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Show A CONFLICT OF IDEA8. How Two Western Girls Proposed to be Chaperoned. Tho two Western girls wero on a visit to tho East and they wero en-Joying en-Joying themselves Immensely. But somehow thoro seemed to bo a conflict con-flict of Idea botwean them and their hostess. She had strict Ideas of propriety pro-priety and they apparently only thought thoy had. They hod determined deter-mined to show that thoy were fully up-to-dato In social matters, but well, here's what happened: Two western young men happened to bo In New York at tho same time, and thoy Invltod tho glrle to go to the theater, with a llttlo supper to follow. The girls promptly accepted. Tho hostoss, In whoso charge they wore, raised her hands In horror whon ho hOard of It, "It will never do," she said. "You must bo chaperoned on any such occasion occa-sion as that." "Chaperoned!" exclaimed one of the girls. "Why, of eourso we will bo chaperoned. You don't suppose we'd noglcct such an Important feature as that, do you? Wo'ro not entirely ignorant ig-norant of social usages." "Then It's all arrangod7" "Of course it'ii alt arranged." "I'm glftd Of that," said tho hostess With relief, "but it would have been just as well to consult me. Who Is to chaperon you?" "Why, Ethol will chaperon me, and I will chaperon her," was tho Ingonu-ous Ingonu-ous reply. |