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Show iilEATitK.-".Voross the Continent" diovv another very fair house hu,t night, wlueh being iu soveulh prci'ormauee wmonstrates how popular it ha.; be-cimo be-cimo with our theatre goer,;. To-mllt To-mllt lllc 'great sensational and cmo Monul drama of "Ben McUullough, or Ucrtainas Death" will be produced lor tho benctit Mr. Oliver Doud ron. Mr. Byron personates the hero of the piece, am Mrs. Byron th-heroine, th-heroine, supported by a strong v.a t,r the company. The appc:ir.u,- uI'Mi Byron will giTC an aditiou.l ehano lo " attractions of the drama, a. all who have become inlerestcd in ihe tTV? hoathw and If kyM'-nVoc,li,ts and Iarry Lorraine wiu aU JuriDjr the evening in P0U1, P4M.lar,JlL,ialtios. Wchopdo.ee a crowded house. |