Show YOUNG9S CANDIDACY One of His Letters Written I to Heber I J 1 Grant 1 REGARDED AS UNFORTUNATE I IdcCuno Reported to Have Become Willing to Forego Hebers Labors This Year Sympathy Exp essed for Young as Itesult of Supposcd Change Announcement of Kings Candidacy for RcElcctiort to the i House Suggests Pressure Chief I Dovinos Candidacy I 0 f V I I Is understood that one of he letters sent to Salt Lake by Maj Richard W Young in relation to his Senatorial aspiration was addressed to Hebcr J Grant If Maj Young Is correspondence correspond-ence with the famed letterwriter of the West Jt is all oft with Dick I will be recalled that Heber J Indulged In a little let lcrWd tng during the last Senatorial Sen-atorial campaign and It is i not thought his correspondence redounded to tho advantage I ad-vantage of the man he was boosting or thought wag boosting Let Dick beware If j he wants to get Into the running run-ning Ilcbcr JJ for Jonah is something S some-thing of a frost In a political campaign oltGnl In his correspondence relative to Mc Cunes candidacy Heber extolled the Count for blowing himself recklessly on the Herald that devoted rag the paper with a purpose and Heber thought he was doing all he could for Mac Gun it be that he has shaken the Count Hardly The more reasonable proposition is that the Count has passed Hober up and Heber ha accordingly transferred his allegiance to the Major Poor Major X is not thought the candidacy of Maj Young will seriously affect Mc Cunes chances admitting that the Count has any chances to be affected 1 Maj Young had fought shy of Heber he might have been a strong candidate but with that millstone around his neck It sa1 off I Is announced on excellent authority that the Count will be his own manager this time even to the management of the paper with a purpose which to date has never been managed One who makes Ita point to keep In touch with the matter declares that agents of the Count traveling I at their own expense and working for nothing of course have been busily engaged for many weeks In the outlying districts of the State Industriously sowing McCune seed I Is well I dont matter The f people ot Utah are not going to again I elect the crowd that fiddled away two months without doing anything so Mc Cuncs candidacy or for that matter the candidacy of any Democrat wail eth naught |