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Show DUCK CREEK COMES 10 FRONT RAPIDLY Lead King Company Assists fo Bring Resources Before the Public. Not far removed from the great red metal district of Elv in White. Pino county is a lend district, just beginning lo attract tho attention of the public, which its developments so richly deserve. de-serve. This district is known aB Duck Crook, nnd when looking over tho list of active organizations now bringing the ores of tho heavy metal to tho light it is seen that Salt Lnkc talent and 11 ah capital prodominate And that this activity on the part of Salt Lake people is not without its rewards is apparent ap-parent from the kind of results being be-ing obtained by the Lend King, com pany, oporating a group not over a mile distant from the now smelter site at McGillis ranch. , , A portion of the Lead King ground in the early days was worked for its extremely nigh-grade values, and from a vory shallow holo the early operator took "several shipments of ore that averaged above SO per cent lead. Ho left, howevor, a large amount of rock that could have been used by him even under the difficult circumstances then prevailing, but the present owners aro to reap the rewards. Duck Creek properties arc extremely attractive attrac-tive propositions, for tho reason that their surface disclosures are ideal, and tho Load King is ono of a half scoro or more of properties that has gone down in oro from sunshine. Tho compan' owns cloven claims and a fraction, upon ono claim of which an incline shaft has been driven for a depth of about, eighty feet. From n. point thirty-flvo foot from the surface a drift wns run upon tho vein, nnd hero huge boulders of galena were encountered, en-countered, most of which average well beyond 80 per cent lead. The inclino is being continued all in oro to eighty foot depth, and a drift run both north and south from that point. Both have produced a great deal of shipping oro through development only, and it is stntod that tho company has the first car almost ready for shipment. ship-ment. Tho character of this oro is extremely ex-tremely fine, nnd the. majority of the specimens displayed in this city aro strictly cabinet ores. Adjoining tho Lead King group is that known nB tho Frederick propertj", upon which aro being disclosed . some fino copper and zinc ores, in addition to those containing lead. Tho Lead King officials have no hesitancy in claiming tho extension of this vein, as tho kind of resourcos found upon their North Star claim is identical with those of the Frederick. Tho surface showings of the property, therefore, are cxtreme-j' cxtreme-j' gratifying, and the company is losing los-ing no "time in reaching depths as diligently as tho present inadequate facilities for operations permit. With tho abatement of tho winter weather now prevailing nt Duck Creek, tho Lead King company will equip the property in a manner befitting its deserts, de-serts, and the officials entertain no doubt, whatever, of their opening one of tho big lead mines in the State. Duck Creek, as a district, is continually con-tinually on the grow, tho district boing located and demonstrated by surfaco workings to continue in all its surface sur-face richness for a distance of over two and a half miles. Tho coming summer sum-mer is confidently expected to close upon Duck Creek as one of tho established estab-lished great lead producing districts of the Western country. |