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Show B IT WAS NO PICNIC. BBBBBBS H I j And Worried Mother Doubtless Knew BBS I ' I Whereof She Spoke. BBS j! j To Illustrate a point ho was making BBS '! E In a recent lecture In Philadelphia, BBS I f I' Joseph L. Barbour, a well-known law-BBS law-BBS j( i year of Hartford, Conn., told this BBS I j l story: BBj . j J A woman with flvo small children BBS board od a horse car In New York, BBS ) which was already comfortably filled. BBS I y Die conductor became a trillo Impa-BBS Impa-BBS t I tlout becauso It took tho family so BBS i i long to get aboard, and, as tbo mother BBS , '. finally reached tho top step and tho BBS j car began to move, the conductor von-BBS von-BBS . j turcd to nsk her: BBS ' ' "Madnm, are thoso all your child-BBS child-BBS ' ren, or is it a picnic?" BBS ' The woman (lushed as she replied: BBS I ' "Yes, thoy aro all my children, and BBS , ' I tell you, it's no picnic." Now York BBS t Times. |