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Show tOLD SCANDAIj DUG UP. Iwaukoo Journal Prints Interview With Alger Secured in 1900. M,lLW;UTKEE- Jn- 24 The Mil-rtWraukee Mil-rtWraukee Journal today prints an inter- f?ev -TJi G0! Algnr, obtained in ijWPetroit March ), lflOO. giving inside jacts regarding his resignation from ' V'f- i Vn -' s calllnet. General Alger e.-?Iffic e.-?Iffic 1 1 3 lrn"se that, the interview ifam DOt be published until after his VI General Alger said that owing to ll ?v't-re criticism against him during t he ?ganiFh-Auipncan war ho three times etjj, ittercd to resign from the cabinet, but p.. v?t each time President McKinley j, aid ho would- quit the Presidency be-5re be-5re he would allow it. Genera'l Al-1b;-! Le.r u3a-xl? ixy,d H, SC(l,,el showed how & i t VIeVIcy s words wero worth, in t) ;P?J' later his resignation v.-ns ac- i S?Pd because the Prenident was 'pui-rmSatrassed" 'pui-rmSatrassed" and annoyed because of Al-MR-'S. alleged allianco with Gov. Piu-,lf,E Piu-,lf,E ',n 'K Plfln o elect Alger to the Sfsft111 , St'"Jtes Senate over McMillan JKcr,tnc 1,ltor hnf' promised to give 2H25ay to General Alger after his term Jttrt3, l,I Gcnpral Alger said that Mc- ii JsK ' "'i0.'1 how J I'f d finally learned, MEXr W1 Vlce-President Hobart, that iTifj i1"'05" clai1011 he had cmbarrns. 'iMfrim an(1 llow be went to the Presi-'5dlFnt; Presi-'5dlFnt; nm afcketl if be had really cm-!riSfcr cm-!riSfcr 3 him' icJ WlUing to BesiBii. Mb"5'" hfi S!l5,1 ".Von have cmbar-iofftft????1"! cmbar-iofftft????1"! aP(1 J a' annoyed." "i11 bun thai I. could roadilv rc-m rc-m r c '!,s enibavraHgmeiit by resigning $m to cabinet." . .SdigS- 41 ,Jave not asked' you to resign," he said, "1 shall never ask you to resign. re-sign. ' ' "BuL I wrote out mv resignation and sent it. to the President. J had decided, de-cided, in order to preent a fight among tho Republicans of Michigan, to withdraw with-draw as a candidate for the United States Senate. But I did not tell the President this. The . option he meant to give me, you see, was to abandon the light against McMillan in order to save my place in tho cabinet. A few days a'ftcr- this J received from the President his written acceptance of my resignation. Then went to the President, Presi-dent, and told him that when I accepted a place in his cabinet I had not surrendered sur-rendered my citizenship." General Alger said he. told tho President, Presi-dent, some things about; McMillan which, ho alleged, wero not favorablo lo McKinley. Asked for an estimate of .MoKin-ley's .MoKin-ley's character, General Alger roplicd: "" I cannot, give that, lo you. Ho Iuih many lovable qualities, but he lacks backbone and nothing can make up for the lack of backbone." |