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Show DAILY HERALD. A Live Paper Foil Live People. THE HALT LAKE DAILY HERALD the SKOlilAU AND COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER OF SALT LAKJS CUT. The People's Paper! FREE AND INDEPENDENT. TheCheapest Paper PUBLISHED IN The llocky Mountains! 10 MEN OF ENTERPRISE ! Tho rocont discovery and rapid dovolop-mont dovolop-mont of tho minos of Utah havo givon, and will aontinuo to give, an impetus to rris.of ovory kind, which should command tho attention at-tention of all businoss men who desire to shs.ro in its profits. Iloavy shipments of ores for months past havo boon bringing wealth into tho Territory; a largo immigration has commenced ; agri-culluraland agri-culluraland othor products aro finding ready sales ; and tnorchants begin to fool tho steady llow of money through tho varied channels of commerce. To business man at a distance who seek to participate in tho lively trado which must attond such d rapid growth of interests, as well as to tho local public, 8 live, energetic newspapor is a nocossity, by which to bo made fully acquainted with the truo condition condi-tion of matters as they exist, and through which to present their businoas and facilities for lurnishingso promising a market. THE SALT LAKE HERALD .Fully moots this necessity in Utah. Not being tlie organ of any person, sect or party, nor devoted alone to any single interest, it has grown upon public favor and attained an unprecedented circulation circula-tion in tho time which has elapsod since it was ostabliahod, by being in the strl otcst Bonso a Free, Independent, Live and Thoroughly Protfreaalve NEWSPAPER ITS MINING NEWS Collated with the greatest care and From the most reliable sources, niakcs it valuable to all interested in the minos of Utah ; iu AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL TERRITORIAL INTELLIGENCE Can bo equally relied on ; and it3ENTBIipbise placed it in tho FKOJiT lUJiK OF THE ROCKT MOUNTAIN JOURNALS. . THE SALT LAKE HERALD Circulates largely and is widely read. in every Mining Camp, and throughout tho Cities, Towns and Settlements of tho Territory; Terri-tory; is found in the ollice of every enterprising enterpris-ing buDinods man in Utah; circulates on tho Union Pacific, Central Pacific and Utah Central Cen-tral Railroads; has a largo mail subscription list east, west, north and south; and is The Best Advertising Medium In!tho Rocky Mountain region. Where to Advertise I Where it will be Seen! Where it will be Read! In the People's Paperl T II K SILT LIKE llEPiILD DO YOU WANT . . . liMl'LOl'.MKNT, HIKED HELP, MECHANICS, LAB011KKS, LOTS TO KENT, HOUSES TO KENT, 01TICE3 TO KENT, FTOKES TO RENT, MAKE rOL'lt WANTS KNOWN SaM Lake Herald. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Satwj, u.ve,aa vtA (i,o.,v, 3. C. 30USO" 5c CO., 1M and 100 FRONT STREET, SAX FRANCISCO, CAL, Offer tlie Jiiiut and most compltte stock on the Pacific coast. liefer to 11. B. CLAWSON, Sup'tof fl. C. DIETZ & GO. 1 IHPOBTERS OF PAINTS, OILS, Vamishesand Lamps, No. 224 FRONT STREET, Bet.SacramontuA (.'nliroruia, S.D Fraud. CO ttiT BRITTAN, H0LBR00K & CO Importers and Dealers in Stoves c Ranges, SHEET IRON ATli. PIATE, Copper, Zinc, Sliset Lead, Wirt, PUMPS, Ijoacl aud Iron Fi30. TIXKUS' 4001S, Tools and Maohinery and General HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, Embracing Plain, Jainnned, Planished and Stumped Ware, Not. Ill 113 California anil Mm. 17 - 1U Unvli SLrtcts. W1LMERDIN3 & KELLOGQ, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 4 216 I'KONT STKEET, I SAN FIIANCISCO. GRAND HOTEL. On Market, Now Montgomery and Hecond Btrocta, SAW 3rT.VXVOIQIC;t, OAXt. JOHNSON & Co., Proprietors. Toum, DAV1SSON & CO., IMPORTERS OF AMERICAN, ENGLISH, FHENOH AND GKIIAIAN FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, PocJcet Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Stationery, Brest IVimmings, While Goods, Millinery Goods, Hosiery, Linen M'dlcchs, Gents' Fwnishing Goods, Etc Cor. Sutler and Sausome Sis., CS AN FRANCISCO. Ji0. G. HODGE & CO., I5IPORTBBS Wholesale Stationers, Kcop tbo largest stock of Stationery, Blunk Books, Scliool Uooka, PlnyliiR CanU, Wrap, plug Papers, Tioines, Pocket Cutlery, &c. , tfce. , On tho Pacific Coast, which they aro prcrmrod toB" either for Gold or Currency at prices that will offer inducements for buyers anywtiero wost ef the Rocky Mountains. 327, 329 & 331 SANSOMJfi STREET, mli San Francisco. LOCKE & MONTAGUE, IMPORTERS OPj STOVES A.SD METALS, MANUFACTURERS OP AKD DEALERS IN House Furnishing Hardware AND Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTS POR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 11 anil 114 Battery Street, ju7 SAN FRANCISCO. James Spruunco, John Spruauce, 0. 0. Chapinaa J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, ;i 415 FROST STREJCT, EINSTEIN BROS, & CO,, Importers and Manufacturers or BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY STYLE AND KIND, 113, lift, aud 117 Plus Street, SAN FRANCISCO, Our Home-made Goods are unequalec by any, Samples at Mr. Goodliiud's Ollice o5 SALT LAKE CITY. MRPHY.GRANT&CO, Importers of Amorican and European Staple unci Fancy DRY GOODS, CALIFUIIMA, Call tho attention of tho Trade- to their tare and comi'lot.0 stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Which they uro now receiving direct from European Manufacturers, comprising in part-French part-French Jlcrlnoi, Wool Salines, Wool Plaida, French and Herman, IrUh and French Poplini, Kmpreaa Clotlii, Tamlie, black and colored, Velveteens, Alpacas, black and color SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS ALSO GLOVES, Kid. Buck, Berlin (Ladies', Misses', flonU' Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods Uis1ery,c(jiii.ltto in all iu branches White Oooil., ! Unndkercttlefs, Shirting Linens, ' Uiillls. wlilie :iJ colortO,' i Unnmiki, Iruwu loom and blrivrbe Towtlii, Murk, Dialer, Tnrkuh. I Kapltlns and Doylies, j4 Js-ic, Ktc, Bt C.W. STAYHER'S COLUMN, j IMPORTANT; Discovery! HEREBY tender my sincere and heartfelt, heart-felt, thanks to tho resident; of Salt Lake City and tho settlements from north to south of Utah Torritory, for their LIBERAL PATRONAGE Extended to mo while I havo been acting as Agent for the Great Unknown's HAIR RESTORER And forthe klnd'mannor In which they have universally Expressed their Satisfaction in its use. When I presented this Preparation for salo I was perfectly convinced of it3 efficacy, but I had no idea it would so soon meet with PUBLIC. FAVOE, And Its" presont popularity is a liroof.not only of tho Intrinsic Value Of tho nrticlo itself, but of tho impartial trial which many patrons havo bestowed upon it. It it now pronounced AN INFALLIBLE CUBE FOB BALDNESS, An Elegant Hair Dressing, A Speedy Remedy for Dandruff, A reliable Preventive for falling off of the Hair. la this connection I wish to say that in somo cases tho beneficial effects of this preparation pre-paration would be more speedily realized if the blood was in a more healthy condition, and having consulted some of our host medical med-ical men, itako pleasure in offering to tho public, in connection with tho Hair Restorer, Resto-rer, the : EPIG(EAS BLOOD PURIFIER An artiole to bo taken internally, eontain-I eontain-I in e no no but tho most reliable ingrcdiouts , for purifyinK tho blood and building up tho 1 system, causing tho action of the lite-giving tluid to bo more invigorating on tho bulbs of the hair and REMOVING I I in many instances the , Causes of Baldness ontircly; thus enablinptho UnirKcstoror to do its work sPocdily aud permanently. t For sale, in connection mih the Great Unknown's Hair Ecstor cr, a CALDEIl BItO'S. Price, - 25c and 50c. pcrbox i C. W. STAYNER, i, ! General A'jenl for Utah, Nevada, Idaho and Arizona, ) TESTIMONIAL. This is to eertify that I have a perfect knowledge of tho component parts of the fci'ig'vuii Blood Purifier, and that it contains nothing but what is an excellent to.mc and a loo o ft in F i x R of tho hiuhkst oituvK, and j rn'i.-l be conducive of good result wherever ' al"'J' J. M. BENEBICT, M.D. ) c. Salt Lake City, Nov. 2y. tR-1. HI3CELLRKE0US. NOTICE TO ST0CKH0LDEBS. Urncr or Thk Ei.ihjka Mixtxii Company oi' Utah,-SaltLakc Utah,-SaltLakc Cily. Utah, Dec. 2d. 1h71. The Grst annual meet ins of the stokbnld-ers stokbnld-ers of ibis company will bo held ;it the ollice of tho cniiipiiny in this city, on Tuesday, January 'Jib, at lu o'clock, a.m., fur the election of seven Trustees, to servo for tho onsuitii: yeur, an'! tbo transaction of such other busine.-is a- in:iy conio before the meeting. meet-ing. WM. U. WOOD, d .Secretary und Treasurer. CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLO PEDIA, A DICTIONAlli' OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE For ( he ''cojilc. Ileviscd Edition, lle-issuc oi" IS7U-7I, with Jlaps, Plates and Engravings. To be complete! in SO Parts, making 10 Vols, of SJu pages each, Illustrated with about Four Thousand Engravings En-gravings and Forty Mups. PRICE per Part, Including Itlnpg and ill nslrnl Ions, Gl Ci-iiih, rillCliPKH VOLUME: Extra Cloth, beveled boards ...$.") r.O Library Secci. marbled edges - ti 00 Hall" Turkey Morocco H Jjy Messrs. K. II. KEYS ,t CO. nro Iho Agonts for Chambers' Kncyclouivillu tor tho Pacific Coast, and are publishers and iiu- Sortors of other American aud English stan-ard stan-ard and illustrated works. CASSKL'S NEW POPULAR UDUCATUU, Now Edition, Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography Bi-ography and Mythology, by J. Thomas, A. V1., L. D. Kational Portrait Oallery of Eminont Amorioans,5u jiarts at 50 contd ouch. II. II. KEY Jt CO., 513 Clay St., fan Francisco. Mr. R, May is now in Utah and will visit the different places to solicit for tho firm. Parties subscribing for any of their works may roly upon bting faithf.illy served every month. (ioilbe Oclnrroit Ho ur, 87 SALT LAIiK CITY. FiUTiacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SGOTT, DURHAM & CO. ARE AOHNTS FOR T1IR GOLDES CITY FIRE UltlCK, Which aro equal if not superior to tho best English. Spocinl rates given by tbo car lond. octl 2 WITCHES &JEWBLM! O. L. ELIASON, "EaS to inform tho rcaidonU of SaltLnkB City and vicinity, that ho not only guarantees to properly Itepalr.Cleau and Adjust Watches and Chronometers, but ho will make them or any part of thorn, to order, and warrant tho work. A new PurPLY of ELGIN and SWISS WATUUBS just rocoivod, which ho will guarantoo aa reliable timo-kcopor. Prices to defy competition Remember the address. Two doors east of tlie Dcucrct UunU. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. 6r For tho relief and euro of all derangements dP1 in thostomaoh, if'r' "v liver, and bow- tt 'i'!fc,"Vs'' 'S! lent purgative. jTit!tj(t - Uting purely ffi-'jj ''.. vegetable, they iU' i contain nomer-i nomer-i cury or mineral whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering suf-fering is prevented by their timely use; and every family should Wo them on hand lor their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to bo the safest, surest, and best of all tho with whioh the market aboundd. Hy yjoir occasional occa-sional use, tho blood is purified, tho corruptions corrup-tions of tho system expelled, obstructions removed, and tho whole machinery ot h!e restored to its hoalthy activity. Internal organs which bccoiuo clwrgod ,ind sluggish arc clcinsed by Ayrr's J'ill., and- stimulated stimula-ted into action. Thus inoii-ient disouso is changed into health, tho value ot whicn change, when reckoned on tho vast multitudes multi-tudes who enjoy it, can hardly bo computed. Their sugar-coating makes them pleasant to take, ana preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length oftimo, so that they aro over freh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they arc mild, and opcrato without with-out disturbatico to tho constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on tho wrapper to each box. how to use them as a Family Physic, and for tho following complaints, whioh theso J'ills rapidly cure: For Oyspcpsln or Indljjcwtloii, LIs)-leHtineb, LIs)-leHtineb, Lnugiiur and Losu of Appetite, Appe-tite, they should bo taken moderately to stimulate thcstomacb.iind restore iU healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symptoms, IJiliotia Ileailache, Sic It Hemluclic, Jnnndlcc or t-rt en Sickness, Sick-ness, Llllloiis Colic, and LtlHoim Fevers, Fe-vers, they should bo judiciously taken for each case, to correct tfio diseased action or . remove the obstructions which cause it. For Uyscnlery 0r IMarrlicea, but one milddoso is generally required. For llliciiuiiitl.siii, Cioiil, fiinvcl, Palll allon, ol" llic Heart, Piiln In the Side, Hack, and Lolnn, ihoy should be continually taken, ius required, to change tho disoascd action of tho systeiu. With suchohango thoso compliiints disappear. ForD ropsy and Urop.ileiil Hwellln gi they should bo taken in largo and fioqiicut doses to produce IhccU'ccL ol adrnstio purge. For Suppression, a largo dose should bo taken, as it produces the desired cll'cct by sympathy. An a JJiniiri' J'ill, take Olio or two J'ill to promote digestion, and rcliovo tho stomach. stom-ach. . An occasional done stimulates the stomach stom-ach and bjwols, rt-torus Iho appetite, and invigorates tho sTetoin. ilcnco it it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who lcels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these J'ilt.s makes him foul decidedly bolter, from ihcir cleanBing and renovating olivet on tho digestivo apparatus, ap-paratus, PHJiPARKD By Dr.J.C, AYKU& Co., PrucUcnl ClitiuUlu, j.owjzli;., mans., u. s, a. FOItSALlillV ALL DRUUtiJSTS KVJJKYWIIEIIK For sale at Z. C. M. J. Drug Dept. ' AKcposltory of Fuslilon, Pleasure, mul IiiMtrtietlon." Harper's Bazar. Notices uf the 1'ixss, It is really tho only illustrated chronicler of fashion in tho country. Itn supploiuonLt alono arc worth the subscription prico of tho paper. -While fully maintaining ita position po-sition as a mirror of fashion, it also contains con-tains stories, poemi, brilliant essays, besides general and personal gossip. "iJyatou Saturday Sat-urday Evening ilazottc." There never was any paper published that BO delighted tho heart of woman. Never mind il it docs cost you a now bonnet; it will savo you ton timoj the price in tho housohold economy it teaches. '1'rovidouce Journal." Tho young lady who buys a singlo nuiu- bor o1'Uahi'i;k'u Ha.aii is made a subicriber for life. "Now York Evening I'o.-t." The Eazar is excellent. Like alt the pori-odical.i pori-odical.i which tho ilarpor'u imblisli, it is almost al-most ideally well edited, and the clusa of readers for whom il id intended tbo mothers mo-thers and daughters in avenge families-can families-can not but prutit by its good souse and j;ood ta.stc, which, wu havo no doubt, aro to-day making very many homes happier than they m.iy have been beb.ro tho women began be-gan taking tejsons in pcrsunal ami huuso-hold huuso-hold and social man. igomeiit from Ihi.igood-naturod Ihi.igood-naturod mentor. "Tho Nation, H. Y," St'ltSimiPT10-S.-lb7-Tcriiit: UARPER'S EA.AR, ona year El An Etra Copy of either the MAGAZINE, WEEKLY, or J!A,AK will Le sui.pliud gntis for every Club of FL E SUBsCRIB-t.K.S SUBsCRIB-t.K.S at ;1 I'J cai;h, in one remittance; or, Six Copies for sJJ ctf, without extra cup'. Subscriptions to II AIll'EIl'S MAGAZINE, WEtKLl'.and JJAiiAK. to una address for one year, ii'l in); or, two of Harper's Periodicals, Period-icals, to one addre.-s for one year, ;7 IA). Back Numbers can be suppliad nt any time. The four voliim-M of IIAIU'EU 'S BAZA K, for the years !, 'i'1.'. '7t. '71, elej;untly bcund in green morocco clutn. will bn sunt bj uipress, irenjlit prei aid, lori7UU each. The P.ftiigui.n HAIlPEK'ri IJAZAR if 1!0 cetits a year, wlii.b must bo paid al tho t'ub-scribor'- poaL-oliice. AilAlU'EU k BlWTUBJltf. New York. RAILROAD SHOPS. A.. ZEIOIFIPIEIR Second South Street, Half Block Kait Revere House, SALT LAKE CITY. AND CARRIAGE WOBK, Of all Descriptions. ELAQmiiTHINQ Iu all its Branches. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of Racine, Wiscon. COM PALXTOG CARRIAGE PAINTING -1 SPECIALTY. COACn AND CAnRIAOJT TOISmiNO. Horse Shoeing ! Tn a Sty'" to Fuil all. CHICAGO TRADE, HEATH & MILLIGAX," MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 103 Randolph street, CHICAGO. ) M. D. WELLS & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Slices, OIH Wnbnali Ave, Chicago. M.D.Wells, II. J. Maofarland, K. Benedict. m84 ts. P. Alclntyro. Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWEU, WHEEtER & CO., Manufacturers of bliiRlne, HIi;i,bi Tnllow, Lard aud WOOL OILS. Dealers in lioadlight Carbon, ,"Whalo Eloplmnt, tioal and Kporiu OilB, AxuLi fr tho Hutu of PKATT'S AST11AL Oil..; Agouti) or the West Virginia Oil ami Oil Land HtnurAOTiutEas or EXCELS tOR CAR, ROOF AND IRON PAINT For Tin and Slilnglulloub, llridgo limber, Ac. j Factory, CHICAGO. Office, 393 A31M Illinoifi tit., luix Indiana Avo DIEB0LD & KIENZLE, Succuuior, U DioWd, Uuliiimun &Co., (JKLEBHATliD CINCINNATI 1'UIE AND BUHULAH PHOOF SAFES, And Bartont'a Magnolia and Automatic jjauk a 2 2 slz2 a-ft COVKltT, Gonoral AgonlB 8(i Washington til., Chicago. II. U. CLAWSOS, Sunt. 1,. C. 01. I. 'Agent for Utali Territory. n30 HOUSE Woolworlh.'Wontworth & Co., Proprietors. Corner Wella and "ITT rn A f f Uaudolnlt SlreeU, JlL IVjilU VJ Thia ilouso is oontrally located, well fur-Bishod, fur-Bishod, and contains 250 Ilooms. d2t SLIGHTLY SCORCHED I van'schaack, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS 1 (Late of 90, 02 and 01 Lako street. Cor. Dearborn street,) ; HAVE REMOVED On account of the interna heat, To the Baptist Church Building, l 817, 849 &. B5 X Wabasli Ave.,; Where we havo a largo slock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Class and G lasswaro, Druggista' Sundries, Sun-dries, Patent liumbugs, Etc., Etc. CALL AND CIIKRlt I'S. ' (Wo only pay "iOOcenls on tho Dollar.) Juyai PAGE, ERO.& CO., Importers and Dealers In LEATHER AND FINDINGS! 35 and 37 South Canal street) C2ICAGQ, ILL o26 ' HERALD Job Printing OFFICE, CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, CAItDS. BOOKS, OEDEll liOOlvU, KJSUEIl'T BUUKS, BLANK BOOKS, CUECK BOOKS, HANDBILLS, POSTERS, DODGERS, SIIOWCAKDS. CEUTIFICJATJKS KECOKUElt.S" BLANKS, LEO AL BLANKS, CHECKS, ETC ALL KIXDS OF JOB WORK Done injirst-ckua ttyle. Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. zTcTm.i. i Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Buildings, A full, first-class stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS and SHOES, AT LOW PllICES. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative ! Dealers please inspect. GROGERYIHARGVARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purokoficrs can bore Gnd An Immense Stock AND IN EACH BRANCH A GREAT VARIETY . IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON TDlE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty - FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKMEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T. AND IMPORTED MANUFACTURED FROM HOME-MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN! FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings ! On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. Retail Department, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AUD ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. Thia is the Department for Families. DRUG DEPT. Fancy aud Staple Drugs. I'ATEAT MEOlClJfES, LiQUOllSiS GREAT VARIETY KKGL.I5II ALK AND POllTKH, AVKRILI, PAINT WHITE LEAU, ' OII.H, COLOIIS GLASS, KTC. i Vracriptions from I'hysicinv tr!)l 1 have sj'ccial attm'-' T- V . AVISO. Mi,,. MISCELLANEOUS. BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. Arc now rccoirioB an immense ciunntityof SPLENDID Winter Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Ribbons, Furs and Notions, Al.Sol CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY Confectionery, Fruits an! Its. TUU BLEES SEWING MACHINE SALESROOMS ! Arc now open nnil replete wilti a full ns-eorlTnent ns-eorlTnent in nil stylos, ncknowlcditi'il by nil to bo ouo ol the host Mucliinos of tbo day. Call and examine hrj'ore purchasing. Teasdel & Co.'s FURNISHING DEPT. I, now 0on one door Eoutb of the Eagle Ilouso. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths & Matting. Ladies will do well to ex amino our a took of SHOES, BOOTTKES, SLIPPERS, &c.t &c. Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE, 65, 67 & 69 East Temple St. i WEST BirtE. J11J12 SUSTIWM HOME MANUFACTURE Tlie Ucet niitl tlie Clienpesl I Have You Tried Them.1 A'NTI-DYfiPKPTlC, OK COfViPCUND BC-fitSET PILLS. llomo-mado and purely '0gcUbIe. They reliovo Janndico, Dyspepsia, Indieca-tioD, Indieca-tioD, Livor Co in plaint, ileadacho. Loss ol Appetite and Foul Slomiich, will ore.ik ur Colds, Fevers, Coughs, and Purify tho Blood. They will Cleanse tho Stomach, UenovuK tho System, and dispel Disease. Aro good it all cases where Physic is needed. Try a boi, You will like them, and never want any otbei sort. They aro Ionic, Cathartic and Expectorant. Expec-torant. Twonty-Gvo cents per box Twenty-CroPilI-3 Warranted to itivo satisfaction. Ol'TUALMIC UALSAM; Or Eyt Ualm. Valuable in most Diseases of the Eyes. Removes Re-moves Inflammation, Strengthens the SiRht and Weak or Drooping Lids, and isfjcnorallj hoaling and slrofiEthonine to tho sight, bu aauscs no pain. It is alsj good for Tot tor Hi worm and bad Soros. Only Twenty-five Conta per Box, OOlNiCLirV SALV1J. A valuable remedy for Cuts, Bruises, Wounds Sores, Burns, Scalds, and for Weak or Lami Back, tjido or B roust, and for many othei usee. J. K. JOUKSON, St. Ucoirc, Utftl NEW YORK TRADE. J, BAUM & CO., Importon and Manufacturers of fi.ESvS & EOY'S CLOTHING Jia Sn 110111 St., Bun Krniiclico 49 Murray ht., Ntw York. ROBERTS, READ & CO. Manufacturers &nd Jobbers of 371 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. iiiyl L. hi. BATES & CO., 451 453 liroiulwny, NEW YUUK, lUrORTEJLS AND JOCBSHJ IN Fancy Dry Goods, uoamiiY, wuiTK uoodh, WOOLEAS, rSHAAVLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, dc J. II. UUL.GK11. juu FELIX CAMPBELL, i 79 John St, Now York, I Manufacturer of and Dealor in WroiiRlit, Cnil mul Ualvnnlzcd j D LlKCtt. H-M M- I Aud every vitrirly of ftlliiiys for j the. wmt. ml" J C. A. ljuOKflrcf t. John HedBwifk. LOiiGSTRCET & SEDGWICK Manufacturer! of and Wholesale MEM'S ftBoVs'CLOTHING. 400 A 40H Urnnilwny, York. HEW0ERS0?4, JUSTICE & Co Successors to tJrifl'on. Honderson X Co., iutortkhh an d jibu k ha or nm GOODS, KOTIOXS, TURNISHINO GOODS, 1; iuk x ado tttu,u nil, OiiiiositoSl. Niohola, Hotel, '' N.w York. SAN FRANCISCO I THE OREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. x n e GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER, HIGH IN TUB SIKKRA NEVADA Mountains, in the wonderful Stnta o California, grows an herb long knuwn to tb Indians an an absolute euro 1'orKUKllMi TISiM. UOUT, NKURALtllA. "and Mu eiiscM in any way springing from iwimrllliu ol Ihobh.od. SciemM) lias al length brouhi to light Ua virtuoi. and of this potoat berh Iiascouipoumlud YKltliA SANTA. raliuii for tho PERMANENT CUKK of Scrofula, Suit Khcum, mid all jCri. tlve tvml Ciitaneoua Ulitaici, Giva!" iuiuioJialo nnd pennnnent Teliof i. DVSPEI'SIA. XILYSIPKLAB, Him Tom Tumors. Builut Sculd lleadu, Uloor inJ Sorts; eradicates from the system all tracej of mercurial disease. IT IS PURtLV VEGETABLE. It is thoroforo poculiarly suitable Tor uieb females and obildron ns a BLOOD PllUr FIEK and KENUVATOlt. Al" MOTIIKHS . Who wish to find a medicine peculiar! alapted to tho ourc of IIUMOUS and ERUPTIONS ERUP-TIONS in their children, will find a uf and sure cure in YEKBa SANTA. Fonili everywhere. HEDINOTON, HOSTKTTKR CO, AgonU, 53 and 931 Mtvrket St., San Pranelaee, REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO. Importeri!and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Flue Kifientl&l Ollt, Gumi, Rooli, Seetli, Flowers, Spongei, Skint, Pomades, tfcc, And all othor Staples connected with tit Wholesale and llotail Drug BuiIumj. Constantly is rocoipt, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Uoitetter's Bitten, Drake's Planution Bitters, Wolfs Scheidam Schnapps, Newoll's Pulmonary Syrap, And all the leading Proprietary MedlciOM both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Nos. 039 and S31 Market Street, Between First and Second, San FTanclscffp'tWWs: my al FALL IMPORTATION, 1811 ROSENBAUM & FRIEDMANN, 22 aud 21 Battery Street) San Franoisoo BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE AT-tcntion AT-tcntion of tho TRADE to their splendid splen-did STOCK, comprising in part COilPLivTE LINES of Broche Shawls, Velveteeus, Alexander's Kid Gloves, Curtain Nets, Li lie n Hdkfs, "White goods, Tarlntaus, llui'egtis, Guiiiure aud Linen Laces, Cottoii Laces, Lace goods, made up, Hamburg Embroideries, Silk aud Velvet Ribbons, bl'k and col'd, Corsets, sewed and woven, Hosiery and Gloves, silk, cotton and wool, Merino Underwear for ladica and children, Fringes, Gimps and Ornaments, Orna-ments, Ladies' nud Children'sReaJy Made Sitits: Which, toother with their :SUAJ FULL Stock of ForciKiiiind Dometw SilALLWAKES and Fancy Oooa., thoy oll'or at Kodticod Prices. Purchasing all our poods al their r rious pincos of production ft) over W" world wo arc enabled to ff I the sa no l prices to comparo favorablv wdli of the leading houses in Kow iorkot London. - ESTABLIEHIO IU 1W2. ARMIES &DALLAM, j liuporlcrE. Jobbers and ' JUAMKAUTI HKUS OF WoodlWillowWare www 1NO TACKI.K.TI N I'lKf ANU I1AI.L", F-K-l AN U O KN U11AL House Fui'iiisliing Goods. aoists nil tu Sill or 8. F. 1'orouoioa Miiloh mM',J;;-, Ameritnn Sot nnJ 1 '"' 0. ll.,un blai Mills !""" T . , Noll ns-'worth A H hltno) J f.l'Jf ',,V (J K. Uri.wold A lie's cattior Wui' l. MoLausliUn'n lirusbof. ( CM. nJ our f,.oi it.c .lor '"";;' " I'M. nm OA r.M.1"" , -to hir"1 N.,.. an ,AM PKASCIKCO. |