Show BITS OF COLOR 11 EMERSON H IIBOUM Ono soul moro has solved tho riddle of the Llfos battlo oer death gavo him n relief re-lief ler Another anSWeR to the long long roll For him tho glory and for us tho grief Farewclli a last farewell you grand old man VhoHo final ret Is under foreign sodA sod-A Christian span soldier all through lifes short A hero for your country and your God Beginning life with one great noblo aim Tho battleHag of right ho raised on high Upon our scroll his famedemblazoned name 1 Will stay until a nations pcoplo dlo For home sweet home for union great I and strong When but a boy ho faced tho shot and shell Ho helped to right a mighty peoples I wrong And did not cease until tho cry Alls well wel I Ho fought and fell beneath tho Cuban palms Ho suffered for his flag and for our gain To him our love and pralne were sweetest balms That eased the burning fevers and the pain Then far across tho calm broad Western sea In laics whore tired tropic llllcs loll Ho went again to f h for you and me And did his duty grandly that Is all And then he met the savage yellow horde His heart pulse stopped his work on earth was done Ho died In battles roar mid clash of P sword And went to rest beneath tho Dragon sun i I With hand of steel with womans tender heart TIm laurel garlands wo will not forgot We cannot heal tho throbbing burning l smart Death gave us and we cannot pay our I debt Forever oer tho green mound of his grave There must be placed tho old red whito and blue I Forever will Old Glory wave and wavo For one so often tried and always true i Red for his precious blood In Chinas hell I i Ami for tho peace ho loved tho purest White Bluo for tho uniform he loved so well i Goodbye great soul a long and sweet I goodnight JAMES TODMAN GOODWIN I |