OCR Text |
Show E9EDIGAL W.F, ANDERSON, M,D, H.J. RICHARDS, M. D. SurgcouB Hud riiysiciuus, Offlfcf. for thn prcsont. at thoir renpoottvo roaiiloQCOS in llto Llth and 17th Wardnj Ortle Unit SoutU St., Salt Inke City. Threo doors West of liovoro liuuuo, half a block Katoflho Kloihunt tiloro. uffica aouiw rutin U a.m. to 5r.k. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., 1'UVSICIAN AND SUKOKON, OiIlt.i liis iirofcssinnal ncrvicoa to tho ppoplo o! Sail W.tko Ctiy. H.rii.tenco. at bolivnr Hobirls' brick hull... oi.poiilo St. Mark's ""i.-i1. 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. i'HYSlWAN, SUKllKON AND UHVIG01ST, IILKJIIAai CITY, UTAH. 1'. II. SIMMONS, M.D., I A.ijiciiih, iSVrrrcoii and Accoucheur, OQico JIain Street, Ovor Taylor tt Cutler'., .store. J. ..I. & I'. O. BKXKincT, WiWOW AND PHYSICIANS, OIco-OverCalJorBro'. Musio Emuoriuin. BATHBATHSI Warm Siivii.g Uais ! Prlr.t. 4 l.ig. r'T"''lS -S" " "I""' lo ,,.,',1,0 ., a,, I oa-n 'taut '. "a''!Z I' l;'"l"'r';. ar.. jo Wjp, I .ido. the Prlrale Bala., the- l.rKC .,,.1 naa l,ol .' 1'"' '''""a Hath, to, u,(m " j LEGAL. DAN I K lj S. DANA, A T T 0 11 N V) Y - A T -LAW, Snlt l.nltr City, Utali. OtIU'o Trmi-orsTily No. ;0 first Hanlh St,, Wen uf 'I'tioitro. Kpcciiil attention Kivcn to M In lug 1 1 1 i Ki.t in ii. di;7 V in . 11 --V Y D r, (Uito Jiid-o of KU Diitrk-t Court, Novada,) A T T 0 II N JO Y - A T-L AW, lloom No.l.TrowliriJtfenuihling. EaitTctn-plulrcct, EaitTctn-plulrcct, opi'oiilo tho tialt Lalto Uouso. A. 11 U'OOAN, Attorney nnl Counsel lor -at -Law. Otlice. altovo Daft's old store, 0pp"3ito Well:'. I'arco ,t Co.'b, Salt Lnko City, Utali. dlT M. Jt.VItNUM, A T T O It N KY-AT-LA V , 0 lli co, KiuilmU's Ulook, S, L. City. Slcoi:il ntlontion given to Titles, Nucolia- 1 lions, bales or Liti-jtions in Mining Claims ' and Ileal Kfl:ito. Collcftions mado nr Iusincj9 done in any part of the United tilatci ly Asauciation of roliablo A t lornoy. d!7 SKT11 M. I? LAIR, Attoraoj-at-Law and Mining Agent t oi'I'ick: ! At rcsidenao of Col. Uosca Stout, dlo' 3. II. Hetui?tcad, M. Kirkpatriok HEMPSTEAD &, KIRKPATRICK, Attorneys-at-ljuw, Main Street, oiiiicito Wolla. Fargo & Co., sail lakk c.tv, t;j Z. SSOW. S. D. HOOT. saw & lloom, attornoyi and GonnaoIOT. at Law Fait Lako City, Utab. Oulco at S aow's coruur, 1st laist Street. Ju5 Win. Y. LOVELL, ATTOU'EY - AT-L AW, Will practice in tho Courts of Utah. OFFICE Kimball's Illoclt, opposite Townscnd Ilomso. . dti JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Salt Lako City, Utah. Office Godbo Butldinir, 2d Floor. Rosi-denco Rosi-denco on 3d East Btroct, bctweeti South and lbt bouth strcoU. S. P. McCurJy. C. U. MorgtLn 3IcCL1KDY& morgan, Attorncys-at-Law, Oxfick Hooin St up stnirs, over Taylor & Cutler's Storo. , . 29 SALT LAKE CITY. 1 T O H tS: MANN, Attorneys-at-Laws Oliico, First South St., Fourth dooV east of Hooper, Eldredso & Co'a Bank-. Suit Lako City. aao C D HARDY. C. K. GILB11RI3T. HANDY & GIliCHltlST, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Aud Solicitors In Chancery, Offioo Main Street, Salt Lako City, U, T. Dl5 L . OOOPKIl, ATTUlt'EY A'D COUNSELLOR, OIIlc Exchange and Reading Kooum, nn-utalra. ju23 SALT LAS8 CITY. Warner Earll, F- M. Smith. KAULL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BALT liACB CITY, East Temple Street, one door south of a2U Godbo'8 Storo NOTAFiiES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, 3- Mining Deeds, AifroomonLfl and Bonds for Deeds, Mortgages, Powers, of Attorney. Leasca. Contracts and otiior jnstrumonts ol writing drawn with accuracy and aispatcn. 01 In lug Compnnlcs Iucorpora-led, Iucorpora-led, under the Law ot Utali. A. S. GOULD, PJOTAKY FTJ13XjIO and COMMISSIOiNliK 01' DEEDS for New i'ork, Musaachusctts, Pcnnsylya-nia.Oltio, Pcnnsylya-nia.Oltio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. &s Temple !'(., Jtrar Wells, Fargo tt- '.'a., Sail Lake Cily. mil Wit. CLATTON. S. J. JONARSON, Notary J'ublio. Convorunoer. CLAYTON & JONASSON 1)AY Ptrict at'ention to tho collection of money in all parts of tho world. They h!bo draw or acknowledge all kinds of instruments in writing. Special attent Ion given to tho drawing of Wills and Tcalamviitory Docu- Lonna negotiated. Mines, Houses and Ileal Estate of all kinds bought, sold or lonaoi. Incorporation and Partncrslilp l'nncrs of every description drawn in strict accordance with the laws of Utah- OFFICE-Fourth door south of GodlWa Corner. n29 HORAOU POTTER. REAL ESTATE AGENT. ConreynufCM carefully drawn up for tho fnlo nnd Loading of liousei ami Lots, Stores, Olllces aud IjiihN. LoaiiM iifotintud. ! OVFICK-No. 21 Taylor's Building, opjiiioaito Salt Lako Iluiiae, Suit Lnko Cily. da A Desli-aliJc IMhu. Tlioro ia the hi.-") of ridicule, Hi o hitf of scorn, the iiiflu f snakes in tho grass, but tho most dolightful ui;s is that of Tarrant's K.ITcrvoeciit Seltzer Aperient In tho FparklinR goblet, giving asstirnnco to thu invalid Hint his thirst will be delicious-iy delicious-iy tuitii.igod: that, hi. doinacli will ho ro-frtphed ro-frtphed iiiitl jiurilicd; that if lie is feverish his body will ho emded by healthful evaporations evapora-tions that if ho is oonsliiiated tho diliiculty will pass awjiy iitliout a i:uig: and that if the t'oniiitimi t.r hi.i L-encr.il healih' is impaired im-paired it will he.-pucdilv restored. Uf course hi' will tako euro to procure none but the gi-nuliic. Sold by ftU UrURKlt' Juijia GIT Y WjOR STORE, keep constantly on hand, W'lioIcsaU. ami Kclail, Choice Imported LlQL'RS ANDWIXES, At Lowest Kates. OHOKSlltClt'S UlMI.UiaiUri, nlT Gut Tiupl trl. BANKERS. Express Forwarders, Bankers, aud DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the Hailed Mates. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Kail Temple St., gait Lake City. mU TJ1E0. F. TRACY. Agni. Thos. R. Jones. A. W. White HANKING HODHK ov A. W. WIUTK Jt CO,, F.ABT TUMPLK STltEET. n30 bait Lako City. FUST IATIDIAI BAIKDF UTAH. (Successors to Ilussey, Dalit er , Co.) Warkkx I1US3BY, 0. L. Dahlkr, President. Vico Prost. Axthusy Godbb, Casliior. Suit Luke Cily, Utah ; Also connecting officss at Ogdon andCorinne, ; Utah, uud VirKiriia and Uoiomi, M.miana. D colors in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, j Draw Exckanuo on Now York, Chicago, ! St. Louis, Omaha, Deuvor, San r'ranciscu, 1 and all parU of Luropo- ' Collecllous l'roittptly Attended To. mil I Bank of.DeseretJ Successor to i HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner Hast Tomnlo aud First Eouth StrcoU, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - S10O.O00. BRIO HAM TOTTNQ. President, 1 II . S. ELDREUGE. ViooPrea. W.M. K. HOOPER. WM. JENNINGS. Directore. JOHN RHAltP, FElWMOltZ LITTLE, L. S. HILLS, Cashior, J I Deal in GOLD DUST, COIN, KXCII A AG K, LAND W Alt It ANT 8, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCHIP, dtc. CollccLiona made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This House is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 guests. THE PROPRIETOR ia now preparing to build large additions to his lloiol, wlilsli when finished, will ron -or it tho Most Complete Establishment in tho ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOCK EASTOFXHEATKE, SALT LAKE CITY. Terms83.00 per day. Board without with-out rooms Sta.UO pur week. 11 at lis free to gueats. J. C.LITTLK, j0n24 Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, OS T1IK EUROPEAN PLAN, EAST TEMPLE STREET, West Eldc. Rooms with or without hoard by tho day or week. RESTAURANT OPEN AT AU REASONABLE HOURS, Frcsli Oysters In every style. TAYLOll & CUTLEK, Proprietors. d2J , Hew Coimercial Loflpj House, Near foot of Commercial Street, Sam-"- Clfly-OPKN Clfly-OPKN ALL NIGHT. C. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. Spring lle.Ta, 50 cts. per NlRlit, or $.5U per Week sliigle room, Ij o!5 , CENTRAL HOUSE, j LITTLE COTTONWOOD, T. F. Fullor, Proprietor. TothoPuUic Thiahouao is now reG tied and open for travelers at reduced ratofl. ir Hoard and Lodttmir. by woek 51.1.00. Meals, 60c. IioJs, 75e. Meals at ull hours, nM . : UTAH HOTEL., MAIN ST., OUDEIV; The only first-class House in the City. (Formerly known ai tho Whilo Honso,); It Is crcatly cularircd, tliorouRlily renovatfd, rfftirallie(I and imovI-deil imovI-deil wltl Bar Room, liar Iter Slup and Bfitli Itooius. Omnibus to and from all Iruiim. ftusoiiKoni t m $nil I',,ku nwy now avoid llio niiil,nuioiit timk "f an imrly iiiorii-iagriiloon iiiorii-iagriiloon thu Umli Cuntral lUllruail 1-y coming lo Ogiloii tho piovious ovouliit;, EUDEY & WILLIAMS, OlO l'mpnutui-H. Phil. Margetts UOS closed Ha nl r bs-ine bs-ine on Soooucl tloxiTXl JSt-. and forlliolaturo Mill Mtontl lo tli waow of Uis Iriond at hia NEW ESTABLISHMENT, OO x-ii-sit Boutli Sti Wh.ro ho will kr cot.mlly on hand tho host of ALE, PORTER, STOUT, 4 O U 1. K ' S S T O -V K HI, WllOLKaal-K A-VO RKTA1L. "Dick." CoUUratcl Alo ."il Porter, Wngacr'. Lager Uecr, C1I0ICK T00ACC0 ASU CIllAKS. CALIFOBISTIA CHOP HOUSE ANJ OYSTER SALOON, BEKXARDS tiTKVVXX, rraj.'ri, IAST Ufiific STRitl, Thrco doors bolowSocond South St.. PAW " Sr. : 'f- OFtiS DA. AtSU Mo 111. 26 LUMBER YARDS. UTAH AXDCALIFORXIA-LUMBER AXDCALIFORXIA-LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorpornted July 17, lt71. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. Dealers in all kinds of BiiildingMaterial LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN CLISDs', ALL KINDS MOULDINGS, CIIICO SUGAR PINE, CEILING, DING FLOORING. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, FTC, ETC., ETC. Onlei.s lt;r Mill Timbers inomplly filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., five doors south of Walker's AH business done throuph tho President of tho Company. 0 Sic ea Lumber Yard, ono block south of Railroad Depot. K. II. BARRON, President. D. W. PARK II UltST, Secretary. CHARLES DA II L Kit, iuy21 Treasurer. LUMBERYARD. DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS A5D ftLL KINDS OF LUiVlBER. T. 11. J03ES & CO., Ualf-a-blook south of U. C. Depot. mr3 EBDINGTOS'S " aT a,; Two Blocks Bouth of tlie U. C.R.R, Depot, and next to Win. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery. Tho yard is kept constantly supplied by soTcral saw-mills with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. Vi. I, solicits the patronaeo oT his old friends, and by tunctuality and diligence in business hones to merit a share of public support. FOR SALE In tho lrjth Ward, ono block and a half west of tho U. C. R. R., a small house and half lot, with hue orehard. For particulars enquire of aus25 TVM.EDDINaiON. AND HEHABEBIL .Oppositothe entrance to tho Tabernacle, JOHN W. YOUNG, - Tiop. AtlEiiiiuw, 50 Cts. Open from 9 a.m. to 0 p.m. Nittlve Mlnernls, Petrifactions, Coii-crelluns Coii-crelluns and Crystallxatlons. UoUS Product. X'ltlva and Foreign C- Compountl Elcclro-Magnclia Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &c. Prof. J. L. UARKOOT, Mnimger. tt Schools and Families by private ar-ranKomouW ar-ranKomouW admittotl at reduced ra:os. A Compltle Pictorial History of tlie Tliiies." Tlic DesI, clionpfNt mid mo.it uc-ciiiMlul uc-ciiiMlul l.'anilly Puper In tlie Union. ' Harper's Weekly. SPLKN DlDliY 1LLUST11ATHD.". Notices of (lie Press t Tho Moinx Nnwsi'Arn. of our country. Ct.mplcto in all the departments of an American Family Paper. .Ha nfKit'a .kuy has earned for imelf a nRht to iW title A Jiiuunai. di-' Civii.i.atio.. ew iork. ThfclpUliealion of it class in America Ame-rica arid J Ur ahead "fall other weekly jm.r'uals as not to i-ennU ol'any comparison lciwecn it -'i.d any td .their number, ll.-columns ll.-columns contain tl.o IidlI cottcctions of readiiik-matter that are printed. Iti illusiratioim are numerous and beautiful, heink- iurui.-hcd by tho chief musu ol the "tfSSa!iC best opd mo,t intorcsliuK ilUsirated ncw...i.cr; Nor docs its value- depend on Us illustrations alone. : Its reudiiis matter, is of a hich order of litorary merit varied, instructive, ciitcr-lainina ciitcr-lainina and uncicci'tionahle. X- bun. SI' ItSt' It 1 1'1'IONS. I s J:i, Terms! JlAKPliK'd WLl. IvL Y. one year,'- S4.iJ, i' rvlr, Cl,i,y of "ilher the MAGAZINE. IVn-KLY or J! V.AR will be suppled riti.i lr every Club of Five Subscribers. at j i'l-i nrb, in one rem iitar.ee; or, Six Copies i,t - 'vJ.w. wiihuut citr.i copy. 'sub-ril-lic-n toilAUPElfS MAOA.TNE. v'i;i.UU aud JJAAil.to ono i.-idrefs for .'no i-. ilo.o': or.nrn ut Harper.- I'criudi-I I'criudi-I v.Ll.-.'to olio address lor ono year, iT.W. Jpie!; numbrrscan besupidicdat any time. Tli o Annti.il V o '. u m cs of HARPi'.ii 'S Wl-liKLi". in neat cloth biudinj, will bo '.at by cAprc-.--, Iroe ot expense, i.ir;,.(M i-i h A .uitiplcto .-el, comiTi.M:i(t l-iitcen YuU'm.scnt on receipts ca.-h at tho r.Ue cf "-' per volumo, iroigaL at expeuo ol i urchaaer. T-,,r-,-hon HAUPKR'S WEEKLY k juvii!- ) l' .r, w iiK'li must bo paiiat the a ib.-enber'd us t uilic. A1(irc"1jlAH1,ER k rjKOIHEfUS I nt7 iork- Utali Silver fining Company UMU'ED. To Coal Burners ! WANIT3DI IMMEDIATELY, 50,000 Bus. Charcoal, Ctoan and welt burnt. To be delivered in fiuantitiefl of not loss than 1.0J3 binhots at bandy Station. t. Ap,.!y l- "St. T. .oJ;, n.-ic.tl, Snn.ly Stn.- PillLIP A. EAGLE, Host, Secretary; Smelling Works, Bingham Canon. d27 LADIES. SPECIAL NOTICE FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Mrs. Colekook HAS Ol'EXMD llHIt NEW STOKE, Willi :m entire no-- stoek of LiiBISS HATS AND Bonnets, Tho ehoice.t cuds ever brouirJil into this oily; also a very lino assortment of Flowers R.i'b'bons Blonds, dollars, AM FANCY NOTIONS fir tlie HOLIDAYS, 5 doors south of her Old Stand. Z C. IvI. I- UI3 iWMEBICIL WORK ! "Inr. i HiLUSOPHY Or MARRIAGE." for (tie Debit Hated Nervous Syntcni. nn..M)ltltAS.ofiho Anatomical Mu?eiiui, ;iis .MuriiL-'iriicry street (near Caliiur-nil), Caliiur-nil), fin Fr:iiiciyco. CaliCurni.-i, has -ub-li-hi'd luEir id' hi-i mojt iinTiortjint an 1 instructive in-structive J.c:turc-- in a neat volume i'er ih"c who caiuuit attend the Lectures :il the Museum. Mu-seum. Kvcry I'nm .rri"d aii-1 Married man Mmuld re.id ;md :-'.udy th-e iui,.orU,nL Lectures iur tho cood jf hinoelf and oli- IJy a'Hi C: rim: tho Secretary of the Ana toniicat Mu-eiim, r-.m F.-anei.-'jo, and enclus-' enclus-' iutf Iivcniy-Pivc Ont? in Poitaec -nin)..j I lo i-.iy iio-i.i?.-. :he 11 10k will bo lorwarded ' lo any i .irt n the t;.i!c or f :rritoric-. 1 Dr. Jordan can be consulted by IcUcr. jl GROCERIES & PROVISIONS.! CHRISTMAS. I87l. G. W. DAVIS I Has a full stock of 1 Raisins ? 1 Currants, j I I'rcl Splrf. i ; Choice GUNPOWDER TEAS,' i IllO AND MOCIIA COPFEE. I i Our fruit b"inc cleaned, purehncri will ' save money and time in buying. j EXAMINE THE WINDOW FOR S A. Is L 1J Tj E . G. W. DAVIS, Tivo Doors from Kimball Lawrence's ds COME AT LAST! Received this Day, TWO CAR LOAbS Of FiiEItillT. con.i?tni' of tho follonine Eijg's, Oysters, Lcmuiis, Apples, (;iaiiberrie, 'I'urUcj-s, Porlc, Chickens, Liird, Hickory Kuls, Chcstiiutu, Clacr, Oittter, Corn, elc. CouiEuissioit House, 111 .1!a:n SI. J. G. JAMES & CO. 121 GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, flrtt door north of Co-aperntLve Grocery Departiueut, G0L1GHTLY&HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Uuus, Cnkes, Pies, Crackers, Elc. Pino TrkriotJ of CONFECTIONERY, Wliolesitle anil Ketall. Groceries, Flour,. .u Feed, &c. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Ryi-. - - . Graham, - - ,, .Loose, - - - Allen's XXX - Corn Meal, Drnii anl Whorls, Chopped Feed, And all kinds of On Stilo al LOWER HATES! In Quantity or ReUil, at CEO. H. KMOWLDEN'S, Itlnlit Street. octfi AND FOR SALE by tlie CAR LOAD Oil HKTA1L, THOS, R. JONES & CO, il-xir-a-block South or U. C. Dciiot. XyfiBW Goods t II. WALLACE lias opened hia new store, on FIRST SOUTH STilKET, Next door to Mrs. SleiiUomu'it, With a ohoico stock of Pure llomc-mado COXFECTIOXERY, Also FiK"t NuU, Raising, Applon, Sardines, Sulmun, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Will nlno continue linoiiicHH nl 111 old ,lot. nl DAY 6l CULMER, Illl'UilTBtlB KO DEALBR8 IV CENERILMERCUIA'DISB, DU V GOODS, GKUt Kill K.a, HAItli WAKK, BOOTS, MIOF, II ATP, tmilKKIlV, I, A M I'K, GLAShWAltt, COKUAGR T WINKS, W' OOI K N W A U.H., CA tt I'KTS, CltAt K BIES Sl II I SCI1 ITS, XOUAClO,t., A.C., i.C. Which ihy oiTsr at i.rifjtF that (fuaracUo iatisfoiiou i.nd defy competition. Iho choicest ;t hi Jk. si ; confUmiy on hind of tbe following k in dj CiinpoHflfr - - 81.7.1 lo 84-5 j Voni. iij-Non - i.uo io i.rf() i Tyronn - l.n". lo 1 .r,r, i -.opiiig ... i.i.i to i.ar, I I'tkoe - i.J.r, to 1.10 Son- liont; ... UU lo I .(JO ' lilKiooml I . . . 1 .tin Nul oral Lrnf - VO to 1.00 -Ar.d th f-Tuous Kusliib Mixed Ten. - - - 1.3 , mk- : attr 'fe, jt !,.t,!i 1 ic i r, : L h oi our buiinw; canaol he oicoiicJ in the 1 oitj. ut4 HARDWARE. NOW IS YOUR CHANGE fok STOVES ! JSOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOH STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to ; Select from, Inclndlng the 014 F.vorllea, j Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., These as well as othor varieties will bo SOLI) CHEAPER AT IUE Hardware Dep'nt OP z. o. im:. i. THAN IN ANY OTHER ;UOUSU IN THIS TERRITORY. It. B. CLAWSON, sl7 SuncrintODdoDt. 2n nnn x:r;Kr:of U.UUUiRON AND STEtL At C. il. Hassetrs. Opposite Salt Laic lloui. j EJlCIIAIiDS' IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., MHuufaclmors of PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, CRIMIFKS And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made for building Furnaces Furna-ces of Utah Fire Stone, Including Machinery, &o., set up in complete running order. References Kiireka Mining Company, Com-pany, Salt Lake Cltyi Utah Smelting Smelt-ing Company, Tlntlc. Address J. G. Ridiards, Chicago. ML BASSETT, INT J-JA7" HARDWARE STORE ah kiDdi or HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Meel, i Stoves and Tin Ware DLACKgniTH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements I And JHInlng Tools, ! At Lowest Rates. OPPOSITK SALT ;LAItlC IIOUSK I ol6 COAL 1C0AL! llATlng purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine We are prrpured to snpply this justly celebrated WEBER COAL by cur Innd or mull. Pfpof t V C i I; . H. Vnril. (ifllcci iclisnf( snd ' lien-fllng lloom s. BATE MAN & BUEL. 1 Mil W. H. litDlMt TRAVEL. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAHiY STAGE LINES TIlKOfOH Utah, south-east Xevnda .V Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt l.skr Cily Dally, rm- ntug souU to Tiatio, Amonoan Fork, Mount Kobe, Sevier, Su George, Utah ; and rioohe, Kcvada ; fussing through Ptovo, SprincYillc, Spanish Furk, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Oro'k, OhtL'-ken Cnok, Kound A'alloy, KUlmore.CorD Creek, Heaver, Miners-viUe, Miners-viUe, and AU the principal towns and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada. Also leave Corlnne, l'tli, dally, -running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton Deer Lodge, Cdar Creek minee, and passing tlirough all tho principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana, Mon-tana, PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building junl Ss.lt Lake City. UTAH CENTRAL IMILSIOAD. iTRili.vl sn..f vt w m tf m V J PIONEER LINE CF UTAH. On and after Monday, July 17, 1871. laiy Train Leave Salt Lake City at S a- m. and '.2:15 i .m. Arrivo st Onden 7 u. ui. aud 4;V p. iu. Loavo Ocdtn al S n. m. and .VlX) p. m. Arrive al Salt Lake City It) a.m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above Zkxxc.3x m.A.iiNrjsa Will run DAILY, b UN DAYS EXCEPTED Levinf Salt Luke City At &.30 p.m., sod Ogden at 5a.m. Passengers will plena Purehns their Tickets at ths Offices. VilVr Cents additional will be chanted whet the (are 1b collected on the irmn. For all information oonoornlni Treiiht ot paFace, ajiply to U. O. CALURIl, tienoral Froiitht and Tiokol Af't JOHN SHARP, Bl'PF.RlNTKNDRNT Lon Wines. U. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, j OE'iilSl ! And Tintic Stage and Express j LI3STE, j HUNNINQ D AIL V FKOR1 BALT ii LAKE CITY, via LAKH TOWN, -i TOOHLH CITY, STOCKTON ' . AND OP II IK TO TINTIC. ' i Ths route hns beon ro-stoohed with splen- ' ' did Conoord Cuaohon, fine Stock, om olul and ' ' -i ; altontivo Drivers, and ernrv Httonlion if raid ' 1 to the oomfort nn i oonvenionoe of passea- S ' sjsrs, . , Good accommodations on the road, T1IKOUG1I DY DAYLIGHT. J Cheap Fare anil Quick Time. 1 Omce al Wells, Fargo . Co. 'a, Salt Lake Cily, VINIifJ fc KIM HALL, all Proprietors. I UTAH SOUTHERN IIAILROAI). fi$"'r-'t' "1"" i 1 fXljftJW If U-iti-iLM. -HI MIXED TRAINS PC XT 1ST D AIL ljcaving the Utah Central JJcpul, " Salt Lake City, at7.J0a.uj.; JJraper 5.40 p.m., anrj Handy JStHtiuu, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 6.10 p. id. IT A H-liiW : Bait Lako to Jiit Cottonwood Station, l'rit Lllll'J " " biKI " " Kumly ' U."l irttiior " Twenlj-firo cent" nddii i'nil will l0 charged when the iare is collected on Die truio. j KKKAJHOK7. LITTLB SUl'KKINTKNbKM. : D. O. CALDCK, st Gsn-Freit-htandTioketAgsnL |