Show 7 Ill Is Perfectly Reliable We have sold many different cough remedies but nOne has given better satisfaction than Chamberlains says Mr Charles Holzhnucr Druggist Newark N J It in perfectly safe and can bo relied upon in all canes of coughs colds or hoarseness I CASTORIA kas the signature of CiiAg IL FLETCHER 1 In ifctefor more than thirty years and Tfu Kind You 15swj Always nought t S j CmhIlnt Have had chartrc of five mills and worked liu every part of process from shoveling to jlaborutdry work Testers and outline process for treating thorn For three years treated slimes successfully suc-cessfully Wish a position acter July 10th Have studied to excel References Refer-ences as to character and ability Address Ad-dress K C N Boise Ida box 3 A B 6LOfID I JiD CPLXON0 r The skin is the scat of an almost endless end-less variety of diseases They arc known by various names but are all due to the same cause acid nnd other poisons in the blood that irritate and interfere with the proper action of the skin To have a smooth soft skin free from all eruptions the blood must be kept pure and healthy The many preparations of arsenic and potash and the large number of face powders and lotions generally used in this class of diseases cover up for a short time but cannot remove permanently per-manently the ugly blotches and the red disfiguring pimples Eternal vigSlanoe is he pllice of a beautBffu cOn71plexion when such remedies arc relied on Mr II T Sliobc 370 Lucas Avenue St Louis Mo says U My daughter was afflicted for years with a disfiguring eruptiOn on her face which resisted all treatment She was taken to two celebrated health springs but received no benefit bene-fit Many medicines were prescribed but without with-out result until we decided to try S S S and by the time the Jirat bottle M as finished the cruptiou began to disappear A dozen bottles cured her completely and left her skin perfectly smooth She 13 now seventeen years old nnd notn sign of embarrassing disease ban ever returned S S S is a positive unfailing cure for the worst forms of skin troubles It is the greatest of all blood purifiers and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable Bad blood 1 makes bad complexions rtfim h1 i4 purifies and invigorates i 4 invigo-rates the old and s i h makes new rich blood L1 y that nourishes the J4 > body and keeps the skin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform its part towards carrying off the impurities from the body If you have Eczema Tetter Acne Salt RheumPsoriasis or your skin is rough and pimply send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases and write our physicians physi-cians about your case No charge whatever what-ever for this service SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA times Premiums F p 3 Fr many GIven rrcc L Gnat American at IiporDjig Tea Co I 245 MaIn St Salt Late City 340 Twentyfifth St Ogden p r n i VrescriptiO mpounded From early morning until away tfJ late at night were ready to compound rJt m com-pound your prescriptions iJ 2 From early morning until late I 2t at nlht youll always find dependable de-pendable service here l And we mean by dependable ki servico Ir That a skilled pharmacist z here at all hours to prepare your l S medicine f And that each Ingredient will 1 be of the best quality and in n 1 perfect condition Dont you think youd like to R try ua with your next prescription i lb prescrip-tion I tionAsk your physician si ifi 4 I i F0 C SCilRAMM i I I Prescription Druggist i I I k Where tho Cars Stop tJ 1 McCornick Buildlngu i u S J CASTOR For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bough I Boars the 71 Signature of X Qf 1 QfI I Private and Chronic Diseases o i Fflen CONSULT Mon rmiEeringfrorn effects i 5wn ef-fects of yortthful indiccrc tlono syphilis gonorrhoea zlcot otrictnro coruai 1 wcnkno B vnrJcocdc un o Jt nnniral disrlmrjrce lost JJ rk c vitality failing memory Lh 11 nniltncsa to marry blood id ctin kldnoy or private dle fWt oaacs oro opcodrly cured At ti DR COOK has pont w rears of jicraJBtont study c12 t and o r cricnco iu lib own r J t ipractloo and among tho iarecsb Eastern hospitals DOCTOR COOK o in SnrinfrtbisclasBof diseases dis-eases and will Kiaraatco you a permanent curo nt moderate coat lie lisa cured thnupnnds who thought their CASOJ hopoloes All letters private Write for question Wank Consultation free Medicines sent free from observation CooknediC2lCoVi = 3CurtbStQcQverCoI ci S JPci I I I Delicious eakes And Ice Cream arc made when Three Crown Triple Extracts arc used These extracts received gold medal at last State Fair and are Indorsee by the leading experts In cooking and eating Ask for them they are sold by all grocers Hewlett Eros CO r A Cure Guaranteed or Money Befunded A Positive Cure for GONORRHffiA and GLEETo i Price 2 For salo by all druggists Mfg by Antiseptic Chemical Co N Y I NoldcnJudson Western AGents ELASTIC STOCKINGS Abdominal Hclti ICncc Caps and Antlcti to order Scientific measure meat Fie guaranteed Price right f Truiaci fitted so aa to afford the nix knun comfori and benefit DRUEHL PKAKKCN I S E Cor Main and Third South Sti SALT LAKE CITY UTAH f2l ChtcbotCr EDItUeh mnmulul DMlDcJ V ID1f l I ll i OrJclnnlnnil Only Genuine n OArc tJcajj rt a lit nib ni-b > i rRt Tufirruf la Jlcd anJ GtU ns talllavijy I SjJtaxcJ K kJ with Uw rlbbco Toko 7 3ii C J4Jno other toUi den t r OtU U irtlu V I rtoaianrffnttatConl Jf nralhn cr 11 lID r l-ID Kimr4 fcr panlculut tMlIocnltli and I b Ifcllcr for LaJlc H f tfri > r rctarn L Mall lOOOOTdUmCBUU fftncfafir I Tb1 ic l i l C4 ir aU LseiJ DrasjliU llIILADLLi Blp a la a nonrouonona r6mcJy for Gonorrhoea Gleet Spermatorrhoea inl ie50ttTi > il Whites u n natural dls Octraatrcd SI char c or nny InUamma la uiiivre tlon irritation or ulcora Prctenu coonjioo tlon of ra noons rnqm a iTHEEVAN3CH UICLCo branes onatringcnt I Sold by Mu ILi Jor Rent Ill plain wrapper 4 I > 7 uxprcM prepaid for eol 5100 or 3 bottles 273 S 5 I Circular writ on request NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT The Alaska Mining company a corporation corpo-ration Principal place ot business Salt Lake City utah Location of mining property Silver City Juiib county Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors held on July 3 1900 an asesssmcnt of 2 cents per share I was levied upon the capital stock of the I corporation Issued and outstanding payable pay-able on or before Auclist 1 l oO to M R I Hunt secretary of the company at tho offlco of the company room 7W McCornlck building Salt Lako City UtahAn Utah-An stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on August 4 1C00 will be delinquent on Aupusl 1900 and advertised adver-tised for sale at public auction and unless un-less payment Is made before will bo sold on August 25 1COO at 2 p m to pay tho delinquent assessment togcthpr with cost advertising and expense ot sale Border B-order of tim board of directors M R HUNT Secretary Dated Salt Lako City July 3r 1000 w201 STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Tho annual meeting oC the stockholders of tho Chapman Canal comrany will beheld be-held In their office in Salt Lake City Utah Thursday Aupul 2ndita p m w615G F CHAPMAN Secretary ASSESSMENT NOTICE NO1 Old Susan Mining pompany a corporation corpora-tion organized under the laws oc the Etato of Utah Location of principal placo of business Salt Lake City Utah Notice Is hereby chen that at a meeting j of the board of directors hold July 1WW an assessment of threefourths Hl of a 1 cent por share was levied on the capital stock of tho company payable on or he foro tho 2nd day of August 1DOO to the I secretary room 313 D F Walker building build-ing Salt Lake City Utah Any stcok upon up-on which this assessment shall remain J unpaid on the said 2nd day of August will I i be delinquent and advertised for pajc at public auction and unless jUiymcnt Is I made before will bo sold on tho 21st day I of August 1000 to pay the delinquent I assessment together with tho cost of advertising ad-vertising nril expense of sale F A DRUKI1L Secretary I ROom 313 D F Walker Blig T1i rU M P d j9fJE TIO6I TIlE I < comtlr J sln tho countJl Scomtlr g of SRll L S l Toocle Prlmllrls bot lxmmll will IOM on t c 2Jrd of 1111 Iroo tl 8 oclockon lay r Jl 7 Y or eiCClns c1elcgnL t th lIOll Cordlslt clSG Ub nnUtChonven July bo held 900 at on 2 ociOc1 th k p n1hn day at CotIrtroorninthcejty nW ol n Cb IJ three candidates for District Judncs ttomlnito tvr 7 a strict Attorney and transact such he3 convcmlomay properly como ljcr ° rc this J1 bass of representation to said con vention shall bo ono delegate for or votes or major fraction thereof Cn91 f t lO lIon Alma EIc1rol1o forh1embcoor Congress In 1m 1ho tlelegales Crom Salt Lak Il shall bo clectctl b prcclncts as iOl First precinct Dclcsatcs Second precinct 17 Third precinct J9 o 13 Fourth precinct i Iifth precinct I il5 11 Total T Tho districts of Salt Lakoch u lit h1t side tho city of Salt Lake < o aro allotted tit following representation No 53 Farmers No Farmers No = East Mill Crack No i Mlll Creek No 5SMI11 Creek No K > Murray i W > ty I No 01 Murray f No Go Butler I No CClTnlon > No Bluffrlalc < i I No 7IIerrimanS j No RIvorlon I No 76 South Jordan j i No 77 West Jordan f I No 7S West Jordan 1 I No BIncham I I No Blngham I No Blnchara I i I No Brighton I No S7 Susar 1 No SS Sugar I Ono delegate each r S No 57 Mill Creek i I I No Murray i j I t No G7 Sandy t oNo o-No GS Sardy No 72 Draper r iiI I ii-I No 70 North Jordan No SGranger I I Two delegates each No G2BII Cottonwood No CJ Silver j 1 No M Mountain Dell Two delegates No GO Granite 70 Llttlo Cottonwood and 71 Crescent ono delegate No F3 Pleasant Grove and S4 Hunter I ono delegate Total allotment to Salt Lake county outsldo Salt Lake City Total allotment to Bait Lake countyllj Tho apportionment for Summit county shall bo as follows Districts one three four five and six Park City ono delegate each District No 2 of Park City two delegates I dele-gates i Districts seven eight and nlno of Park City ono deloeate No 10 Snydcrvllle and 11 Woodland ono delegate No 12 Kamas j No ISUnlon No 14 Oakley fi No Coalvlllo f No 21 Costlo Rock 1 No 23 Upton I oIL No 23Echo r v Ono delegate each 4 No 15 Pcoo and if Rockporf one aele gate No 17 VanshIp and IS Hoytsvlllo ono delegate I No 19 Coalvillo two dclocater Nos 21 and 25 Uonofcr two dolesatea Total voto for Summit county 2L The apportionment for Toaolo county shall be as follows 5 Tooelc four delegates Grnntsvlllc three delegates i Mcrcur Ophlr St John Clover and Sunshine live delegates Stockton one delegate Vernon and Deep Creek ono delegate Mill and Batcsvllle ono delegate Tota allotment f Tooelo county 15 The scvoial chairmen of the voting districts dis-tricts In said counties and precinct chairmen chair-men of Salt Lake City aro rcauostcd aid and cooncrato with this coriimlttco In procuring places for holding said primaries pri-maries By order of the Third Judicial District Republican committee Dated this 6th day of July A D 1SOO lEO MOVER Chairman GEORGE WESTERVELT Secy wIOS UTAH WYOMING RY CoSALT Lake City Utah June 26 1C00 Meeting of stockhoklers The regular annual meetIng I meet-Ing of the stockholders of thl3 company will be held at the office of the company No 321 Atlarf hlflClOll Thursday July 26 1000 at 4p m for the purpose of electing a board of seven directors and such other business as may como before the meeting meetingB G RAYBOTJLD President EDMUND WILKES Secretary ul2 TO THE PUBLIC Notice Is hereby given that no person Is authorized to procure credit make purchases pur-chases oC any kind whatsoever or to collect col-lect accounts or moneys In tho name of the Elms Morris < S = Sons company a corporation cor-poration except such persons or personas person-as may hold written authority therefor signed by Ncnhl L Morris manager foe said corporation Dated this 19th day of July A D 1900 By order of the board of directors of ELIAS MORRIS SONS CO TV07S A Corporation DELTNQTTENT NOTICE Meteor Mining company a corporation Principal place business Salt Lake City Utah Notice There is delinquent upon tho following described stock on account oC assessment No 11 levied on the 8th day of June 1900 thc several amounts sot opposite op-posite time names of tho respective shareholders share-holders as follows Name wsctf No Shares Amt 6G1 Waters Enos 23t 2000 Chonc Wing 2o2 5000 1667 And in accordance with law and order of board of directors made June S low so many shares of each parcel of such ntock may bo necessary will be sold at public as auction to the highest bidder for cash at the olllco of the secretary of the company room Phi Doolj building In Salt Lake City August 141SSO at G p m to pay delinquent on linquent assessment together with coat of advertising and expenses 01 sale WS3S KA GREENWOOD Secretary DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT NOTICE NO-TICE Thvro arc delinquent on the following described stock of the Tcsora Mining No 2 company on account of assessment levied on the caoltal stock of the corporation cor-poration on the 12th day of June 1900 tho scoral amounts sot opposlto the names of the respective shareholders as allows No No Name Cert Shares Amt MAggie E Bullock 2l 100 1000 CL Y Bullock 6 SCO 2000 B 00 M 12 Bullock 27 00 E II McCune 35 1001 2500 G Y Bullock Ti7 200 500 G Y Bullock M 100 1000 G Y Bullock 139 ICO nGo Clara Hawkins 1G1 333 S32 And In accordance with the law so many shores of each parcel of such slock na be necessary will be sold at No 03 7mtcCornick may building on the 2itli day or July 1000 at 2 p m to pay the dollu huont assessment thereon together with of the coat of advtrrllslnp and oxpenso sale II G HEFFRON Secretary Il VII IT rcEx7R It Z As Electricity is the power of life so the Mclaughlin Belt gives tiiIlI11t J ILIJjJ i M1 VITALITY TO THE ORGANS ENERGY TO THE NERVES JtJ I I iiiIc ANIfIATION TO TilE BRAIN ACTION TO TilE BLOOD 11 ulili9 iiilllIIIlIil If every weak man and woman used the II DR McLAUt1IILIN ELECTRIC BELT There wouldnt be a brokendown sufforerutoday Strong vitality is necessary to physical endurance and to carry on your OOj work to success My Bolt Will reinforce your system and nil that aim of nature to keep up your vigor through life This grand electric vitollzer yields natural circulation drives out pain stops all weakness Hero you see the means of your recovery of enjoying life RHEUBIATISIiL and escaping with fewer wrinkles of care I3e strong cure that Denver Cob Juno 1 1000 i1 back get rid of th at weakness drive nut that Rheumatism Dr M A McLaughllji n t aching mc go o a mct ness r e nu a e For two years 1 have been troubled with rheumatism ana Km tism Varlc9cclc or Kidney Trouble 1 offer you a remedy whigh nov troubles I spent money trying all kinds of cure until has filled thousand with golden gladness of strong nerves and persuaded to try your Bet t which has entirely cured me In ono muscles Jt has never failed It will cure you month It is the only real cure for rheumatism You may use this statement Tours rca poctfully 11 A M 11 935 Sixteenth Street 523 i2nd street F C GASTONE ir iii A 1T1caugIRI1n Donvor Colorado Send for this Book free J a S |