Show HIGHLAND BOY PRODUCT I TJ Amounts to Over a Million Dollars the Past Year The management of the Highland Boy mine of Bingham closed the week with consignments of copper gold and silver bullion to tho refinery at Perth Amboy New Jersey amounting to over 120000 pounds while lot llS con aistJng of another carload was being loaded last night With this shipment WhIch yiii be forwarded tomorrow the output of bullion from the Highland Boy smelter since June 13 1S99 attains a total of about 700000 pounds Assuming Assum-ing that this has brought the company an average of 16 cents a pound which is a most conservative estimate considering con-sidering the gold and silver that Is associated as-sociated vlth the copper the gross earnings of the Highland Boy company during tho past thirteen months must have reachd a total of over 51100000 or an average around 90000 per month All this has been done too upon an output that for a long time was limited lim-ited by the smelter to about 200 tons of ore a day although it now approximates approxi-mates 3000 tons a month and with the enlargements now In hand completed no trouble should be found In adding the proposition to the 6 list of dividend payers Although Al-though olliclal information concerning concern-ing th6 financial condition of the Highland High-land Boy is given out only at headquarters head-quarters In the East the figures printed I print-ed this morning are not far oft tho official record As foresl ld wed by The Tribune tho J contract for the erection of the steel structure was yesterday officially announced an-nounced In favor of Joseph Dederich this part of the enlargement alone requiring re-quiring nearly 1000000 pounds of steel the delivery of which Is promised in September The contract for the steel roofing In which nJ > out 300000 pounds will hp used was awarded a Chicago firm and everything is now well In hand with the superintendent of construction con-struction Mr George K Fischer rush I Ing every detail to a completion early In January |