Show i Water Scarce ab Eureka I Eureka July 21hi company with many I other parts o Utah and the West Eureka I is mirroring from a water famine Although I Ci Al-though the city water and private wells have been able to supply domestic needs yet tho town has been for sumo time In grave danger from lire Because of Its V Iravo I location In a narrow canyon which Is constantly swept with strong breezes and sweJt di tho Inflammatory condition of Its many LS frame buildings It would ho simply Impossible q Im-possible to cope with Iho lire fiend and ii every precaution Is being taken by thq J town authorities and citizens to prevent tho slightest blaze Tho city has ono well which It has not used recently be E cau o of tho failure of the boiler but that trouble will probably bo overcome In tho tlO nr < ar future Some of tho mines are also Iii handicapped by i n reduction of their usual I supply of the l necessary fluid rho irony ii of late In shown In the fact that while 1 tho lime belt is suffering rote this water i famine several promising mining prop ortics In the porpiiyry country hove been compelled too much water to censo operations because ot |