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Show Samuel D. Wallace Falls From Schoolhouse and Neck Is Broken. BODY FOUND BY FELLOW-WORKMEN Unfortunate Man Leaves Wife and Six Children to Mourn Accident. Just a misstep, a slight miscalculation, an error of tho eye and tho brain and this morning six chlldron are fatherless and a widow is prostrated with grief. Wednesday Wed-nesday morning Samuel D. Wallace, a carpenter of Granger, halo and hearty, I1 years of nse, left for his dally work on Iho new GrnnKor schoolhouse. Ho hail secured the Job some days before and the work had to bo dono on n scaffold at the very top of the building. No ono saw the nccldcnt, no one will over know Just how It happened, but at noon tho workmen saw a mangled body on tho ground at the foot of the scaffolding. scaffold-ing. The Injurod man wnr. writhing In agony, but In a few mlnutca his sufferings were ended. Wallaeo had fallen headforemost head-foremost from the high scaffold, striking his hoad on the frozen ground and breaking his nock. It Is thought by some that the scaffolding' was defective, but this has not been substantiated. The mutlllated'body was taken to Wallace's Wal-lace's home and his relatives out of town were nt once notitlcd. Wallace wasi born In Salt Lake City and has thirteen brothers and sisters who rwldo at various va-rious points throughout the Stale. Tho dead man was a highly respected citizen of Granger. He was considered a careful care-ful workman a fact which makes tho accident all tho more mysterious. Tho tragedy has caused sorrow where he was known and all extond their sympathy to the bereaved wife and hor children. |