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Show H TRAINED FAMOUS MEN H II flfl'v Jj.fj THE PART OF MOTHERS IN THE flflflC ,l K WORLD'S HISTORY. ,; Hp Writer Claims That Justice Hot Not H!t Decn Don "the Hand That Rocks HflflJS the Cradle" Truth of the Napoleonic flit" Maxim. iir -v' ( flflfl' i ' Wo hear much of tho "forofathorfl" ' and far too llttlo of tho "foremothers." Hflfl History for tho most part has boon IflVf ' ;' written by men. It refers, thcrofore, Hflflr u chiefly to mascullno Intoresta and to IflK' j mascullno exploits. The annals of tho PHflf i homo nro not tho material of which !. history Is usually composed, yot the HHV 'charactor of the homo and of Its pre- PflflA siding genius, tho wlfo and mother, aro ! i; he coDtrollIng factors, which fix tho. j 1 'destiny of men and women dlstln- HflWl i gulshod for greatness or goodness, Hflfl Dcnjnmln West said that a kiss from flflfl''' bis mother mado him a painter. Na- PflK jj Jiolcon Bonaparte held that tho future Jflflu eood or bad conduct of a child do- flfl ponded entirely on tho mother. Ho flflfl it ', wn8 not, from tho vlowpolnt of many PBflj, persons, a crcdltablo representation HBW , of genttehomo lntlucnccs. Ho has boon I ' ij called tho Incarnation of slaughter. : Such forccfulnoss as ho possessed ha j attributed to tho training uf his moth- cr, who, ho said, found means by ten- JflW derhfiss, severity and Justice to mako BY him lovo, respect and oboy her. flflfl "From her I lcaruod tho vlrtuo or obo- flflfl ' dloiiQj.," pflfl ' In tho report of ono of tho Inspec- flflfl f tors of parochial schools In England flflfl i published somo years ago tho slgnlfl BBS cant observation was made that tho BBS ' managers of a certain factory when i about to employ n boy mado Inquiry j respecting tho mother's character. "If j that was satisfactory they wcro tolor- ably certain that her children would j conduct themsolvos creditably. No at- BBK j tontlon was paid to tho charactor of flflfl j the father." An English writer, com- BBS mcntlng upon this, remarks that If tho flflfl ' mother Is a woman of prudence, forco BBK- juul intelligence tho children will be BBJ; successful. BBMj i "Whereas, In cases of tho opposlto flflfl i 1 sort, wlioro tho mother turns out bad- flflflf', ly, no matter how well conducted tho flflfl ' fntlicr may be, tbo Instances at after flflfl , " success In llfo on the part of tho chll- flflfl ; i I drcn aro compnrntlvoly raro." flflfl j This Is a rather startling obsorva- flflfl tlon, but It Is probably Justified by ox- flflfl , perlcncc. Thd Inllucuco of tho mothor flflfl 'j on tho character of lior children dur- BBM' lug their formative period 1b lncompar- BBS ( nbly grcntcr than that of tho fathor. flflfl ' The molding lnfluonco of tho mother Is BBb u apparent in tho lives of such differing BBJ I personalities as Cromwell, Wellington BBS ' J i and Washington. It Is traceable In Bfl I J tho lives of tho majority of tho men BBJ (i of action. Th? biographies of groat BBl 1 j preachers, statesmen, writers, orators, BBS ' famous merchants and men of largo BBS ! affairs, and tho forbidding story of BBS ' 1 crime, establish, it Is confidently bo- BBB i , llovcd, tho Justlco of tho Napoleonic BBS t ' maxim that tho futuro good or bad BBS j conduct of a child depends chiefly on BBS tho mothor. BBS , Groat mothers have not sccurod Jus-BBS Jus-BBS J tlce from tho historian, but they aro BBS , represented in tholr Illustrious pro-flflfjj pro-flflfjj ' geny. Wltli few exceptions our states-flflfl states-flflfl ' mon and lcadors of thought and action BBS , attrtbuto whatever measuro of cml-BBS cml-BBS cenco, success or respect thoy havo BBS reached In tho world to tho direction BBJ ; given to their lntolllgenco and ener- (glcs by tholr mothers. It Is said to bo the right of every child to bo well born. Fortunato Is tho child who has BBS 1 a good mothor. Tho loss of such a BBS I mentor, friend and guide Is tho most BBS i calamitous cvont that can happen In BBS ' any household. Philadelphia Ledgor. IsssssS '( |