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Show NIGHT REPORT. FOREIGN. TUe li lnce of Wiles. London, 28. A bulletin lrom San-dnngham San-dnngham says Uie prineo had a good night. His strength is slowly returning. The archbishop of Canterbury has ordered or-dered tlio discontinuance; uf special prayers for lii.s recovery. Arrcit of Coiiiiu-rfcltti-g. Geneva, 26. The police of Geneva, bwitzerland, recently captured beerlhy Co,, who woro running a so-called national bank, but really an immense1 counterfeiting concern. Two thousand well-exocuted certilicutes of Krio railroad rail-road shares, and a thousand bonds or the city of Lyons with plaleK, etc , vro seized. Spn nl rili Appoint menu. Mitdrid, 28. Marslial, Concha id reported re-ported to havo been appointed general. There- is a rumor Unit Senor Roberts will ba replaced at "Washington by admiral ad-miral Palo do jiarnabe, wlio was recently re-cently in conmianil of tbo Mediterranean Mediterra-nean tlefct. A Ci'cw Dliasliig, ilnlilax, 28. The bark Hih,rnia has been picked up and towed into port. No tiding.-i of the crew. Commoivlnl Treaty Htlwctn lliily nml lite Unit oil States. Itoino, 2H. A roval decroe is issued carrying into cllect tho commercial treaty, now dually concluded between Italy and tlio United Stales. Renter Apologlgea to Ileeuau. 7 London, 28. The Router news agency publish a contradiction of the report that warrants hud boen fohI to England for the arrest of John C. Heenan and make a suitable apology. Speed, of tlio Einjierov of A ut.lt in.. Vienna, 28. In the reichsralh to-dny Kmperor 1'rancis Joiepb delivered a speech from the throne. After the customary cus-tomary lbriuul congratulation, hi iim-jcaty iim-jcaty jiroceeds to deal with home questions. ques-tions. His readiness to grant extreme ' concessions, bo was sorry to say, has not brought that internal harmony to the state so desired by the crown. Ho i claims its acts to bo in tho interest of ! tho whole as -well as of individual states. Great stress was laid on the enforcement of and to give hood to the laws. Tho govorninoht will yield to the wishes of Galicia in so far as they are compatible with the interests of the empire Measures Meas-ures wore promised which would vendor I the rcichsrath a complete representative I body. Iho foreign relations of the em-! em-! pire arc favorable for the main tai nance j of peace. A regret was expressed that a part of the empire remains unrepresented in the reichsrath. Ho closes by declaring that Austria is woavy of international conflicts and desires de-sires peace and order. The times were never more- prosperous. . The lower houso of tho reichsrath to-day elected Herr liopfen president and Herr Vine-dulich Vine-dulich and Grocz vice-presidents. For a Settlement. Lisbon, 28. The Gorman squadron bound for llio Janerio, to settle tho difficulty dif-ficulty betweon Brazil and Germany, is hourly expected aniiwill appear ofl the mouth of the TugU3. Amlaljlc. Koine, 28. Several Italian archbishops archbish-ops and bishops waited on the king of Italy on Christmas and presented tho congratulations of tho season. French News. London, 28. The Standard reports that the French squadron will proceed at once to Greece to support the claims of Prenoh citizens to tho silver mines there. Princo d' Joinville is about to rcs:gn his seat in the assembly to strengthen the position of the Duke d' Aumalc. Thiers gives a state dinner on Saturday Satur-day in honor of the Emperor and Empress Em-press of Brazil. Business will be par- i thilly suspended Saturday uOLh. j Tho Paris papers assert that Bismarck i is seeking a pretext for tbo rc-occupa- j tion of the evacuated French provinces. |