Show UEWS BOILED DOWN 3he war auto ipbe which left Chicago Chi-cago wartautotpble Washington Is now at Highland Ind waiting for anew a-new tire < J P Hoffmann an oldtime counter feiter was arrested by Secret Servlqe Operator Burns at his lodgings In Philadelphia Lord and Lady Mlnto arrived at Winnipeg last night from Ottawa and were accorded the most brilliant reception re-ception ever seen In that city I The Postofilce department has author I ized an international exchange of mails between Skaguay Alaska and White Horse in the Yukon district of Canada During the first eleven days of tho present month gold arrivals at Seattle from Aalska amounted to 51100000 Several millions are reported to be In tOne t-One hundred and twentyeight officers offi-cers and men started from the Charles town navy yard last night bourn for San Francisco and thence to China for active service Chairman Jones of the Democratic committee will leave Lake Minnotonka tonight for Chicago and early next week will open the Democratic headquarters head-quarters in that city Two explosion which damaged the Transit companys cars and one disturbance dis-turbance in which a woman was wounded by a stray bullet occurred In St Louis last night rhtotal Issue of postage stamps stamp books stamped envelopes newspaper news-paper wrapers and postal cards for the fiscal year ending June 30 1900 was 52S3GS7010 articles valued at SOTGSTT I Is stated H good authority at tIme War department that the date for holding hold-Ing the Cuban election for delegates to the Constitutional convention has been fixed approximately for November 15th next Telegraphy by tho use of typewriters In place of tho ordinary clicking kc sand s-and sounders familiar In telegraph offices has boon mado possible by two Chicago mdn Z G Sholes and A C Gilmore I Four German officers who have been acting as President Krugers military advisers have just arrived at Lourenco Marques having received orders from Berlin to proceed to active service In Chino First Assistant PostmasterGeneral Heath who has been elected secretary of the Republican national committee practically retired from tho Postotfice department yesterday when he bade his friends goodbye The Deligoa Bay arbitration closed yesterday so far as Portugal was concerned con-cerned by the announcement to the State department by Senor Duarte that his Government had deposited the amount of the award about 53500000 with 0 Paris bank The Secretary of State last night received re-ceived from tho Chinese Minister a lengthy written communication The contents were not made known but It is understood that it did not contain further cable news concerning the situation situ-ation at Peking1 V Vaudeville Tonight The Salt Palace theater at 830 |