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Show I CIIKAP ADVERTISING. j Advertisements under this heading ; not exceeding five lines, fifty cents for ! each aud every insertion. Kach ad-j ad-j ditional tine leu cents. WASTED. A HTM. TO DO dEXEUAh HOl'Sti-1 HOl'Sti-1 V WORK. Ilmi niroat.M:ij. U cm ps toad's, :i-l Son Hi Street. Third block IS.ist of iMnin Street, North d27 AOOOD COOK, VHO CAN ALSO DC iho wiHhiui,' iniil ironintc for il sraull family. Apply to Thomas Fitch. illo FOR REST. I 'pVO (ill 'illlthlK PLEASANT ROOMS : 1 wilh Iinarci, in a new anil nicely finished 1 liotiisu. Hoi'eronce ami required. Ap I ply at Uii.i Olliie, dltt 1 NEW TWO - STOltY HOUSE OI Ij-V twelve rooms, elegantly li aisb d3, in I eluding bath room and cellar, ivith ground! I BJ! j fret front by '.'--A) feet dcop, with largi j stable- and lino orchard; situated north, ad joiniuif Win. Jcnnincs' residence tear tin depot. l'Vir partiaulars apply to L- S- Hilli I at Dcserot Hank, or at h LitUc'a ollico dS THEATRE. BB1TEPIT JIE. OUVKll DOUJj BYRON THIS EVENING, Will bt; produced the great Sensational and Emotional Drama, Ben McCullough! on, CERTAIN AS DEATH. Dii-. Oliver llouil Uj i oii as '"Mrs. Itiilu Liyrou ni S Mitml DlcCullougti. (With beautiful song.) New S enery by Mr. J. A- Ursenbaeh New Machinery by Mr. fetor lteid 1 . , ., and H3ai5 tanti. , New Properties by II. A. Dakar. Between tho 1st antl2d AcU i Tha Rocky Mountain Vocalists Who have kindly volunteered, will sinr some , iz of their popular selections. Al.o the latest. California sensation, "THE DilUM MAJOK," by ; Mu. HARRY LORRAINE. NewYear's-:2 drani Performauces DISSOLUTION. fjillK partnership heretofore existing bo-1 bo-1 X twoon 0. II. Ilices, Paul Leuhtenbert and Peter Nebckor, under tho firm name of Kicks, Leuhtenbore 1c Co., is tb ia day dissolved dis-solved by mutua consent- Tho business of , Ihe lirm will bo c.irricd on by Paul Lcchten-( Lcchten-( berg and Potor Ncbeker, who assume all the asset j and liabilities of tho late firm. 0. H.RIOUS, L'AL L J.HCII rHNBERG, I'UTUIIXBUKKEK . fc'alt Lake lily, December 2), ls?l , &2 G QA L. WIU tu the advance in tnuiipovluliun, the price until further notice will he at , Depot $1:4.00 per ion. w. it. mite, UKO. CKIS.UOX, , 1 djy I'. A. MITCIIEJLL. WM. P. APPLEBY, A.tloi'iicy-ut-Ijft-, HAVING provided himself with suitabic Blanks, is prepared to draw up Declaratory SliU em enl s of Aili-cuitl Aili-cuitl lor Deeds to City Loll. Oflicc-Eas'. Temple Street, lirst door north nf Cuiumcroe Duilding. dl'J o ii oic a-i Christmas Heats! GARRETT & WOOD nAVIC Iho PliiuKl Ulsplay of Meats in the city. II K K b't HI UTTOiX, L, A HI 11, lOIllv. I Tho public aro invited to call aud examine for tlioiiisol vci. Stall No. 1, City Meat market. i d2 N.&E. BOUKQFSKY, I Wholesale Dealers .IX WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAES j AND . TOBACCO, Second. South Street, HALT L.VlvE CITY, I Three doori wwt of Walker liro'i. .d5 ' MISCELLANEOUS. ! ' SPECIAL NOTICE Claimants of Real Estate in Salt Lake City. i j A. S. GOULD & SON, ; East Temple it-, (Reid'a Wilding) A KE prepared to draw, in itrict accordance accord-ance with law, tho necessary di-clara-j Uon of all persons claiming to be entitled to ! any portion of the lands included in tho entry of the town mIo of Bait Lake City. I maic by lion. D. II. Wells. Mayor, j dl! ! -A.T COST. i HARDWARE! .A.T COST. i j TINWARE -A.T COST. For Thirty Days We will oiler i Our Entire Stock 1 -A.T COST. 1 : 5 Now is your Chance for 1 Bargains! J5a?" All persons indebted to us arc requested to call and settle immediately immedi-ately and save costs. SENSENEY&CO Opposite IF. F. it Co'i Office, SALT LAKE CITY 11. A. KEYES, Agent SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS 01' MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IKON PIPE, . PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. LubricatingOil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOU CASH. IUO. AXD STKKL WIH 23 X-tLO I 33, l'LT AMU HOUND, Furlioi.-:iiij from mining shivfts nnd inclines, Forry rupee. Uuy rojuj, Tor transmitLins powor, etc- MitiiiijactttrtU any Lcmjth of Wire Rope In nuic-.li clienpcr, llfflitcr ond moro du ruble tlinii txny otHcr kiiid or Hope. llallidies Emllcss Wire Hope Way, OVire Tramway), For llio rap'nl and economical trnnBnortation of Ores nnd other ni;itcriiil.i over mountainous mountain-ous and dillicult roada. (.Secured Ijy U. S-Patent), S-Patent), alao. Patent Grip Pulley, For transmitting jiower and by which the rOno iu uninjured and cannot slip. SKND VOU CmcCLAUS. Agency of lac PACIFIC ! Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. j (OP CALIFORNIA.) Ail kinds and siej of1 Wire, c.nsUnliy on j Hand cl inanuiucturcd U order, ! A. S. HALLIDIE. f d'.' Front BL.S.tn Francisco, CliloruIa, MISCELLANEOUS. HOTrOR NEW YEAR! Toys! Tors! Toys! TOYS FOR THE MILLION ! The Largest and Finest Assortment Assort-ment of Toys ever brouslit ' to lliis Cily! CALL AND SEE THEM ! FANCY GOODS Of every dcfcriidion, suitable Tor CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! KOLID IV GROCERIES, Candies, Nuts, Jtc FANCY DRESS GOODS And Fancy Notions, A choice lei, (it W. B. WILKINSON'S, No. Sj East Temple Street. A Fine Lot of Clnas SHadi for Wax Fruit or FHmvci-s. s23 New Year ! TI1K MAMMOTH Boot, Shoe and Hat STOBE, DUNFORD I SONS Have on hand, nnd aro conBtantly'Ve-coiving conBtantly'Ve-coiving a largo and varied stock oil BOOTS AND SHOES Hats and Caps, GENTS' GLOVES, Gents' Furnishings, Which they arc Selling at a Small Advance on Eastern Cost FOR THE HOLIDAYS! LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS AT COST! jan 21 THE EAGLE WORKS MANUFACTURING COMPANY CHICAGO- Slump Mills, liock Breakers, nnd all other latest Improved Mining Machinery, Circular Saw Mills. Steam Engines. Crist Mills. Latlios. Pinners, Drill.", nnd nil oilier kinds of machinery at Jlan-f Jlan-f nc Hirers1 Prices. Pinna nnd spoctlicntioiis for mills imd machinery ma-chinery furnished. D. M. HURLEUT, Agent, Uiitmnor'a Boarding ilouso, 1st East St. dl" CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 470 South Canal St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturers of the oeloljrated WILSON OIL TA N K. Alt The Place to Buy youu GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, AND i PANEL DOORS, Fur Quality and Price, Imported or Home-made, IS AT LATIMER. TAYLOR &, GO'S PLANING .UILL, ' Sush nnd Door Factory, Ono bjock went of Tabernacle. J17 CALDER BRO'S COLUMN. HolidaY PRESENTS ! Wo nro in receipt of tho iicw)niul complete com-plete editions of llio Standard Authors Just issued by Loavitt. This scries embraces tho works of Gcotl, MIKon, Pope, Shaken1 are, Moore, Cowpcr, Jit rn n, U i on, OuHvcr, S nt o lie I ( , KleliliuR, JoHi'pliiiK, Ilolllii, Ktc. Kach complete in one roynl oetnvo vol., bound in tlio most approved style, una at tho Unprecedented. Low Price OF Cloth extrn - S2.00 Library Sheep - .75 Also ft fine slock of JUVENILE BOOKS Mingle nnd in sets, and bound in tho best cloth. TOY BOOKS Printed on Linen Cloth in lino Oil Colon a lurgo variety to select from. WniTixc; Albums ! The most complete, elegant nnd desirable de-sirable nssortmcnt published. Prices from $1.50 to $2.50 Each Wo have, to select from, the finest and largest stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tho country, embracing em-bracing the publications of L. l'rang & Co., T. Nelson & Monti, American Tract Society, &c. Our Stock of 1 MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consists, in -part, of 01 the latest improved stjlcs ; Of tho best makers ; From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, 4nd a largo lot of Cheap Instruments For the Boys ! Froiseth's New Sectional AND Topopiic'al Map of Utal, Mounted and iu pocket form; also MINING MAP, Showing llio several Allnlug Dlntrlcts. Uccoivcd and oxeotod tlnily, a largo and splendid stock oT MASON &. HAMLIN'S ClibKBKATUD ORGANS Embracing Tui JJiffcrttU Style., which ice. offer at Manufacturers' Trices Delivered in lliis city. FOB $125. l-'ive Uclavo, Doublo iJeeil, J-'ivo Stop?, (Viola, Diapafon, Alolodn, l''lute, Tremulanl,) with two Kfts vilrator.; throughout, one of four feet pilch nnd one of eight foot ; from prepared metal nnd riveted with iron, and not merely HMimprd out of brne. Tremulant and Knee Swell ; Fpll'-adju.-ting reel valve; improved bellows. Solid black walnut case throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, nnd Only $125. fit- Wo respectfully solicit the pub lie to call and examine our Roods For the E3ol2Iay$. CALDER BRO'S, i Bazaar Universelle, IS MOW OPEN, AND WILL C O IsT T I 2sT TJ E UP TO Saturday, Dec. 30, 1871. Z. C. M. 1. ltetall Dry Goods Dep't. II. II. CI. AW SON, lp. Christmas and New Year HOLIDAYS. Daily Arriving at Z. C. M. I. Clothing Department, Gentlemen's Suits, Youths' Suits, Boys' and Children's Suits. OVERSHIRTS AND UNDERCLOTHING, Dress Shirts, Collars and Cull's, A great Yariatr of Mon'a, Toultis' led Bays' HATS AND CAPS ! HATS AND CAPS ! Comforters,' Scarfs and Neck Ties, Tery suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts. Particular attention directed to the "Globe" and "Extra" Prize Collars. BLANKETS and BUFFALO ROBES A beautiful assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Trunks. See the Novelty Trunk at $3.75. CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS.' Chinchillas, Beavers and Cassimeres Til. largest .took in Utah. All kinds or Gentlemen's anil Hoys' Clothing Made to Order in Ihe Newest Styles. -A-URGE-ARRIVAt OF GENTS' BOOTS ANO WtStT II. B. CLAWSON. Euiicrintendtnt. Attention Miners I WANTED GOOD ARGENTIFEROUS GALEN A ORES at SCHEMER'S SMELTING FUMACE, At Union b'ort, Little Cottonwood. JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, I COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEP comtantly on hand a choice nfaort-montof nfaort-montof FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN Cloths, Cassimeres, i ! Vestings, Etc., Of tfao finest qualities and Intejtitjlea, which wo make up to order iu the most fuahionabl and approTcd manner. -PATRONAGE KOLICITBD- ang23 JAMES HAGUE, Jet.. J. II. HAGUE, (JEOHQE UAQUJ 33ig- Grixn Store! HAGUE "aOTHERS, LATE JAMES HAGUE, Importers n,xxc3. Dealers GUNS. N.iTO AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. REPAIRS NEA1LY EXECUTED. a2 East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, RIGGS, LECHTENBERG & CO, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WINES, Liquors, Tobacco, Scgars, AND STAPLE DRV GOODS. MINERS' OUTFITTING GOODS I i Parties desiring to purchase wrll Jo well to iDspcot our stook, which il complete in every department. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAGE & OTTIHGER'S. MYLOR BRO'S Have on baud the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City Of WAGON TIMBER IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which (hoy ofTer -A- T VERY X.OW PRICES. FIRST EAST STREET, H;U,K.A-BLOl.'K SOIH'H OF THIATW mm |