Show NOTES ABOUT WOMEN LI Iruag Changs wife Iho Marchioness LI Is reckoned n great beauty In China and Is also ono of the cleverest women In tlC leNcst that t country Though close toor perhaps over 60 years old sho does not look t day over 3 Her wardrobe Is something tremendous tre-mendous Including b twean 3000 and 4 1W garments of which 500 are of the finest fur I S S Mrs Mary Church TenIll of Wnshlnjr ton DC Is Ito first colored woman to bo mar triiRtoo of the nubile schools of II that city Mrs Tcrrlll Is 1 n trrnduato o Oberlln and IB the first colored woman In the United States to serve In the faculty 1 of C college 0 Oberllns standing Mrs1 Tcrrlll occupies to tho educated Intelligent Intelli-gent colored women o this country lie relation In which Booker T Washington stands to tho African race Her work Is largely dcvolcd to work for the 1 colored people a5 she Is president the Bethel Literary and Historical soclelv chairman of tho education committee 01 tho Colored Womans league and lender of a class In English literature Miss Grace C Strachan has been elected associate rlntcndent of tho superintendent department depart-ment of education for Brooklvn In the Worlds fair year sho visited this city with n parlv of sixty tnachcri and here mot Prof Hooper director of tho Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences Subsequently Subse-quently he succoslcd nor appointment to the position which she now holds S 4 Seven young women students of l ho Massachusetts Stato normal school o North Arlnms have gone to work as servants ser-vants In n big hotel at Patchogue Their reasons for tho step as given to a reporter re-porter are as follows Sea nnd air Miss Wood exercise Miss Southworlli travel Miss TIaddow society Miss I Conlonj womans rlcrhts Miss Case and need of money Miss Young Tho new Legislative League of Women with Lllllo Deivemix Bloke f president and T311nhpth Cacly Slnnlon as honor president has assumed a largo task HP object as avowed Is I to secure equality of rights for women In lettnl civil and Industrial In-dustrial relations The lea lo calls attention at-tention to the net hat I In eight I States a wlfo han no rights to her own property In seven States there Iff I no law compelling to his In thir ing n man support family Ir thl tyseven States a mother has no rialut to her children In sixteen States a wife has no right to her earnIngs I oulslrl the home and tho league claims there Is discrimination discrimina-tion In ovrv State against women In the I matter of employment nnd compensation |