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Show PREPARE FOR THE SEASON'S VISITORS. This promises to bo the banner year' in Salt Lake City's history for tourists. More are expected here during the next six montlus than have come during any twelve months since the discovery of Utah's Capital site. Latd year more tourists visited Salt Xak City than during any previous year. Railroad officials reported that mora than 32,000 through passengers stopped here to witness the grandeur of the motmtaln sconerj bathe in tho famous fa-mous Salt Lako, drink in tho modern atmosphere of architecture, our greenswards green-swards and flowers. With the World'P Fair at St. Louis, the National political conventions at Chicago and St. Louis, and the National, Stale and county campaigns prevailing throughout the country, it is natural to calculate upon a vast amount of traveling travel-ing moro than that ever before experienced. experi-enced. Our hotels will be taxed lo their full capacity during most of the season which is just opening. The homes of our hospllablo residents will oft-times be filled to overflowing with welcome guests. Salt Lake City should don her best dress Immediately. The City Council should take the lead in having our streets and alleys made and kept as clean as possible. The parks and public square? should bs put and kept' in prime order. The yards and properties of privaro residences and' the surroundings of our business houses should bo made as clean and attractive as lies within our power. Nature has endowed Salt Lake Cily wlth magnificent natural pecnery. The snow-covered mountains, the beautiful lakes and rivers, the magnificent Salt Lake Valley, wiyi verdure and vegetation vege-tation and fruit and flowers, all present to the nakod-eyo view pictures perfect and entrancing. , We should all add as much as possible to this beauty by looking look-ing into every superficial detail of our city. Make Salt Lako City, immediately, as clean and pretty as a bright new pin. |