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Show First Waud Sciroors. By a communication com-munication from Mr. II. Mitchell, wo learn that the day and Sunday school , children of the First Ward hud a pleasant pleas-ant exhibition on Tuesday hist. The exorcises consisted of recitations, dialogues, dia-logues, songs and readings by tho pupils, pu-pils, and though some of them wore very small they acquitted themselves most satisfactorily, reflecting great oreilit upon their teachers. A scientist gave some exhibitions in chemistry, With illustrations in a-tronomy and tho magio lantern, all of which was hourlily appreciated by Mm children. Tho entertainment en-tertainment was interspersed with son;.H and anthems by tho ward choir. On Wednesday evening a frco hall was given to the scholars which was well attended, and the danciug kept up till 11 o'clock, when the Jiltio folks retired bighly dolightcd with the festivities of tho occasion. |