Show JACOB J GREENWALD BANKRUPT t Petition Fled by Him in tho United States Court I Jacob J Greenwald has asked that he be declared a voluntary bankrupt He shows In his petition to the Federal court that he has unsecured debts to the amount of 307165 and that his personal properly which he claims as exempt Is of the value of 200 consisting con-sisting of household goods and wearing apparel All his debts are in the nature na-ture of judgments Joint and personal the principal Reid ones being Murdock Co Chicago 30595 J 1 Sttfutt Salt Lake 11615 S F Fenton 265 Freed Furniture and Carpet company J6S305 National Bank of the Republic 250 Sprague Warner Co Chicago 600 William Lewis Co San Francisco Fran-cisco 350 There are several other creditors for smaller amounts |