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Show ! IMOrilE ITEMS. Prom the E'y Rtcord of the 24th, we make the foil-, wing extract?: The Pea vine claim is located on the Peavine moumain, eouiineiR-iug 1,.0HJ feel wet of the liowery mine and containing con-taining I ,uo(j feet of mining ground. The ledge is irrtueuble on the surface the entire length of l he claim. Three hundred feet we.-t of the east end of the claim a lial"t has Wen s-uuk, fol-, fol-, I-m-ing the ledire lil ty feet deep. At the ; thirty-foot h vd a drift was run west eighteen hct, .-howini; one foot of ore in the face of ihe drift. Throughout the entire works ihe ledge is well defined. de-fined. 'I he fool wall is solid and has a i line selvage, tdiowing il to be a true Assure vein. Forty ton of ore on the dump is as beautiful in appearance as it is in chlorides of silver, and contains magnilicnt s-peeiinens oi' antimouial silver. The top rock is mostly argen-; argen-; tifcrous galena, but at a depth of thirty feet the galena gives place to I quartz containing large quantities of , silver. The average assays of the ore show it to contain 160 per ton. liecciit assays from the ledge struck . in"the Newton Booth, show remark-, remark-, ably well for the future of the claim, j Out of half a dozen samples taken from j different portions of the ledge, the i highest asay was $,",7 -l.y;!, and the j general average of the lot was 262. I On the 22nd inst J. J. Jones and J. Hryant were examined before 0. ! 0. McDonald, J. Pv upon tho charge ! of killing a man named J. Dulaud, at ; Panaca. The examination resulted in the honorable acquittal of the young i men under aires;. The examination was very thorough, and all the testi-uiony testi-uiony fully detailed; as much so as if the deceased had been other than an ! Indian. The citizens of Panaca showed ' the proper spirit, such as should actuate ac-tuate all good citizens a detcrmina-I detcrmina-I lion to see the laws enforced. Tho : district attorney conducted the exam- ination in a spirit of fairness. |