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Show THE TEN TERRITORIES. The United Stai.-s Govern in on t enn-irol enn-irol ten Territories be-iiiLS the military district of Ala.-ks and that one w-t of Arkan.-as koown as tlie Itiuiau Terii-torj. Terii-torj. Uy a late act ol' Conjrrea the District of Columbia was converted into a Territorial Government. Uf the ten this is the most populous, containing contain-ing 4u,000 more inhabitants than i'cw Mexico the nest in order of population. popula-tion. The. census of 1 S70 returned as follows: P.ipn!;.:;.-... P. i.u'ali. n 1 Li.lririt,lCv- rt-Motnana M". Iitml-ia ir.,:-0 T-KUho w'vV, - N. w Uevii-n lil.s;. h PaUla 14.1 -I LlJh :..,;s-; 9-Ahz.uu.l l-C.lorado l,..lVui!,i; .,, Ub Tol.iloi ull .-1;.-La -Hi.;;:.! This is not all representative population, popula-tion, tut includes Indiana, Chinese and other not citizen:-, nor entitled to vote even under tho l'lftccnth Amendment. The total white population a year a.i;o waa 3iiG,2-.lJ. The total representative popjulatton is probably 4 U),000, leaving 'i'2,l:',0 for Indians untaxed and scattered scat-tered Mongolians. This representative representa-tive population, under the apportionment apportion-ment bill that has just passed the lower House of Congress, and is likely soon to pass the Senate without amendment, amend-ment, would be fairly entitled to three Representatives in Congress, if it were resident within any State government. But the bill properly provides that no Territory shall be admitted as a Stale till it blia.ll contain con-tain a representative population of lJj.OOO in round numbers, discarding discard-ing fractions of a thousand. By the terms of the cession made by Maryland and Virginia of the ten miles square known as the District of Columbia that I Territory can never be admitted into j the Union of Statss, hut must remain I nuder the supreme and exclusive jurisdiction juris-diction of congress. This leaves nine Territories which may be- admitted admit-ted as States. Their aggregate representative repre-sentative population (excluding Indians and Asiatics) is 25-1,54'J, It would not entitle a State to more than ono representative, with a fraction ol' 1 l',i,-549 l',i,-549 over. Under the old rule by which Oregon waa admitted with not more Mian ;J0P-000, ;J0P-000, and Nevada with not more tha'u 25,000, seven of these nine Territories would in all probability come into the Union as States within tho next three years, and all together not aggregating more than the population of two districts dis-tricts in the State oJ'California. Kach, regardless of the number ol "inhabitants, would bo allowed one roprescnlalivc and two senators. The seven would have as much power in the lower house of congress as a State of one million population, say Wisconsin, aud seven times as much power in tho senate as the State of New Vork or Pennsylvania. In voting for President and Vico President, these seven Territories Terri-tories (admitted as States) with their aggregate citizenship of iJUO.OUO, would have exactly as much power as the State of Ohio, with a representative population of 2,700,000. One voter in the new States would be equal to nine in Ohio! There is in these figures a very strong argument in faVor of abolishing abolish-ing the electoral college system prescribed pre-scribed in the constitution and the substitution sub-stitution of the popular vote in Presidential Presi-dential elections. It is a sufficient concession to the small States that they have equal representation in the senate with the great ones. The illogical illogic-al equality should not he maintained any longer in lio obnioo (' iho Pvcni dent anil Viue President. It is antagonistic an-tagonistic to the spirit of republican government, and liable to most serious abuses, which could not have been l'oreseen when the constitution was framed. In a small State, hastily settled by adventurers, without a regular social organization, destitute- of capital and in political chaos, it is easy for a small demagogue of unscrupulous ambition to push himself into the United States senate, and, in tho hnguage common to such communities, to "hold the legislature in his pocket," There arc already too many such small creatures in the senate, and it is cause lor universal uni-versal congratulation that by the new apportionment bill there can be no more United States senators admitted upon legislatures chosen by l'tom ten to fifteen thousand votes, as in the cases of Oregon and Nevada. If ihc ; remaining Territories are held under I the control of oongrcss till they have each Ioj.OOO reprcs ntalivo inhabit-' inhabit-' ants, we may reasonably hope that I they wiil have well organized society, ' with fixed principles of honesty in polities, before their legislatures are called upon to elect senators to take equal rank with those of New York, Massachusetts aud Pennsylvania. Wo may also hope that tho new States so held back from admission till they aro fit and ripe in social and political principles, prin-ciples, will not fall the easy prey lo great and grasping corporations, that they would if they could bo hurried into the Union with but 2O.0U0 to 50,000 inhabitants. If Dakota, Montaua and Washington Washing-ton could be admitted now, with an aggregate . population under G0,0f0, the danger is that their constitutions would each and all be IV.;nied at meetings meet-ings of the board of directors of the Northern Pacific railway. The same danger threatens New Mexico, Idaho, Colorado and Arizona, from the Southern, South-ern, Union and Central Pacific railway directories. These corporations will naturally wish to control the legislation legisla-tion of tho Territories and States through which their roads pass, hike tho Ceotral Pacific in California, they wiil want endless subsidies from the State and the municipalities; and they can best secure these by making constitutions con-stitutions to suit their designs. But give the Territories time to fill up the number of PS.0,000 representative inhabitants in-habitants each, and tho task of tho corporations becomes more difficult, if not absolutely impracticable. 1qr so great an American population of farmers, far-mers, mechanics and merchants implies im-plies the existence of much intelligence, intelli-gence, honor, pride and patriotism, and is a guarantee of a good constitution constitu-tion and respectable legislatures. . Some years ago, as is related to us there was a trial going on in one of the Territories, then asking admission as a Slate upon a very sparse population all in social chaos. One of the attorneys, whose client had what would be in any well regulated society a hopeless case, managed to have eleven of the jury ' bribed. The twelfth w:ts offered $.,uuu fur his voice in making out the faLc verdict, but he declined it and was inexorable, in-exorable, aud the unscrupulous attorney attor-ney was defeated. We leave it to our readers to say whit plaso would have befitted that attorney. The place soon alter secured by him was a seat in the United States senate, and the railway corporations have had no better friend than he his State no worse enemy. Example is corrupting and contagious. What with the mi.-erables known as carpet-bakers from the South and ueh creatures as these from the piiny i Stales, the senate lias become ahiu-.t j contemptible. It required on'y the I creation of seven new States out ol these remaining Territories to complete tlie degradation of the senate; and we : are JTeady gladdened that the. hou-e ha, blocked (hit tamo. rrn,to j i'niun. |