manhattan, 237 West First South- g!2G0 LARGE FRONT AND BACK ROOMS; very reasonable; steam heat; with or without board. 112 North Main. Bell 'phonw 4810-Y. g!2S2 SEVEN-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE and barn. 053 So. W. Tornplc. Apply G25 So. 2nd West. f893 DESIRABLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN 224 Brlgham street. o2377 LARGE FRONT ROOM, HOT WATER heat, bath, closo In. Phono 1074-X. e2247 FURN, ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-keonlng. HOUSE-keonlng. at tho Taylor houso, 147 E. 2nd So. f91G A SUITE OF .RMS.. STRICTLY MOD-ern; MOD-ern; nlco location: gentleman preferred. pre-ferred. 402 E. 2nd So. Bell fono S2W2-NY. S2W2-NY. f2520 3 FURNISHED MODERN OFFICE rooms; private consultation room, both phones: Joint use of stenographer; suite 1-2-3 65 So. Main. f!34i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; WATER IN houso. 375 So. 1st West. Children al-lowod. al-lowod. gSG6 NICELY FURN. MODERN ROOMS, closo In. No. 562 Main st. Tel. 1202-K. g!0V7 HALF OF FURNISHED HOUSE. MAN and wlfo preferred. 68 So. 3d East. ol220 FOR RENT FTTRNISHED TWO-ROMMODTFljRNLXrS NEAR O. 8. L. depot. ,BelI 3378-Y. f2250 THREE-ROOM MODERN FLAT, NICE-ly NICE-ly furnished. 634 So. Main. f 2394 TUXEDO. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en Bultc; hot and cold water in every room, everything now. 44 So, State. g213 FrVE-ROOM MOD. HOUSE; ALSO 3 rma,. mod. 523 E. Sth So. f 1442 FOUR MODERN HOUSEKEEPING rooms, near High school. Phone 3378-Y. FURNISHED ROOMS. 930 WEST 1ST , South. SUITE OF TWO LIVING ROOMS, MOD-orn; MOD-orn; 2nd South and 3rd East. 306 So. State. Ind, 'phono 2255. f2809 8-ROOM FURNISHED. 243 E. FIR8T South. fl280 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AND bath, 415 So. West Temple. Phone 3277 Ind. g74 NICELY FURN- ROOMS; STEA'M heat. 234 So. Main. gl649 SEVEN RMS. FURN. FURNITURE FOR sale.. Enquire 14 W. 4th South. o836 THREE ROOMS, FURNISHED. 506 S. 4th East. g!490 MONEY TO LOAN F. Of WOOD, FOR LOWEST RATI"! OF interest on furniture, pianos, ho."es. vehicles, etc. 1 want all the good loans I can get for the next 30 days. No removals; remov-als; private terms to Bult. 149 Main at. R. 3 no f261 DON'T BORROW MONEY ON YOUR salary until you see mo; ono month free. F. A. Nowton, 421 Herald building; build-ing; e2087 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon thefr own names, without security; cheapest ratos, easiest easi-est payments; offices In GO principal cities; cit-ies; save yourself money by getting our terms first. Tolman, 338 Atlas Bldg. v878 SMALL LOANS A SPECIALTY. ON furniture, etc.; cheap, quick. Room 508 Auerbach Bldg. Bell 1393-Y. g!917 $1000 TO $5000. ONE TO FIVE YEARS, farm or city property. James K. Shaw & Co.. over 153 So. Main st. rlOGS ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARM 8. MIL-ler MIL-ler Sz Vlele. 303 McOornlck Bldg. ON ANY PROPERTY, YOU RETAIN possession. The Stringer Co,, 70 W. ' 2d South. ON SALARY; EASY PAYMENTS. LOW rates; confidential. Cherry, 407 D. F. Walkor bldg. d347 CHEAPEST PRIVATE MONEY. ON furniture, pianos, vehicles, horses, or any chattel security: lowest rates, easiest eas-iest terms; long or short time; very private. pri-vate. See ub befora borrowing. Room 112, over Kclth-O'Brlen store. oGPl CHEAPEST RATES ON FURNITURE. pianos, etc.. without removal. Room 3, over Utah National Bank. h3181 MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO-ple PEO-ple without socurlty, any length of time. Discount allowed If paid before due. Confidential. Con-fidential. Lowest rates. Save yourself money. Deal direct with the owner. Chattel loans at 3 per cent. Lawrence, 403-4 D. F. Walker bldg. f!202 XXII. She loven me true, the love ine not, The auction often haranei, How can I tell my etory Trell If donbt my tonarne erubarraascsT But I'll find out Jnst how to choose; The knowledge mnJxea me e: I till and ' ' ( haoynnt. ' ' The dully want nda I'll peruse And so and visit some Clairvoyant. MONEY TO LOAN QuickToTnITre as cheap morav; we furnish both. Tho Homo Trust & Savings Co.. 6-10 West 1st South a663 ASK YOUR FRIENDS WHERE TO borrow money on real estate. Wo vlll treat you as we have treated thorn. Fourteen years' experience with only ono foreclosure. Is our record. Russel L. Tracy, 11 E. 1st South. w313 CALL AT 210 ATLAS BLOCK AND borrow money privately on your furniture, fur-niture, piano or other security, without removal. Both phones 2848. c2741 $1000 AT 6 PER CENT; $2000 AT 0 pur cent. Homer & Robortson. Main and 1st South (Desoret Bank Building). U40fl IF YOU NEED MONEY, SEE THE Equitable Loan & Inv. Co., 631 W. 2nd So. Wo loan on any good security, lowest low-est ratos. caolost terms, any amount, long or short tlmo, and keep your busl-ncss busl-ncss piivato. ON MORTGAGE. NO COMMISSION. Lowest rates. Pomeroy, 36 West 1st North. u881 JDYPEWRITERS ALLMAICES IfENTEDi Tu3PIREC exchanged, sold. Utah Typewriter Ex-ohango Ex-ohango Co.. G2 W. 2d South. al663 PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER ACCLIsTPdNT er and kal3omlncr, 261 Baltlmoro ave. Ind. phona 1030-4 rings. vr447 AUTION SALES FURNITURE OF T -TCCmrTTA ply 214 W 2nd So. g2Q29 FIGURE WITH US BEFORE BUYING your household goods elsewhere. Moat comploto stock of second-hand goods In tho city. 500 heaters, cook stoves and ranges at bottom prices. Western Furniture Furn-iture Co.. 212 Stato nt. Stovo rupulrs for any old Btovw. ilU34 AjTTJNEYS J. E. DARMER, LAWYER. OFFICES. 72 and 73 Commercial Blk. Phones 049-Z and 1217. w273 W. L. DUNN, LAWYER, 212 MAIN ST. fc-401 $170015 FINELY FURNISHED, MOD-om MOD-om ioomi, rent $70, Including heat; central: terms. $5000 24 threo-room apartments, steam heat, modem, completely and elegantly ele-gantly furnished; each apartment haa bath; central location; all light and sunny rooms; low rent, 5-yoar lease; cleam $300 month; "exclusively "exclusive-ly with mo. $225038 rooms, furnished nlcoly; located near Main street; rent $120; lease; half cash; balance easy torms; snap. $250 Cash down; balance of $760 easy mo. payments, buys 12 well-funi-lshcd rooms; steam heat, modern. A fine llttlo money-maker. 5330024 of the best furnished apartments apart-ments In tho. city; absolutely new building and furnishings, strictly modern; running water In each room; 6 prlvato baths; rent $175 Including steam and hot water; best location In. city; clears $250. $6000 48-room European hotel, steam . heat, well furnished; never a vacant va-cant room: rent $175; 3J years' lease; most central location In city; cloars $300 and up. Tho extremely low rent and running expenses of thlB house guarantee It to be the best money-maker in Salt Lake. Owing to protracted Illness In owner's family, muBt sell. $5000 58 rooms, elegantly furnished; swellest location In city; Insures npartmcnts always full: low Tent; long lease;- clears $300 month; modern; 12 bathB; steam heat. Don't fall to see this; it's" a mint.. Several small places, ranging In price from $400 up. Soo Free List. A. RICHTER. Real "Estate, Business Opportunity Department. A. L. Brattaln. Manager. 19 West 1st South. g2044 LADY'S WHEEL. CUSHION FRAME, $20; gont's wheel. Plorca cushion frame, spring forks, ?30; both good except tires: will trade for poultry. Address T 59, Tr bunc. " g.O.IO RANGE, HEATER, RUGS. PARLOR, kitchen and dining-room, bedroom fur-nlturc. fur-nlturc. 'Phono 3709-NK. g2033 FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS, ONE Remington and one Smith Premier: cheap for cash. W. B. Connor, 78 West 2nd South street. g2036 PIANO SALE. "Anderson" pianos. $440. . Hardman upright, $100. Knahe upright. S235. Stelnway concert grand, $275. Organ. $125; now, $50. Player pianos, very choa." Good square piano, $140. The beautiful Bailey, used, $260. N. Y. & WESTERN PIANO CO., 52 Market St., near new P. O. g2042 ROOMING-HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED. fine business; 29 rooms, full. Partlcu-lars Partlcu-lars address T SO, Tribune FOUR MALE TICKETS TO DENVER. vla-D. Ss R. G. ; cheap; limit 30. Address T 57, Tribune. g2058 YOUNG COUPLE WHO ARE LEAVING the city will sell their furniture, cheap. Address W 47,. Tribune. g2053 THOROUGHBRED FOX TERRIER pup, to good home. $5. 443 E. 1st' So. g!964 LADY'S DLAMOND RING. I CARAT; perfect stone; cheap. Ind 337; Bell 4920 Red. g!965 CHOICE FAMILY JERSEY COW, fresh. Inquire 1342 So. 2nd West. g!078 30 TONS DAMAGED CORN. CHEAP. Apply Sam Williamson, 217 Jennings block. g!979 DINNER. 25C. THE HOME RESTAU-rant, RESTAU-rant, 18 West 3rd South. g!128 FURNITURE OF THREE-ROOM FLAT for sale; cheap. Call at once. No. 2 Cooper'B court. g!925 TICKET TO DENVER. MALE, ME Dlum; Dl-um; good until Jan. 30. Call for Mattl-son, Mattl-son, Studebaker Bros., 157 State. g!921 LONG LEASE ON BEST CORNER store on Main strcot. See Wllson-Sherman Wllson-Sherman Co., 52. W 2d S. Tel. 492. f230 FOR SALE ONE SIX-DRILL RAND, compressor; also boiler, in first-class condition, a bargain. Inquire A J. Orem & Co., 306 Auerbach' building. gl763 RESTAURANT FOR SALE, CHEAP; good lease. Inquire J. L. Karr, 204 SouthState. g!909 125-FOOT LIGHTNING-ROD AT SMOKE stack of the street car bam. g!900 DRESSERS. RANGES, CARPETS, IRON beds, washstands, sewing machines, ebony case upright piano, very cheap: taken under mortgage, Enquire 112, over Keith-O'Brien's store., . . FRESH JERSEY COW, FINE MILKER." at New Southern hotel. f!780 WEATHER STRIPS, BEST AND MOST durable made, Rivers, 140 Moln. o!887 TWO BRINDLE BULL BITCH PUPS; fine stock; well marked; cheap. Ind. 'phone 1948. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. IN NEW and silently used, of all makes. Autos bought, sold on commission, exchanged, repaired or painted. A. Beverldge, rear 253 Main st. eG19 PART OR ALL OF 23 SHARES CON-tlnental CON-tlnental Life Insurance and Investment company stock, $70 per share; par value $100 per sharo, in connection with 260 shares Western Securities company stock, $7 per share; par value $10 per share. Address F. B., P. O. box 823, Salt Lake City. Utah. g!363 FRESH MILCH COW. 1170 S. 4TH East g!065 RESTAURANT FOR SALE. CHEAP: good location; doing good business. Ad-drcss Ad-drcss W 58. Tribune. g!127 TWO NEARLY NEW POOL TABLES. W. L. Wothorbe. 230 W. 2nd South. FOR SALE ONE 25-ROOM AND ONE 10-room rooming house, both doing a good business. Address W 25. Tribune office. g4Sl ORE BAGS FOR SALE. Inq. F. R. Ta-vls, Ta-vls, 12 East 2nd So. Phone Bell 3699. g!397 ONE 20-H-P, --PHASE, GO-CYCLE IN-ductlon IN-ductlon motor; also ono 10-K.-P. and one 5-II-P.; all General Electric; first class condition. Tribuno Publishing Co. gl409 GOOD DELIVERY HORSE, 1050 LBS.". $40. 933 Washington st., 0th So. bot. 1st and 2nd W. g!491 IF IT'S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. sco J. K. Nowcomb; movod to r. 414 Tribuno bldg. Ind.. 126; Bell, 1G34-Y. y!360 CHEAP! ONE CHAIR BARBER SHOP the only shop In a growing town of 500, other buslnes reason for sellng. Address Ad-dress g379 THE ONLY HOTEL IN THE BEST town In the Minidoka Government project, pro-ject, everything new and I must sell at once on account of poor health. Address. Montana Hotol. Burloy Idaho. g380 ALL KINDS OF HORSES. WAGONS and harness for sale at Star barn, 126 E. 4th So. g489 CYPHER'S INCUBATOR AND BROOD-cr. BROOD-cr. Phono Forost 60-Z. gl793 TICKET TO CHICAGO. AT ONCE. AD-dress AD-dress T 37, Tribune- gl704 A 3-ROOM FRAME HOUSE. TO BE moved. Enqulro at 720 So. W. T- g!790 COFFEE URN, STEWART RANGE. linoleum. Eng 173 So. Stato. g!63C GENTLEMAN'S FIRST-CLASS TICKET to Kansas City, $12.00 If sold at once. Address T-20 Trihuno tfiI3 OASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. OSCAR Gronhell, sales agent, 221 Main street. Expert cash resistor ropulring. Secondhand Second-hand registers always In stock. nlSSO WALL PAPER GLEANED NATIONAL ' HOUSE-CLEANING COM-pany. COM-pany. 58 E. 1st South. Phonos D7S-4250. D7S-4250. b!9G5 UTAH SANITARY HOUSE-CLEANING Co.. phonos 55 fi. dSlY MACHINERY pulTeyTIThG glnus, boilers, tables, hoists, compressors, compres-sors, motors, and pipes. J. M. Sworn, 33G S. 3d WoBt. bl73 FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. ' fl A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. On State st. havo a piece of property H well improved and brining $130 pet nH month rent. Vacant ground In the samt HH vicinity sold recently for -$250 per foot, The improvements on this property cost 1 at I oast $15,000. Can sell It for $18.0001 Hi lot 60x165 feet. Hl On 4th South, close In. a comer 10x16 rods, every avnilable space improved, HH bringing 7 per cent on $20,000. ' One-hall HHI cash. IDi The best plec of business property on HI State; the only large pleco available on WSMM the street, and very close In, for $100 per lB9 foot less than any piece offered for sale HRl in tho block. HM3I On East 1st South, a well Improved gMK piece of property, '53x1731; can sell for Bi Tho corner 2nd South and 2nd West, BkB facing south and cast, 65x112 feof, fof HKM $19,500. It's one of the choicest corners Wnj on the street. WM An elegant corner on Went ?rd South, MSi want an offer: tho lot 165-feet frontage. nDR On West. 1st South, 23x112 foot, c'.oso Pftl in; can sell for $7600. Mfl9 Some good Main and State street prop- erty at reasonable prices. Mia Apartment House Sites. : Hfl No. 543 5th East 3rd South, 5x20 rods BM with 13-loot alley;- ?S000. JK On- 6th South near Main, 66xi65 feet. EJ for $6000. Ml 48xl73i feet on 3rd East near 3rd South. M -room houso, renting for $20 per month (Ml $ioVo'o rots n renam !treet' c'OBa 1. 9j Some Home Propositions. Snl No agency In the city has a greater Wfi variety of modem homes for sale than I v 1 have on my Hat. Have them in. all parts m m of the city, ranging from $1500 up. ft) I I am offering for the next ton days the fl j following exceptionally big bargains: 'm On North Temple, near West Temple, ifS 26x100 feet, with 5-room adobe house. electric lights and water, for $2500, $1000 ! , cash, bal. $20 per month and 5 per cent IH On 3rd South near Sth West, .beautiful ?Bi 5-room modern brick cottage, for $2350. $JR 47x165 feet, with 5-room brick, electric Sn lights and water in the house, located on Iflrf 2nd South near lltli East, for $2700, $500 MS cash, bal. monthly payments. JHJ On 4th street near F, a neat 5-room WBt brick cottage, lot 2x7 rods, for $2600; MB terms can be arranged. iVJ! On H st, east front, a 6-room lifiS brick cottage, water and e. 1.; lot 21x10 tmS1 rods. $2500, half cash.. Brand new modem, on H street near iH 1st. Srroom modern complete, $6500; this 'BH Includes fence, sldewalkB, sewer and jAni On 2nd near G, beautiful 6-room modem wSm 2-story brick, lot 2Jx7! rods, at $5500. Mm On 3rd street near P. 6-room modem jjBw. 2-story white pressed brick, every modem jHJB convenience. No better house for sala jfH In the city, at $5250, $1500 cash, bal. can MM be arranged. IHfl On Douglas ave. near 2nd South bet, 9B 12th and 13th East, handsome 8 -room fHR modern 2-story brick; every convenience; jUtE On Brlgham st., a 10-room modem rest- BS dence, south front, paving and all assess- WmWi ments paid for; the lot 3x8 rods; owner MSI asks $13;000. I want an offer. - Im? A beautiful home on tho same street, t MBW 5x10 rods, all improvements paid for; 9- l Wnl room modern residence, bam, and can -sell ; mm for $16,000. II Have a great many more of this class iMfffi of property to pick from, and would be Ohm pleased to havo any bona flde buyer call Qflfl on mo. Always ready to show them. wmW A. Rlchter, Renl Estate, jH9 19 West 1st South- Phones 641. gl060 Sl PROPERTY AT THE LOWEST MAR- WHi ket price listed and sold at Ranck Real ' uH Estate Inv. Co., suite 232 D. F. Walker M READ ESTATE FOR SALE OR EX- ffl block"50 Cutrls'nt roora 12, -jjfg Hl LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE ffli with Salt Lake Real Estate & Title Co., 50 Main St., Phones 704. a!20 H ARE YOU HUNTING FOR BARGAINS 7 I H 8-r. m. p. b. on Brlgham. 58000. W B 5- r. m. p. b. on 1st St.. $5000. W 6- r. m. b.. 7th So. near State. $2850. M m G-r. m. p. b.p Sth So. St., 53G50. f 5-r. m. p. b.. Sth So., near State. $2500. K H 5-r. m. frame, Kimball ave.. $750. 4- rm. frame, 10th East; good terms. 5- r. m. frame, close In. 1st Ft., $2850. M 5-r. m. p. b , on 5th West, near N T., K $2600. This Is a bargain and easy terms. 5-r. m. p. b., on 7th West, near N. T., -4 4-r. f. cottages, Bingham Junction; "fig rent for $60 per month, $4000, a net profit MM of 14 per cent See them. MS 5 acres, 14th South, 11th East, a snap, W Now Is the time to buy a farm. IfnB Wo have some daisies. Kfil Mahan Inv. Co.. 27 Eagle Block. ItSI 4-R. B, 3X9 RDS.; EAST FRONT, NICE IffS shade and fruit; 8th AV. and 7th So.; i fKli $1800. Mahan Inv. Co.. 27 Easle Blk. 1 In JAMES M. CAMPBELL I WH Business Property, Real Estate. Loans. I UK 315-316 Atlas Block. I IS 47x115 ft, 4th So., bet. Main and State. 1 Mm Good Investment; Interest bearing. I mm 60x165 ft.. State, bet, 2nd and 3rd So.. I fw right of way to 2nd South, $15,000. I 425x165 ft. bot. University club an I mm Keith apartments; swell location; vacantl 9fl 821x165 ft., 2nd So. bot. 3rd and 4th 8 mm West, near new depot site; $21,000. In mm 4Uxl65 ft., So. Temple, bet. 1st and m AM 2nd Wost; good Improvements; $11,500. M Km 43x165 ft., ' 3rd So., bet. 1st and 2n( H H West; Improvod; $1S0 per foot. n am 42jx75 ft.. 1st West. bt. 1st and 2nd flf 89 So.: rents for $25.00 per mo; $125 foot. SBf 27Jxl 27 Commercial St.; splendid In- HH vestment; $10,500. ifffi 3x10 rods on 2nd St.. bet. B and C Sts. : H Mj "1x10 on 2nd St. bet. canyon road and 9 tS9 A street; vacant; $3500. II HH 10 acres on 2nd West near 12th So.; II MB money In lots. $2750. MlBa 9 acres on county road, over White m 1 0 bridge; will mako a good plat for lots; m U '"2Jx5 rodson 1st St., bet. D and E; W 1 if '"s.JxM fU"5th West, bet. 6lh and 7th ffl K So.; good trackage; $3500. mm ME 58x264 ft- 2nd So., bot. 1st and 2nd Kf K Wost; $17,500; Improved. g!9S4 Bnall JAMES M. CAMPBELL, BUSINESS . OBM property, real estate, loans. 315-316 HJ WE HAVE A FEW SPECIAL BAR- KB gains In rosldoneo property this week. BmkIiV Mnhnn Inv. Co.. 27 Eagle block g!353 Hi f VACANT AND IMPROVED PROPERTY. D B all parts of city.. Mecks & Lynch, SIS fgfi Atlas block. ulil START A HOME Hii by billing some of thoso lots In Evan tKMBfll Addition to Poplar Grove. tEffiM Tcrnt3 easy us thoy can be made; low KKvi uR 'They grow -'.vhllo you sleep. Bjk Sightly, on car lino. elcc. lights, city m U J water, quick service on cars. ... lm! Buy NOW before tho "BOOM" begins; HJ thoso lots will cost more then. HSf Buv ground which you can handle with- H Si S out Keeping you awako nights. Going M. a. m '"m'CONAUGHT, Room No. 503. Auer- B Si M bach Bldg. Phone No 2S49 Bell. Biff OUR MOTTO: QUICK SALES IN REAL HE eatnto, W L. Wl minor, successor to Hit' R Anderson R. B. Co., 300-301 New Horald , BBSl'S building.- Fono- 47 -144 1 Kf"! 'If |