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Show KflVflflVflflVflflVflflVflflVflflVflflVJ ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB KaKaKaKaKaKaKaKaKBBi KflWflflWflflWflflWflflWflflWflflWfllr 1ibb.ibb.ibb.ibb.ibbH' HflHKflHKflHKflHKflHKYKVBr iibbiibbiibbiibbiibbH; BBIIBBIIBBIIBBIIBBIIbB " NOTICE roil 1'UIILICATION No. 5337. Ilcpartmcntof tho Interior. Land Olllco at Salt Lako City. .,..., . March 20i!i, 1003. Nntlro Is hereby siren that tlio following named settler has filed notlco of his Intention ! to make dual proof In support of Ills claim, ' and that said proof will lw mado Ix-foro tho ' County Clerk of llox Klder County. Utah, at llrlffham City. Utah, on May 14th, lino, viz: l'hllene Hall. II. E. 12.2VH. for tho Lot 1 and 2 I h n"? i' w. a l.3 ji': a"d EM NE Se0 3 Tp ' Ho names tho following witnesses to proo I his continuous residence upon and cultivation cultiva-tion of said land. vU: O. C. llosklns, David Hall. Azlah Mo-.s and .loslah llosklns all of West l'ortairc. Utah. I'iunk D. Honns, KeKlUitr PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers Sign-ers for Further Information. In the District Court, Probate Division In and for Cache County, State of Utah. SUMMONS. In tho District Court of Cacho County. I Alberta Illk'low Stouciu Plaintiff ) I Luko Stoutrlo VS" f Summons, Defendant. J Tho Stato of Utah, to tho said Defendant: You aro hereby isummoned to appear within with-in twenty days after tho service of this Summons uiwn you. If served within tho county In which this action Is brought, otherwise, other-wise, within thirty days aftor service, and defend tho above entitled action; and In caso of your failure so to do. Judgment will In) rendered against you according to tho demand de-mand of tho complaint, of which a copy Is herewith served upon you. W. W. Maughan. l'lalntlll's Attorney.. Post Office Address: Logan, Cacho Co. Utah. 3St April M NOTICE TO CItEDITOnS Estato of William E. Partington Decoasod. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at tho resldenc of Knga Partington In Logan City In tho County of Cacho ond State of Utah, on or iK'foro the twenty-first day of January A.il). 1104. Date of first publication March 20th A. I. Hi03. ENOA PAltTINOTON. JOSEPH ALMA I'AUTINOTON. Exitnitoraof tho last, will and of tho estato of William E. PartlniSsK), deceased. 39tApr.2 NOTICE TO CltEDITOltS ESTATB Of SAM1IK1. MITTON, DEOEAHEIl. Credlto.-s will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at his residence In Logan City lu tlie County of Cachu and Stato of Utah, on or before tho first day of Juno, A. I)., mux I'lrst Publication January 30, A-D. 11W3. SAMUEL 11. MITTON, Administrator. NOTICE TO CltEDITOltS. Estato of John Nelson, deceasod. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at thu olllco of James (J. Vt alters, attorney at law, I,ogan. Utah on or lMforo tho 23th day f.f Juno A. 11. 1IK13, Daloof ilrst publication, I'ebruary 2M A. D.IIPM. EDWAltD W, NELSON, administrator of the estato John Nelson. Deceased. NOTICE TO CltEDITOltS. Estato of Laura A. I'ellows, Deceased. I Creditors will present claims with vouche" . to tho undersigned at his residence In Hldo Park In thu County of Cacho and Mate of Utah, on or leforo tho twenty-fifth day of Juno A. I). m3. , B Dntoof llrst publication Eebruary 21th A- D. ma B GEOItOEZ LAM 11 Administrator, NOTICE TO citEiirrons, I Estato of Johannas Nielsen, alias JolinNel son, deceased, Creditors will present c'alms with vouchers to tho undersigned at the olllco of J. . .W Vi art over tho I'lrst National Hank in Uu". ft City, Utah, on or before tho 27th day oAWi A. I), mil. Dalo of llrst publication March .1. Kp , . fl J. C. KNOWLKH. Executor , of tho l.st will and testament of .lohaniiu m McNeil, alias John Nelson, deceased. Stewart & Stewart, Attornejs. H |