Show PARK CITY SOCIETY Mr and Mrs Armstrong gavo n vary pretty dinner party Monday In honor of Miss May Blood ol California Besides the guest of honor hero wero present Mr and Mre Levis A Evans of Salt Lake Mr and Mrs W r G Lamb George D Blood and F J Yestcott Mr and Mrs P McPherson cnlerlnlned ijr small company of friends at dinner Monday evening In honor of Edward Le compto boforo his departure for West Point The other guests were Dr and Mrs E P Leompte Judge and Mrs W Hannah I Snyder lecompte ilss Cora Snyder and Miss Q 4 5 Mr and Mrs GcorKO Lindsay also en tortnlned in honor of Edward Lccompto before ho left for the East w a I Dr and Mrs Lccomplo gave a charmIng charm-Ing dinner party complimentary to their Eon Ed The guests were Mr and Mrs W V Rice Mr and Mrs P McPherson Mrs and Mrs George Lindsay Mr and Mrs W I Snyder Miss Com Snyder and S Hannah Lccompto o A brilliant reception was Riven In honor of Roy G A Conrad and wife In the Congregational Con-gregational church Monday evening Tho now edifice wns beautifully decorated with poled plants nnd cut lowers and during tho evening 150 friends cjillcd to show their appreciation and esteem for Rev and Mrs Conrad Ice and enl o woro nerved In tho lower part of tho church The following fol-lowing Indies l assisted In serving and In helping to make tho guests harpy Mrs F W Hayt l1 r Dr Wilson Mrs C E PIKo Miss Bertha Oolsoh Miss Maud Gray Miss Pearl Snyder Miss Merle WhiteheaU Miss Margaret BILker tehct llls largaret and Miss Maud Loofborough Rev and Mrs Conrad aro at homo to their friends at tho Kidder home on Woodsldc avenue J 0 A special meeting of tho Athenaeum was held at tho home of Mrs AV W Armstrong Arm-strong Monday afternoon MrsW I Snyder Was appointed chairman of tile Skakcspcarcan section Mrs L E nub I bard chairman of history section Mrs I Arthur Williams chairman literature Mrs I Dr E P Lccompto chairman cduchllou and Mrs M 1 11 F Allen chairman o music I mu-sic and art soctlonGiii Room committee Mrs Armstrong and Mrs WilhcN tntoj tainmcnl committee Mrs John w GeIger and Mrs Waller Scott Tho proKramm committee will mccl with Mrrf W 1 Snj der Monday afternoon July 23rclt at 230 p l m a c Tho Ontario mill Iwmllnghouso was 1 the scene of l charmlnpr lancing party 1 Tiiesduy ovtiilnp given by Messrs GeeD < Gee-D Blood and F J Wcatcott In honor oC Miss Mary Blood of California The guests were mot at LIla door by the houts l and Inter InvlUd Into the largo dining room where sweet strains of music voi heard and dancing wan soon onjoyrd by dancing iho guests The rooms wero beautiful decorated with flowcifs and Ivies and thp delightful evening will long be romon bored by all who were present Light re freshmen were served and ono by ana tho frond departed for their homes Those who enjoyed Iho evening were Messrs and Mcsdnmes C M Wilson lcs V Klce D C McLaughlln W tt r Armstrong Dr E P Lecompte W G Lamb Charles Roohledrc Chas Shield F C Goist Roolcledfe Southwell lie Misses Bertha Gelsch Maud Gray AKHC Harrington Messrs Ben Hampton Robert Rob-ert Whcrrltl J B Fleming W Thoinr noil Dick Gorder The Salt Lako guest were Miss Porter Miss Donncllcn Miss KirkpatiMck MIss Groo Mlflji Halo MIss Koarna H C Chambers Edwin Kimball and Mr Anderson of California S t V Miss Bebslo Wilson Miss Cora Snyder Vlaon JUdo and Mra W 1 Snydcr Miss Han nah Locompte Ed Lecompte Mr and Mrs L E Hubbard and Mr and ir Ed J Pegan went to the metropolis Tuesday returning homo Wednesday morning A I trip to Sallalr was f pleasant feature of tho day o I 5 Miss Nina Cross and Miss Mattie Richardson Rich-ardson went down to Salt Lako FrIday afternoon to visit o with e friends Miss Edith Halo of Salt Lake Is tIm lss of Mrs W W Armstrong Miss Georclo Lees of Jrvlng Kan arrived 1 In tho Park Friday to visit with her sister I Mrs W W Armstrong S o I Mrs Julius Frankcl and son who have I boon lsitlnrr at ane returned horn tho past week a t S Miss Margaret Kearns returned to Zion I Wednesday after a short slay In the Park I I 3 e Mr and Mrs Levis A Evans who were I guests of Mr and Mrs W G amb returned I re-turned o thcl homo in Salt Lake the first of tho week frst 0 O Mrs David Keith and son and Mrs Judge Minor came out from the mclropc I Us Tuesday where they spent the day at J I tho King mine Thy drove over to Midway Mid-way Wednesday where they will visit for I L short time S S 0 5 lon R C Chambers chaperoned a I pai ly of young people from Salt Lalce ounJ Tuesday morning Tho ladies were Miss Porter Miss Donnellcn and Miss Kirk Patrick S 5S Miss Margaret Snell of Salt Lake Is the i guest ofMlss Cora Snyder o a 5 Wednesday Miss Besslo Wilson Miss Snyder Miss Sncll Miss Lecompte Judge Snyder and IV Ds Thompson picnicked at the California mine 4 o u Misses Mamo ami Jean Pearson returned re-turned homo yesterday after n pleasant two weeks visit at Provo I Q 0 Mrs L M Barber who has been the < guest of Mr and Mrs Walter Scott departed de-parted for her homo Jn Minneapolis Kan yesterday afternoon S S I Ono of tho prolllcsl afternoon card parties o tho reason was given Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon by Mrs Walter Scott In I honor of her RueU l Mis Barber BeautI Cul polled plants made an affective decoration deco-ration and wero artistically nrrnnge throughout the lower rom Sixtythrei was tho game played and prizes awarded Lo Mrs P McPherson Mrs H C South droll and Mra M D HurlbUl Dainty re roshments wore served and tho following ladles enjoyed tho delightful affair Mrs W 1 Snyder Mrs W G Lamb Mrs D C McLaughlin Mra W W Armstrong Mrs Dr E Lecomple Mrs E Howard Mrj P McPherson Mrs F A McCarly Mrs F Davis Mrs J Lockhart Mrs John Gelcjoi Mrs Charles lath Mrs Charles Shields Mrs J S Ferris Mrs W V Rice Mrs H C Southwell Mrs J W While Mrs C Withey Mrs Dr C M Ion Mrs J Frankcl Mrs J Cross Mr F Smith Mrs M D Hurlbut Mrs M Mldocr Mrs Barber Mrs A Wll lams Mrs Arthur Wceter Mrs John Thompson Miss Edith Halo and Miss Minnie Kesccl Miss May Bailee of Salt Lake Is visiting with Mr and Mrs W J Buck S 0 Mrs F Y Ilnyt returned homo after an absence of six weeks with relatives In I Elmira New York 4 I I Tho CO partY given by Mr and Mrs I F i n Davis Wednesday evening was ono or tho event of tho season I was a most elaborate and enjoyable affair and all present will real the occasion as one oC tho most delightful events of the social season Delicious refreshments wero served and after a social ch U prize were warded to Mrs L 1 Barber Mrs H C iouthviell Mr C F Gcjjst and Mrs C p Golst who took part of t gentleman hose who enjoyed thoovcnlng I were Mr and Mrs Charles Heath Mr and Mrs wr Scott Mr and Mrs W V Rice Mr and Mrs A Williams Mr and Mrs W G Iamb Mr and Mrs W I Snyder Mr and Mrs F Smith Mr and Mrs Charles Charles Shields Mr and Mrs W W Tmnlrong Mr and Mrs D C McLaughlin Mc-Laughlin Mr and Mrs P McPherson Mr and Mrs F nc McCnrly Mr and Mrs Lynn > Kimball Mrs II C Southwell Mrs L M Barber Miss Carrie Sutton of Provo Mlst Bertha Hetsch Miss Cora Snyder Miss Bessie Wilson Miss Kato Lawrence MIis Miyme Pearson Miss 1 win Pt arson Miss Edith Hale and Miss Margaret Snell of Sail Lake Rob Whor rIU G D Blood F J Westcott Doclc order L u 1ledeman Barton whcrrltt arid Dr Wherrltta and v a 4 S Miss May Blood who hns been visiting IS9 looe with her brother George D departed for Snit Lake Wednesday and after a couple of days In Zion will depart for hor homo In Berkeley Cal a s I Mr and Mrs Walter Scot entertained lie members of tho Whist club and a few invited friends at their beautiful homo Thursday evening Lemonade was served during the games nnd later a delicious I luncheon was servsd The guests were MI ami Mrs D C McLaughlln Mr and Mrs John W Geiger Mr and Mr P McPherson Mr and Mrs A William Mr and Mrs J Russell o Missouri Mr and Mrs Charles Shields Dr nnd Mrs E P Lccomptc Mr and Mrs W 1 Snyder Mr and Mrs L F Hubbard Mr and Mrs W W Armstrong Mrs H C South well Mrs L M Barber Mr C A Blocker and Miss Lena Ncoblr I I S Mr and Mrs 1 Russell of Warrons burg Mo arrived In Park City to spend a month or six weeks with their daughter Mrs Arthur Williams i V Jolly horseback party composed of 1 J i nnd Mra W G Lamb Mr and Mr D C McLaughlin Mr and Mrs L A Evans Miss Blood George D Blood and B11S Georlo l155 F J Wcstcoll uncut a day the past week nt Lake Lacawaxlc I S S Miss Margaret Cheales of Morcur Is tho guest of Miss Merle Whltehead S S is a Miss Ethel Rasband was hostess at a arming birthday party Wednesrlav af Irnoon Somo twenty friends enjoyed Miss Ethels hospitality and a delicious lunch was served oul on the lawn I S 4 Has Porter Miss Donnellcn and Miss Kh iknalrlck returned to I heir homes In Salt Lake Friday afternoon 1 a S Mrs D C McLamhlIn and daughter ishohi wont down to tho metropolis Friday to remain until Tuesday of next week S r I Mr and Mrs Fred Simon and daughter Dotticu camo out from tho city Thursday morning They aro pleasantly domiciled nt the Park City hotel |