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Show PROVIDE FOR THE FUTURE. Writer Urges That American Girls Bo Taught to Work. Any Amorlcan girl Is possibly, nnd probnbly, going to need to fall bnck upon her own resources somo time. The tips nnd downs of fortune arc too certain, too conspicuous to need pointing point-ing out. To bring up a girl without any training In n useful occupation Is not simply Improvident nnd foolish, hut It Is wicked. Feminine chnrnctor needs Independence to make and koep It sweet nnd perfect. Tho dnrko&t trngedy of llfo grow out of tho lgnor-mice, lgnor-mice, helplessness nnd dependence of women. Courage, training in work. Independence of character nnd self-rellanro self-rellanro theso, with high Idonls of womnnhood for Inspiration, aro what every girl needs. Only through Intelligent In-telligent work can tho highest character char-acter be attained nnd tho growth of character Is tho wholo purpose of this school which wo call "tho world." Woman's Homo Companion. WOULD NOT DO IN AMERICA. |