OCR Text |
Show Primitive Flro-Flghtlng Methods In Vogue In Ruisla. In St. Petersburg tho nrrnngement of lire nlarms Is decidedly unique, and tho flro alarm telegraph is an unknown un-known thing. Instead, a fireman Is at all times In tho tower of tho city hall, and ho watches tho surtoundlng city to cntch tho first gllmpso of n fire. When a flro Is dlscovorcd during tho day ho runs up black balls on the top of tho tower as signals; at night red lanterns nro used. Tho number of balls or lanterns Bhows tho district or ward In which the flro Is located. As soon as tho signal Is seen by tho man on duty nt an englno houso ho rlngp n bell outsldo which calls together the members of tho company, who may bo scattered over a couplo of blocks. This method Is not conduclvo to quick tlmo In reaching tho sceno, and from twenty twen-ty minutes to half an hour Is good work unless tho flro hnppcns to bo near nn englno house. |