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Show Sa,,t Lakk cm-, ,':l'; -1 A CIOOD .'?" J.& LJio to lii" street. ,.lendid Cbrotnc . will " ,,.;, site City Meat Market. TME Mf.st BUANDY, both b'vonel. and SaUve, will be found at j"V-. ' guUKOFdK. b. KwhionaWo UaU at Siegoi Uro'. '1C JIbw anATix.i lUixwil bo ononotl in Famt's Building Second boulli M., in Saturday evemnfr. 0o In.nd red pairs of Plymploni Patont hk te ready r servico, on a splendid new noor. MuaicintaaipUory yin Furnishing Goods at Siegel Bro's Hi in p. A- splendid assortment ol FAMILY BIIILK, beautifully illus-triited, illus-triited, containing Album for Photograph. Photo-graph. Pictures, for salo at Dwyer s. das Goto N. &E.lioutovsK's lor BEST CIGAKS in the city. d27 ( avi. to w.-j. to wii tois:! Go to 78 Main street, Crystal Palace, for your Now Year presents. i27 DRISD Peaches. Wo shall ive tlio i highest price for clean, well driud fruit, at our Provision Department, at J no li. ClawsonV. west of Theatre. j aug-1 H. j?. Cr.AwsoN, Siiit - Garrktt & Wood havo on exhibition exhibi-tion nt Uelr stall tba finest lambs in the market, raised by John Lambert, of Khodea' Valley; a main moth calf rai.-ed by James Smithies, and fat beef raised by Jumps Davis, of t!io sumo place. They invito tho public to call anil see Ihcin. dldl I Fur tiik iikst WINGS and W11J.S-KU.JJ, W11J.S-KU.JJ, go to N. & K. iiOUKOFSKY'y. Go oGko. Cuanih.kr'8 stall and , tho Mammoth OX, raised by f'e -! L Myrmfc, woigiiinff llw ah kind, of Mkat arid Gamk on luiml for mic nt the lowett rale-. l-j!J Large stock of line nml hu-v h-ui -,t ) hegei utv's. b " "L;):;j DiAiius roil 187:?. DlAiilES fur Ml) dilleicuL styles, from 10c. to S.-..U1 each, f-r salo at DYVYJOK'S HOOK STOUK. tVJS . u rT Ar.iiivi:n, two more oar loads of plain Fl'UNlTU at II. Din- woudoy'ri. Thoic who did not got served ln-t time will now havo a cbuneo, d-'2 Cutting & Co's California Canned Fruits and Jellies aro tho best in the market. Ask your grocer for them. s9 Go to N. & ft. Boukovskt's for Genuine Gen-uine Knfflish and SCOTCH ALliS and P011TJCU. d27 I The Kembrasjjt Portraits taken ; at CAllTElt'S GALLEPvY arc appreciated appre-ciated by every person. Call and sec them. N.B. Tho only gallery where they aro taken in Salt Lako City. dlii Largest stock of clothing at Kiegel Bro's. olO ! G knto Attention. JSd. Harris, At ! tho LiTTr.i-; Cigar, Stork "round the corner," keeps Ike best imported Havana Hav-ana and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco and Notions. Como and judgo for yourselves. your-selves. Thruo doors cast ol Post Oiiico. s2o l''ur Una WhUo and Woolen Shirts ! go to Siuyol Uro's. olO Dov, li-i per cent oil' furnituro, I silver, china, gla-s, crockery and htH- l:iy K""ds in, tin; Cry-tal Palace, 78 Alain l street.. 1 dlV Baku att & Co. Overcoats, a line assortment, at Siogel UiVh. olO IIikf. lii.-i:;KxS Cn.'.NCti. For rale, I tho California Sloiv, Ahiin street, with lul twi'iity-ii vo lYuiit, a hundred and i si.dy-iii-o loci iR-cp. Apply to J!. B. ! ShiiebridL'.', :i Uie invoices, or at tho ! UKKU.numVo. sl'l j I-.xamim.; tho new stylo VkimjK Al-' Al-' i i:is Hat, ju-L loeiivod by L. Coun at the Camvoknia Stouic. dl'.l V Oi:kat 'loxir. HKGKWAN'S i oKDIAL KhEXtK Of CAL1SAYA . l!.AKli. A iileiisani cordial which ' 'Ur.Mij;-. h,'n; imd improvop Digestion, an exrulliMit pruvontivo of Povorj, Pover Ainl Agutt:te.1and a great Renovator and . TV i ;ie lor invalids and debilitated per-; per-; Sims. II ;.mkm n i!o Co., New York, i Sr. hi Maimi-iic-turor. Sold by all . Drug-ilj. sIj ogdendTrectoryV Fnst-dass Business Houses. MERCHANTS! Wnlltev Uioihci'fl, Zloii's Co-op. Itlorcaiilile Int It ulloii, James Ilorrocks, G. Wooilinauicc, P. Auerbach & Bro. TIOTEL, Og;lcn House, Jolm Mabou, riopiielur. LIVERY STAELE, D. G. NeUou, Proprietor. . nIO DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand, East side East Temple St, Wish os to inform his numerous friends and piLtrons that ho has & Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sell i them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. : PRODUCE Of nil kind!. lioiigl.l ami Soiil. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Mndo to order. NOTICE. 11IiERE will lid a meeting of tlio Trustees of the UTAH AND CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMPANY hold at tho office of the Company in Salt Lake City on tho 17th dny of January, 1ST2, for tho olection ofoQi-oors ofoQi-oors and for tho transaction of such other business as my comoboforo it. D. W. PAHKIIUB.ST, Secretary. Salt Lako City, U. T., Docombor IS, 1871. dl9 FINE HOLIDAY MEATS. Jennings & Paul, STALL NO. 7, CITY MEAT MARKET, Ilavo a liirKP displfty qf phpico ideals, consisting of BEEF, MUTTON FORK, In tlio grontest variety the market affords, af-fords, which tiicy oiler WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Call and examine their IP .rD 1?: 3r g , lireil nml led by Mr. SnABr 'Wi.k"i n4 Mr. W. JpMK1, 'I' Declaratory Statements DROPEKLY made out for owtiitr of city J lot.s. in conformity witii lnbllc IVo-Uce IVo-Uce of lion. K. Sniit. Prolinlo Ju.Ikc. iuli.Hho,l in tho Salt Lake Ii:li.u.n. Nov-ouibor Nov-ouibor a.Stu, IS71; CLAYTON 4 JONASSON. OFFICE-Fourllt door south of Oo.lho's Corner. "'1 Monitor and Magnet Consolidated Consoli-dated Silver-Lead Mining Company. LOCATION of Wort'. Lilllo Collonwood, SaltL:il:oConoly. I tall Territory. Notice i hereby siven. that a meninir tif Iho Board ol'Trnslccs of eaid Coinpany. hold on the tth day of December. A. D.. Is.l. an a3e-ojcntfT'o. 1-1 ot twonly-live U1 centfl Scr fliaro was levied upon the canital stock of a dComoany. nav.bl. United Slnlei k-old .-on. to the secretary, at tho office ol tho Couinany . Rooms J U'l I . Merchants Exchaintc. Cahtornia blrect, tan Fiancisco. Calilornia. r,-c,,.t Any slock upon wLwk SffifflfflH' shall remain unpaid on lit; r : '1'IIiUD DAY UK JANlAKl Is, 2 will bo deeiacd delinquent, and will bo duly adver-ti.ed adver-ti.ed for sale at public auction, and ur ess payment shall bo made before, will be sold on rfTUlllAY the seventeenth d.i7 of FcbrtiaiT. lJ. to pay the dolir.ouont ossoss-ment. ossoss-ment. tonethor with costs of advortisini and ixpensis of sole. By order of the Board of Tru. iOLs. LOUIS KAPLAN. Eiccrotaiy. Onico. Rooms 2'i and S JlcrchonU Kseh.mac. California street. San .ranc-.sco, cel. COl-LiiCE SCRIPI P1UJEM1JTUKB will oavi! 16 on each quarter section by buying Agricultural CollcRO Scrip. Apply to Tlltt ISA.Mt Ol'' UKSkUtliiT, 15 Successor to Hooper, Eldredgo J Co Emerald Hill Mining Company, LOCATrOM of Works, Suit Lako county. Utah Territory. Notice Thtro are delinquent upon Iho foltowioK described Stock on ucouint of As-sc-3Binonllovied on tho 3rd dny of Novembor, 1S71, tho pereral am on n La act opposite tho names of tlio resiiootivo 8hareholdcrs, aa Allows: Al-lows: NtuiJBi. Ko. Cerllfk'ftlo. No. Slinren. Amouut. M. C.Smith 8 157 S 15 70 U.B. Hawkins 1(3 1X7 Ha 70 And ia acoordanco with law, and an order of the Board of Trustees, made on tho 3rd dny of Novembor, 1871. so many shares of each parcel of said stock as mayba nocessary will bo Fold at public auction hy John Miu-dleton Miu-dleton it Bun, at No. 310 Montgomery street. Sun Francisco, California, on tbo 2nd day of January, 1S72, at tho hour of 1 o'clock, p.m. , of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment assess-ment thereon, togothcr with coh'.b of advertising adver-tising and oxpenses of sale. F. MADGE, Sccrotary. Ofliee, No. il Merchants' Exchange, California streot, San 1'runcisoo, Cal. dl7 S. T.-1S60-X. ONWARD I THE medical revolution which commenced com-menced years ago with the gradual disuse of blood-letting, salivation, drastic nureativea. and nowerf'ul oni- atep, goes bravely and gloriously on. Jivory day the sick grow wiser. They are no longer willing to open their mouths, shut their eyes, and take whatever what-ever the doctors aro pleased to prescribe, without inquiry. They want to know the nature of the mediciucs they are desired to swallow, and demand to have the mysterious Latin lingo of the profession translated into plain English. Eng-lish. The Invalid World understands at last that VIGOR ia the great antagonist an-tagonist ef disease. The feeble decline to De utterly prostrated by depleting pills and potions, and turning from such mcndicamenls with loathing, judiciously place their trust in a remedy reme-dy which combines with the properties of an Alterative those of a pure and wholesome Tonic and IJestorafivq. It is now about twelve years since Hi is grand desideratum was introduced uod'-r the name of PLANTATION BITTERS, and from that time to the present its progress has been without a parallel in the history of proprietary medicines. With the spirit of the sugar cane the most nutricious of all slim "lints for its basis, and medicated solely with tho juices and extracts of rare vegetable specifics, such, as ijulisay'a Bark, the best known Tonic- I hat the world produces, pro-duces, and which makes it by all odds tho most unobjectionable invigorant, corrective and general alterative that has ever been placed by science within the reach of the sick, the buffering, and the despondent. Hence it has overleaped ah competition, and Plantation Plan-tation Bitters is to day the most popular popu-lar Tonic on either side of the Aqtio- IIXICAI Mffli LISIKT. lOli MAS AST) JiF.AST. Probably few articles have ever had so extensive a sale, whijo riono have been more universally' beuellcial than tho celebrated Mux re an Must an o Lini-muxt. Lini-muxt. ' Children, Adults, llorses and Domestic Animals, aro always liable to accident, and it is safe Io say, that no family cn,n pass a single season without : Bomo Kind of an emollient being hooost , sary. It b.ecom.03 ft matter yf iiiiuuri-I iiiiuuri-I ar.r.c t'nen to sooutq th best. Tho merits of thn iHkyicax Mustang Linimkn'T are well known throughout tho habitable world. From tho million upon million of bottler, sold, no complaint com-plaint has over reached us. t is recommended re-commended for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, lthaLimatism, Swellings, Bites, Chilblains, Chil-blains, i&c, upon man, and for Spavins, Foundors, King-bone, Poll iCvil, Scratches, "Wind-Galls, Hoofale, A;c., upon horsof. IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF HOiiStS, "Tliis te lo cartify, That tbo Mexican Mus-tanc Mus-tanc Liniment lias hoon extensively used in our stables throughout tho country fwe hvo 2,, Viil hor.je?l with tho groiiloil bonclit in nil cn.es of (talis, kick::, sprains, lamenesa, stillness, still-ness, oto. Many of our men have had occ.i.r-ion occ.i.r-ion lu U.io it in tlicir families, and all sicak of it iniho highest terms. One of our men Rot kicked and badly cat and bruised; ns usual us-ual the Musianc Linimont was resorted tn; Iho'bmciies ns removed, and ho w:i5 almost al-most well in four diiys. Wo can cheerfully reoommend it as a valuable preparation fur j man or boast. luurs respectfully, J. DLlNNINli. I Foreman "I" Adams & Co', Eip's. Stables, J n. v- ! "Yc t;:te ti :at pleasure in reeommending !hc Mexican MusMQR Liniment a.- au in-lis-pen.-abloand valuable arti''le. and iho best we have ever u.-ed for Sprains, Sorcj or ti ill- on hor-'M- Some of our men have al?o u.-ed' it for sevore burni and sore?, as well iis rhctimntic pains, and all eoy it act." l:he mnB,C J, II. HEWITT. Foreman. For America Express C... lu , Wall Mrcel: Harden'.-: Express Co , Krowrij: Pullcji, V ir"il ,fe Co.. Exprcs (.o., it Wall Streoi: Wchi, Fnrgo A Co.. H Wall Strecl. Uver three hundred livery tt.iblei in the city of Mew York alone are u-ing th-j Mkvh an Mutasu Liximknt. in all of which it gives unusual ?ni inaction. inac-tion. :a i nox. SvMiio ur.iTineirlB.1 parti. bavo un.i-taken un.i-taken to counterfeit tni" Liniment, inn Bcniiineis wrapped in a lino "S-cl PlaJo"' ' crcrAvioc, with "Q. . V cftbrook. Chetn-I Chetn-I i.t " aod "Trado Mark. MEXICAN MUa-TAN(I MUa-TAN(I LINIMKN'T." cr.Kraved a ro?s the ! face of each wrapper- . Tne wh'o bw the ! proprietor'' private I nifd States l.frnur 1 Stamp, and not a common tiiMP. as ii'ed . hy dniCitit?. Lyon Maslfacti kis L . ... d27 53 Park 1'Uce, N. . MISCELLANEOUS. UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD NOTICE. VFfEIt Jannary 1ft, 1T2. the Coupons of ihii Utah Central K&ilroad Bonds will be paid at the link c-f De.-ereu GEORliE SWAN. 6eeretary. SaltLake City. V. T.. litceidber U:h. 15-71. did CHENEB.Y, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jobbora of FOIIKIGS 5D D05IKSTIC BRANDIES, VVINES, ASD LIQUORS, 311 Cly Street, Fr.ncl.co. 1 i I S25 SAVED By Buying' THE WILSON Lock Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE AT J. Daynes & Co.'s Two doors east ofPott Otllce, SALT LAKE CIXY. Warranted for Five Years ! CALL AND SEE THEM. SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody nil that is new and novel in Sowing Machines. Thoy aro tbo latest improvod anl lightest runnine shuttle machines in tho world. Beautiful ana compact in model and unexcelled in material and finish. They sow . everything from lace to boaver oloth in the most perfect manner. Every variety of Hemming, Felling, Quilting, Cording. Unfiling, j Piping, Tailing, Fringing. Hem StUclilng etc., easily peiformec. Straight Keetiie. No Cog-wheels, NO VIBRATING SPRINGS, Every Macbino Warranted as ilopreaented. Salesroom on First South Sltvct Suit Jjiiko City, opiiofiHe the New Moat Blniltet. ERA PFOUTZ, M,yl-l Ait ent. FIHE INSURANCE. iliffil I Merchants' Exchange Uuilding. Fire and Marine Insurance, CAPITAL, T . 050,000, JOHN II. RBDDTN0T0N. - President. CIIAULES li, S'lDltY, - . SocrcUry. GEO. H. llUWAitD, - - Vice-President. N. ft, KUlJV, - - - Marino Secretary, BIG E LOW, - UonorftlKijiior, H. R. EW,ASN, A;;cnt for UUli Territory, OdU ,e, under tlie Rending Rooms, ju ZH Suit LttkoCily SALT LAKE BRANCH OF TUB Great Western wsmm insurance co'y, OF CHICAGO. T II KO. F. TltACY, Trealdent C. H. BASK'i'T, ") . HKSKV AV.L.A WflENCK -Dlrector CHAS. L. DAI1L.EU, MAHSIIALL CARTER, Attorney. II. K. MASS, Plaunger. OFI'ICK: Und?r Salt Laka Reading Rooms. A Branch ol' llm KOUiND and ILK1 J-AULH J-AULH 5,000,000 COMPANY Having been organized in our city, we arc now ready for business and earnestly earn-estly solicit public patronage;, guarfn-tir.fr guarfn-tir.fr that all firo rika will be carried nt a fiir rnf?. H. R. MANN, MISCELLANEOUS. 1 ARRIVED; Jhst Last, i JUST IN TIME FOR : NEW YEAR! I A FINE STOCK OF 1 DKESS FLANNELS, LIXSEYS, ! WATERPROOF CLOTH, DELAINES, GINGHAMS, COTTON BATTING, j SHEETING, ' BLEACHED, j KENTUCKY JEANS, LOW FOE CASH AT 1 TAYLOR & CUTLER'S EAST TEMPLE ST. j aug2-o : Madame Josephine Edmonds, j INDIAN AND ' j BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, j 20 Years Practice IN tho trenfraent of diseiises incident ti Females, has idaeud Miuhimo Kdmonda at tho head of all physicians man inn such practico a Biieeiaky, and enables her to guarantee a siieody and permanent cure in tho worstcasos of suppression?, and all uthcr menstural doranRotnenlB. Ladies will find in Madame Edmonds a skillful physician, and it ia for their interest to consult her in all diseases incidont to women, before tampering tam-pering with.poiaonou0 nostrums, quack Doctors Doc-tors and humbugs. Madamo Edmonds describes de-scribes disease without any information from tho patient, and cures without tho uao of mercury or experiments, thus saving from wrong treatment for private, chronic imd cancer discuses. Corrcspondonco etriitly confidential. OQ'ico and residence White Mouse, Main street, up stairs. Patients visited nt tholr residence when desired. ASDoctor Edmonds, Madamo.Iosophino'fl husband, will attend to malo pationU- n.'t.T LEGAL SUMMONS. In the District Court of tlio TUtrd Judicial District of the Territory of Utah. Salt I. akc County. "1 September Term, Wm. 6. G&dbo and Fred- A.D.JS71. crick A.Mitehcll. partners, part-ners, doing business under tho rirm nomo and idylo of Uodbe & Mitchell, ! Plaintifls. j vs. Thomas E. H.Stcnhouse, Delondunt. The People of the Territory of Utah send Greeting : To THOMAS B. II. BTENHOUSE. Dofooilnnt, ou Hro hereby required to appear in an action brought anainst you by tho above niimod Puintillj, iu tho District Court of tbo Third Judicial District of tho Tcrrito y of Utah, nnd to answer tho complaint tiled therein within ton days exclusive of tho day of service) after the servico on you of thia sumuioos if served within this county; or, if served out of this county, but in this district, dis-trict, within twenty days; otherwise within forty days or judgment by default will bo taken aaainstyou, according to tho prayer The said action is hroutbt to recover the sum of 8-J 20.03, duo from defendant io plaintiffs for goods, wares and merchandise told and delivered said sum boing duo and payable on the 2oth day of May, IStW), together to-gether with legal intorost thereon as sot out in tho complaint on file heroin and cost of suit. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint com-plaint as above required, the said plaintiffs will t:i kc judsmcnl against you for said sum of SlO.Uo, with intorost as aforesaid and oasts. Witness the lion. Jos. B.McKean, Judge, and tho Seal of tho Dis-, Dis-, ' , trict Court of tho Third Judicial f "I District, in and for tho Territory (SEAL- of Utah. this l!7th dr,y of N'ovem-( N'ovem-( J bor, in the ycar.of iiur Lord, Ono ' Thousand Eight Hundred and evenly Ono. d21 Win. S. WALKER, Clerk. ; HERALD BINDERY. Booksof allkinds bound in a Good, Substantial, Substan-tial, Tasty and Workemanlike Manner WITH ITKTTAL1TY j AND DISPATCH. iBRIAt OX VOIII 1S0QRS, 1. 09 O O O ginsrer Sewing- Machines wtrc Sold within the past year. dentine American, June 10th, 13.1. THE STN GER 3Ianufocturing Company, A.T THE WClR.XjID'S ITJLIIR, Constituted by ti bomei of the people Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And have left alt rivals far behind them, FOR 11 ST Sold in 1870 127,833 Machines ! Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "The magnitude towhich tie manufacture ofsewing machines has attained ii shown by the ,,Moru" returns uo vhich aay -ne ta have acciv,-) of the cjanu'arturers for , the year IsTi) to tho owners of the leading i-ateou. on whi.-h they pay a roy.ilty. ording to these returns the number of maghiuu sold by each in&nuia;;urer ia it &s follows: The Singer - - 147, S33 Florence .... 17 Wheeler A: Wilson - S.;.1VS -IdAUdal - - ii e wo - - i;- : n - - - - NS" O rover Jt Baker - 57,-krJ K i-pire .... ..,Vl Weed - - - SMV2 inkle Jt Lyon - - 2.-Ti Wilcox Jt Giubi - Parham ... i,:m Americanliuuonfcolci Ovcrf earning H,5'i WiUoa .... And several other oomnaniei who gold a few machines. It wilt bo seen by this tabic that tho popularity of the Sluuer machines far exceed ex-ceed that of nil others, their tale being one-half greaier than even that ef lhe famous "Wheeler J fe Wilson" machine. This is owing to the fact that the Singer ! Company have Intel' commenced making, besides iheir old and well-etablihd manufacturing machine, what is known as their "Aw Family .lUrhlnc," which ! ts selling at the rale of nine to one better than their old atyle. Their te-j te-j tal sales for Ift't) were &J.7S1 aiachinoi against tho 127.S3S of I87l. showing an Inereas i of one-half In the latter year." "'e York Sun." I j One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, NOW NRAELT THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION Macliines Sold, AND --'a :bl, a x m.- jib. 'fc m . Were maile wlihla the putt three years. But tbe Greatest Increase of our nles over nil Oilier Mntliijies, BeliiR Within llic Vt Vrar. This In Incontcsttule Proof that Our Machines Are the Uest in the Worm. THE NEW FAMILY SINGER SEWING MACHINE II7A attachments for all kintls of toork, Is (aril ..inning tupremo favor in tho household, as shown by the rapidly inorsafins; saloj, over all other machines. 1 his ftew Knmtty Machine is now capable of a rang" and variety of w.rk snch at was only recently thought impossible to perforin by ui.tchi icry. Wo claim and co show that it is tho cheapest, most beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely adju-ted, ;imIj operated, speedy. and smoothly ruoniiiB of all the family cwinu .Machines. Ii is remarkable remark-able not only f.iriho ranfc-o and vuriety of its sewinK, but, ai,-o lor tlio r.iriety ad different dif-ferent hinds of toxture which it will bow with equal facility and pprfccii .ti, usinir silk twiot, linen or cotton thread, line or ooarse, making the i"trrlockril-elatlc-siitch, alike on both sides of tho f ibric sewn; tho only siiieb wioh is umyersuMy approved, or is at all adapted for flrit-clam work, thus, boaver cloth, or leather may bo sown with eroat strciiRth and uniformity of stitcti, and. in a moment, tiiis willing and nover-wcarying instrumonL may bo udjuBtcd for line work on gauze- or kosp-niiir kosp-niiir li.-.sue. or tlio tucking of tarlatan, or rutSms, or altll-t anv other work evon n child which delicate finger have been known to perform. Kvtii the careleta and thonghilLuii Have little ur no trouble on tltl machine. Send for Descriptive and Pries Gtrcufnrn, Womanufacturoour own naedlos, silk and twist; furnish linen and cotton thread and oil all of superior quality-but which can bo reliod Oil only ivtiuu obtained tUrouih our Principal orBranoh Oilicos, or Agenoios. OTHER SEWINQ "MACHINES REPAIRED Ofi REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. . MACHINES DELIVERED FRKE TUHOUGUOUT THE COT. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. Wo extend a cordial invention to all to come aud Foo tbo Mc-hine. whthr they wish to buy or njU See all others, but do Hot buy wllliout yon cinmlM the Singer. Visitors always politely attended by competent nttetnlnnts. Instruction free. AllMaohlnes perfectly HdJusLoil before delivery att Mm SEWING MACHINE DEP'T, Z. C. 1. 1. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south ofEaslo Emporium, Sittlt Lake City, TJtali. II. B. Suptrintond.nl. SAM FRANCiSCO TRADE, - -' - -r .T. EVEatSISfO A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 48 ClnySt., Sui Frnnclitco, DKALKKS IS ORtCCON PKODIKD1. Are constantly In receipt ol On-joD Slaiut, Bacon, Li.nl, Patrfton. .U. Starch, of qtir nwo nnd KaPiern tuati nine tare t-lwayp on band. WEIL & CO. IUPOBTBRE OV Cigars and Tobacco Proprietors of the HAVANA CIQAK MANUFACTORY 321, a '43 and XS5 Front St., 1 Southwest ooi nor Front Si Sacramento Sts., ob THE BANK of CALIFORNIA 9,..N PRAA'CISUO. D. O. MILLS, PRKSIDi.'NT. W. 0. HALSTOS. OASltlKll. Onjillnl l'nU Up, - 55,000,000. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS nf Credit on all tho p?lnoipal Okies of tile 18 World. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 401 end SOU California St., Saii Francisco, - - California. Particular attention paid to the fillinit of orders for every do3cnption ol morobacdiao. n28 Snle of Ores, c o. A. J. IilFFITIi, Doolor In ' Hirf.ol SALMON H!-;D HERRINGS. 113 Washington Street. All kiiuls of Drlnil, Smukcd and Pickled Fffi oonitauUy on hand. jl SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. E. MARTifg & CO. fliolesale Lipor Bealers, Ot3 Front street, Sau Francisco. Proprietors of HILLKK'S KXTHA Ol,t UOUHUOS And sole .ifrent." fur I. F. COTTER'S EXTRA OLD UQUlliON WHISKIES Constantly on hand, n full ajsurtruonl of all the Standard Urnnds of WhlHUlea, Fine Brandies, Foreign and Dome tic Wlnca, I m5 DlMers, (Jordlala, ftr, Micraei. Rank. T. N. Wand. WAND, SCANS & CO., 2(Snocessora to lliutlcr, A and M. Co.) Importers and Wholesale. Dealers la WINES AP LIQUORS. Proprioto.' of Hunter's California Also Acnnts for Joseph P. Pinoh'a oulobrutod P'-nnu-lvania RYE WHISKEY. Bin and 000 Front St., near Jacks on, SAN FRANCISCO. my31 LAZARD FRERES, Importers nnd Jobbers of Forntirii and Do-inoiitiu Do-inoiitiu k'anay and Staple DltY QOODS. Depot of Goods Afnvnfnciuredat the Mission and Pacific Mitle, (Jonsohdaltd, S)45 &. 57 Market St., San Prsn. J'lylfl Paris: 118 Hue Do lKobtnuior. BENEDICT, HALL CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Nos. i;t! suid 130 11AJ STItFFT, One Block KhsI of Urdiidwhj-, 1 NEW YORK. Z. C. til I. BOOT AND SHOE Dcpnrtment, at tlio h'hx t "FJ&LJEl "big BOOT." lovcry stylo aud quality of BooU and Hhocs KAU TO UliblrM. patWa. . tirj fruarantecd. ALWAYS ON HAND A LA EOS AND CnOIOB 8TOCK Hp 1 1031 E"iIADE imtom-kd 100TS AiD A FULL ASyilKTAiKT Og jShoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds ofs 1 XXX 13 SB -WJ. NTED, |