Show BUSINESS REVIEW SILVER Now York Glc San Franclaco London 23H d 01140 2Md LEAD New York brokers 303 COPPERNew York brolcers S1GGO CATTLE Chicago Nominally steady good to prlmo steers o003 56 < J poor to d 001 and feeders medium 4103i500 stackers fcc ers 5325frl75 cows S30031 50 heifers 53003500 cannes S2003CS5 bulls S3WifJGj calves SIo05G23 Texasfed steers SI 33500 Kansas City Unchanged Omaha Steady lOglo higher for tho tveek native beef ateors 5lSOg5tX WcHtern stcors H03 > 1GO Texas steers L 3JT115 cows and heifers SolOS ICO f canners SlGOJj3C5 stockers and feeders feed-ers S325 150 calves orO bulls j stags etc r7i > 5 > liO Denver Steady beef steers 5JKV3510 cows 30fttTl2o feeders freight paid tC river 275g425 stockers freight i paid to river 350 GO bulls stags etc 200332o HOGS Chicago GSlOc higher top S5S5 i mixed and butchers SolOJjoioO good to cholco heavy So15 535 rough heavy S5COG510 light S515 535 bulk of sales JoISQS SO Kansas City Strong to 5c higher bulk ot Sales 305Qolu heavy 5003520 packers J50St517i mixed and light J49SS515 yorkers o05515 pigs 175 < J505T Omaha 7c higher heavy o05 510 mixed 5oOJg507 light 500Jj507 pigs lCOgSOO bulk of sales 5503 510 r Denver Market slow light packers and I mixed S50Jr515 heavy S17SQM95 I SHEEP Chicago Sheep and lambs steady good to cholco wethers l003 > 4O fair to cholco mixed 3003355 I Western sheep 3003125 Texas sheep S3003400 native lambs 10C < j170 Western lambs 5003660 Omaha Nominally steady yearlings 3S03125j wethers 3J033SO stock sheep 30033 lambs 1253575 Denver Market unchanged |