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Show TKLT"GS. How to prevent your wife scolding you Don't marry. The Philadelpliians tried to persuade Ak'sLj to le vaccinated. A 1793 cent brought $GT.50 at a recent re-cent sale in New York. "Do write and fear not" is what the girls say to their correspondents. Horace Greeley's gift to the New York Woman Suffrage fair was a cradle. York, England, is to have the largest railway station in that kingdom, its cost being $1,000,000. An Indiana butcher claims the "championship," and says he can kill and dress an ox in seven minutes. Tho armies and navies in Europe are said to contain at present 5,105,309 men, 512,204 horses, 10,224 field guna aud 800 mitrailleuses. An enterprising dentist iu a neighboring neigh-boring city advertises: "(.let your sweetheart a new set of teeth as a Christmas present." Alfred Tennyson has written a poem for the New York Ledger, which will appear in its initial number for the New Year. Somo one with spare time on his hands has been investigating a bushel of wheat, and reports that it contains OOti.000 grains. Hot Springs, Arkansas, is the American Ame-rican l'ool of Siloam. On laving in its waters, rheumatism, gout and all that sort of thing is cured. Fact. Tho taxes in 1S25 on the house and two-and-a-hall'-acrc lot in New Yrork. opposite what is now called the Filth Avenue Hotel, were sixty-eight cents. "I'll bet you a hundred dollars I'll stick to it," was the remark of a recent re-cent convert, made when ho was relating relat-ing his experience in a revival meeting at Beaver Dam (Wis.) the other evening- A young lady at Steubonville, Ohio, in the somnambulistic state, entered the bedroom of a gentleman and stole all his clothing. She had attended a woman's suffrage convention the evening even-ing before. "Why, Emily, how do you do?" "I'm very well, Julia; 1 celebrated , my wooden wedding last week." "Why, I didn't know you were married. mar-ried. How did you celebrate it ?" "By marrying a blockhead." A man with a shrewish wife declared de-clared he would move to Mormondom and get an extra one. "I'll tear her eyes out!" exclaimed his wile. "Ah," he replied, "but I'll make it a point to get one that'll tear out yours." There has been peace in that family ever since. A reporter interviewed the steward of the Fifth-avenue Hotel, New York, and discovered what becomes of tho scraps: "When I have done dining, what do you do with the food which I havo left untouched or barely tasted of?" "Well, it is all taken' into the 'sorting' room. The untouched portions por-tions aro sent into the kitchen to be warmed ovor for the scrvanLs' tabic. The remnants are collected and sold tc old Thullington, who lives on the Bowery." Bow-ery." "What does old Thullington dc with them ?" "He arranges them anti sells them to poor people, who coma into his shop to buy 10 cents or It cents' worth at a time." "Thcr nothing is wasted?" "No, nothing The very dish-water is collected in a vat, and the oil on the top is skimmet off and saved." "Can this filthy greas bo made pure?" "Yes; purified til it is as white as loaf lard." |