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Show IZENOLI PAYMENT. Company Now Absolute Owner of Property Near Palisade. General Manager William Want land of the Zenoli company, who returned yesterday from the property near Pali sade, IsTev., stated upon his nrrival that the officials had just made the last payment pay-ment to the former owners for the property, and the same now belongs to the organization absolutely. Just what this payment amounted to was not stated, but it is supposed to be a sub stantial one. Mr. Wantlnnd states that there have been several interesting developments upon the property of late, nne of the most striking being the And nf two feet of ore in one of the old workings that had not been explored thoroughly up to the present time bv tbo new owners. This new resource has been driven into for eighteen feet, the face still being in an equal amount of ore, and the general average for the two feet Is given as 272 ounces silver and 1.0 per cent copper a ton. In the lower tunnel a drift that had been filled with waste by the original operators of the mine has been cleaned out by the present pres-ent management, with the result that six feet of medium grade rock has been disclosed. Mr. Wantland states that this ore will run about fortv ounces silver to the ton. All the chutes being in readiness, the management will begin to ship their resources the 1st of February, and the officials havn no doubt but what these shipments will be maintained steadilv during the present season. The ?enoli stockholders largely are Salt Lake peo , pic. and they have the utmost faith hi their proposition. |