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Show "Tmev've hut it in Salt Laki at Last." The Reese Kiver Riven', speaking of the recent begging cflorl.-lorchua-h buildings in Salt Like, under un-der the above heading .-ay.-; : it is an awful infliction worse l liar stuail-pox, ior it will either kill yoi: outright or linul'y (uit and leave you tearless of another attack. It novel keeps you lingering along. It comes pretty near being enough fr a fellow to stand by his own par- ; licti-a r .-auetiuiiy, but thL umver.-..i! sA-tcui of proMii.- junu-J begging has be wu:c a teirilying nightman', hard U' eopo and n:ueh more difficult tr -h.ike oi. Tii-.-ro have hern two oi three foreign missionaries hi're within a few months pi.-t. We aio not s'ir rn:-ed at the an.-w; r of the Ueld Ilil tbiisaman to one of these committer, "Me no hkee CIL-I, lie alko liuit wv.nU'C too much monev otuebdy :d!ce time wautce money fur ('li.-t." |