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Show Didn't Know His Own Portrait. In order to win tho good graces of his girl's family a young man of tho South End proposed a surprise party for "papa," Bays tho Boston Jouranl. Tho young men who were koeplng company with the girl's sisters roadlly acquiesced, and It was arranged to present the ticau of the family with a largo crayon portrait of himself. On tho night In question duo caro was oxerclscd that tho father went out for a walk until tho clans could gather. When It was thought ho was on his way homo tho lights In tho parlor woro turned low. Whon father walked Into tho parlor ono of tho daugntcrs, from her scat In tho dark, oxclalmcd, "Papa, will you please light tho gas?" "Pa" did as was requested, and when tho light flared up was surprised to find tho crowd thero. Thon ho espied tho new crayon portrait set on nn easel, but gave tho "surprlsors" a solar ploxus by roraarklng with emphasis, em-phasis, "Who's that old geezer?" |