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Show (JEiVEUAL. A Veteran Atlor Dea.t. New York, 28. James U". Hackctt, a veteran actor and father of recorder Hackct, of this city, died this morning at Jamaica, Long Island. ICu Klui la Missouri. St. Louis, 28. Further advices from Sedalia conlirm the previous accounts of the killing of negroes in Saline county. It is said groat excitement exists there. The negroes are panic stricken and efforts aro made to suppress the facts. TUe "Ciialtanoogu." Suuk. Philadelphia, 28. Tho steam frigate Chattanooga is lying in the channel at League Island, sprung a leak and sunk. It is supposed is ho was cut through by tho ice. Waslilugtou KtMi). Washington, D. C, 28. Tho committee com-mittee appointed by the secretary of tho treasury to examine tho printing bureau, bu-reau, report everything correct. The Wlinrton Cnso. Annapolis, 28. In the Wharton trial Susan Jacobs, a negro cook to Mrs. "Wharton testified that while making tho bed of general K-etclmm the day before ho died, she found a tumbler containing cracked ico between the bolster and head board; also that a small phial rolled down on tho bod from near where the tumbler was, it smcllod as it' it contained laudanum. Kctchum was always drowsy when she went into tho rooni. Tho witness testified to having at v:t- riolis timc3 during 'general Ketchum's visits to Mrs. "Wharton's seen him take medicine from a-bottle without measurement, mea-surement, and once offered to get him a spoon, which he declined, saying ho was accustomed to drink from a phial what ho considered to be a dose. At the time when witness found the phial under tho pillow she was by Mrs. Wharton's orders changing the bolsters. Tho gen-oral gen-oral objected to her removing tho bolsters bol-sters . Mrs. "Wharton's daughter was callod. She stated she left homo on a visit to Hanford county on the Thursday previous pre-vious to general Ketchum's illness, and arrivod home about an hour and a half boforo ho died. Testified to taking from homo with li or a phial of paregoric, which she Jeff at ho houso where she ' had visited; all medocl'.ies in her mothers house were kept In ft wash stand 'in her mothers room, sho went to it constantly. The phial found in Gen'. Kotchum's bod was hero shewn to tho vltnoss who said she had never seen it bolero tho dav tt,CTi. 'ctchum died;' was positive she had novor scon fthy such phial in the house. She was absent from home for the- pur-V'lC pur-V'lC Of making farowoll visits previous to her departure for Kuropo, which md linen determined on about a y ear previously; pre-viously; she had at that time $l".,0OU in government bonds of Imr own and under her own control. Un tho afternoon of Ketchum's death, Mrs. J niton gavolicr his pocket book, watch keys, &c, which she locked up and kept until Chas. Kotchum camo over oji (,iie -Hh of -iuly, sho then gave thoht to 'her motbor who gave them to Chae. The witness stated in reply to a question by Steele that tho letter sent by her to Mrs. Chubb asking her to come to Baltimore was in reply to a telegram received by the witness from Mrs. Chubb the day before. Mi-.-i iSottio Mayor, of Baltimore was called. Said ?he 'was an intimate acquaintance ac-quaintance of the "Whartons'. Saw general Ketchum there frequently. In conversation last winter he told her he had been in the habit of taking medicine medi-cine from a bottle without measurement. measure-ment. Court adjourned,, Tii'ccil haa liccii Seen. New York, 27. The whereabouts of Tweed is said to be constantly known to the sliu'i-ilf; he has never left lha city, and lias had no mk-Ii intention, ho has been in the olliee thK ni"vning where ho had a talk with Etvoral of his friends. ,Jutico SeottEayihe r-uw him this morning morn-ing in llio oily. Tho ju-'tiiicition of hi bond-men was continued to-day, and Mes-r.. B. P- l-'airehiM and C. (.1. Cor-w,-ll wore accepted. The .-benn s at-taehees at-taehees cxpreo Hie bfliitf Uiat sureties entry will b.i made (...-morrow; it if ' si-. ted that e.ich signer ol the bail-bond is responsible for the whole amount: a fact which, dou'uUe.-s. caused the withdrawal with-drawal of Terence Fr.vley and others. i;ak sipuim. New York. 2V. Tho Ccnlral Saings Bank on tith avenue has suspended. Kit lilwx Scntciicei. Columbia, S. C, y.-In the U. 3. eourt this morning, John S. Miller, one of tho Ku Klux, was found guilty. Judc Bond announced the decision ol the court, overruling Stanberrv's mo- ! tion for a new trial and arrest of judg- mej.L All Lhe prisoners so far convicted i and who pleaded guilty, have been en- I leneed: one to live year, imprisonment with b, tine of Sl,unt; eleven to eighteen I months ami a tine of simi each- une to a year and $HW, andoneto three months and i'Jit. U.P.UuiUr. Provincetown, Mass., 28. tn. Uut-ler Uut-ler made a speech here to-nifht on tho Ushery interests as ail"cLea by the Washington treaty. He criticised it severely. Chicago News. Chicago, 2. The inquest on ihe body of Mrs. McCoy, supposed to have been a victim of an abortionist, developed devel-oped the fact that abortion had been procured upon her, hut not within so recent a period as nor visit to Chicago Sheroub, her betrothed husband, and Mrs. Fahlliusch, doclress, at whose house she died, were discharged. Il is reported that ,1. Young Scam-mon Scam-mon and several prominent citizens have purchased the Chicago Republican and will place it in charge of Sidnev Howard Gay, formerly of the New Yor TriOunt,, later of the Chicago Tribune. Sew York LcgliUtoi s. New York, 28. A large assemblage of the newly elected members or the senate and legislature met at the 5th Avenue Hotel this evening. Tho time was chiefly spent in discussing events of the coming state legislature General Alvord will be appointed speaker. General Sickles has gone to Albany to tako preliminary steps to secure his nomination to tho LI. S. Senato in place of Conk in, Kile 1)1 vliUiui. Kew Yvk, 28. Tho Erie railway today to-day declared a dividend of 3 1-2 percent on preferred ttock, payable February 1st, 1872. " J Chant be rial it Demi. New York, 28. Major Benjamin F. Chamberlain died at N'ewark on Tuesday. Tues-day. Smallpox In Biooltl j n. Now York, 28. Seventy-two cases of smallpox appoared in Brooklyn the past week. G oil bo vi.llrlgham Voitug. "Washington, 28. The case of God be against Brigham Young, involving tho Doseret irrigating company has just been docketed. It is not likoly to be heard for two or three years. ftlotielary auil Slocks. New Yrk, 28. Money very stringent, strin-gent, governments strong and higher, good mvestmonts in demand, Tho treasury has paid $1,G00,00U in gold on account of the January interests. Stocks lirm and higher; "W. IT. T., G'Jl; Quicksilver, Quick-silver, 2-1 J; W. F., 00; Pacific mail, London, 2S. Bullion in the Bank of .England has decreased 20,000. Consols, Con-sols, t)2ii; money, '.121; American securities securi-ties firmer. Paris, 2y. Rentes, oofr 17c. |