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Show II i SIXTEEN STATES i ARE REPRESENTED ! i ' ! Transmississippi Dry Farming j Congress at Denver Has Rig Attendance. UTAH HAS SENT LARGE NUMBER OF DELEGATES John W. Springer of Denver, in Address, Points Out Growth of the West. DENVER. .Km. 21. Sixteen States west of the Missouri River are represented In the Trans-MlsslssippI Dry Farming oon-srresF, oon-srresF, which convened hero today. Colorado. Colo-rado. Kansas and Utah sent the larpest delegations. Several hundred persons were assembled In the convention hall of the Albany hotel when' Jepse F. McDonald, McDon-ald, former Governor of Colorado, by whom the call for tho Con eFF was Issued, Is-sued, rapped for order. The purpose of the Congress, as stated In the call, Is, first, to form a permanent, edticotlonal, interstate organisation somewhat on the line of the National Irrigation Congress, and. second, to afford a full and free discussion dis-cussion of the principles of scientific soil I culture and or t lie development or tne West, The programme of the morning cession was ap follows: Address of welcome for Colorado, Governor Gov-ernor Buchtel. Addrees of welcome for Denver, A. J. Spe.ngel. Address, "The Alms and Objects of the Congrese." John "W. Springer of Denver. Address, "Dry Land Agriculture In tho" Great Plains Area," by B. C Chllcott. United States Expert In charge of Dry and Agriculture. AddreeF. "Problems to be solved." by W. M. Jardlne,. Agronomist Utah Experiment Experi-ment Station. Great Growth of West, i "No man can predict what the value of i the lands between Denver and KanBas Clty will be within the next generation," .Mr, Springer Fald In the course of his address. "There are hundreds of acres of land near Denver on which I have seen twenty bushels of wheat per acre for years. A few years aco th. financiers of the East laughed at us, but now thfy are crying for more, mortgages on lands than we want to give them." Secretary Arthur Williams read a number num-ber of letters from prominent persons who were unablp to attend the meeting. Among those sending their regrets was James Wilson, Secretary of the Department Depart-ment of Agriculture. i J. L. Donahue of Denver introduced a resolution providing for the appointment of a committee on permanent organization, organiza-tion, to be composed of one delegate from" each State, to act with the local executive committee. C. W. Roedlng of the Bureau of Irrigation Irriga-tion and Drainage Investigations, T'nlted States Department of Agriculture, delivered deliv-ered an address this afternoon on "relation "rela-tion of Irrigation to Semi-arid Farming." The program also included addresses bv Professor V. L,. Cnrlyle. Arthur Brlggs, J. I... Donahue, John Field, Hon. J, M. Carey. Professor L. G. Carpenter, Professor Profes-sor W. H. Olin, Robert Gauss and Mark A. Carleton. |