Show l J j Wf M 5 r < J I j r 1 n f r 1Tt h b 1 I > I < k 1 I sr tare tr f e IL Z447Ii x r i The Short Line and Rio Grando teams will meet today for the first time in almost a month Th Short Lines who have never defeated the Rio Grandes have made a big effort to get their team In the best possible shaDe Kid Shepherd Shep-herd who will arrive this morning will be put In the box against the Rio Grande The Kid made a big hit hereupon here-upon his first appearance RIsley will pitch for the Rio Grandes The game Is called for 330 at the Walker field I a Tho Wilkes Hustlers will go to Lagoon today to play a match game against the Kaysvllle Farmers The latter team comprises old country professional players and It would not be a surprise to see them take a fall out of the amateur ama-teur team The game will begin at 330 1Y The Bankers and the Drapers will meet In a nineround go on the Lehl i f diamond for a purse of 100 on the afternoon I af-ternoon of tho 24th of July This Is the I llrst gcyne played between the two teams Little Is known of the Draper team but report has It that It Is made up of good players The winning team 1 will take 75 of the purse and the remaining re-maining 25 will go to the losers n co Tho old Red Stockings and the Volun teer Artillery nines will play a match game of baseball at Walkers field on Monday July 30th The Red Stockings I will be composed of Barlow Barker I Morris Dunber George McLean Parry Ashton and Watson whllo Condie Burt I and Grant will net as subtltutes The volunteer nine will be Margetts Grit fiths Klenke Naylor Robers Walquist L I 1 Nicholson Blake Crltchlow and tho substitutes Wedgwood Grow Nystrom and MaJ F A Grant The committee on arrangements for the citizens Is Mayor Thompson P II Lan n1 D Councilman Coun-cilman Buckle Councilman Robertson A W McCune A H Tarbet John Q Cannon Councilman Fernstrom and Bandmaster Aldrach For the Volunteers Volun-teers the committee will be Maj Grant Capt Critchlow and Lieut Naylor For the Red Stockings R P Morris D C Dunbar Gilbert A McLean and Joe Barlow It is I believed that an interesting interest-ing game will be had and there are quite fi number who have already done all In their power to make It a success In every way The prdcceds will go to tho fund for the monument to be erected In honor of the boys who died I while In the service oE their country during the war with Spain 1 |