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Show iH: Local Jottings. IHD i Heavy Ribbed hose for children at H . C. K. W. B , 3.c Granite Carpets at 25c per yard 1 , at Spando Furniture Co. I H I A. It. Maughan has sold his interest H ( , in tho Cache Valley Produce Company. H i i Mr. Maughan will resume his old post- H J i tlon with tho Studcbakcrs as one of H , ' their traveling agents. W I The great Estcy Piano see C. M. Harris' letter In this issue. Latest styles of llaby Carriages at Spando Furniture Co. Two car loads of Rustic at Smith llrothers lumberyard. 42tf Mr. Enoch Amusscn and family, who have been on the Coast for some time on pleasure bent, returned to Logan Lo-gan last Friday evening. The finest and best lino of ladles Muslin underwear at C. K. W. The G. & F. Uuildlng Co. has Just received two car loads of additional stock. See ad elsewhere. Miss Eva Lloyd, daughter of Mr. C. E. Lloyd Is seriously 111 of typhoid. At last report she was slightly Improved. Im-proved. The lino samples of Coffee, Tea and Spices exhibited by the Cache Valley Tea Company arc something superb. Mr. R. S. Fries has rented the Car-don Car-don building on 1st North st., and on or about the 20th will open a photograph photo-graph studio. Mr. Fries says that he Is going to have one of the ilnest studios In the state. Potatoes wanted. Cash paid for all kinds of marketable farm products at the M. &. S. Grain &Sced Co. Center Street. Miss Rabcockof the State University Univer-sity will give an entertainment at the 1!. Y. C. on tho 27th. Her ability Is as an entertainer Is well-known in Logan and we have no doubt a large audience will greet her here on the above date. FOR SALE: A set of Encyclopedia Rrittanlca, 28 volumes, full leather binding, cost $84. Will sell for $r. Address P. O. Hox 70 City. Invitations arc out for a "Calico Hall" at Parry Hall Wednesday night. Tho affair Is given by the Y. L. M. I. A. of the 4th ward, a thing within Itself that will Injure a good attendance attend-ance and a delightful evening. People say that Douglas shoes arc the very best for wear, and the most stylish, on the market. For sale by Andreas Peterson. 41-t4 Thos. Griffin of Richmond, in fact one of the pioneers of that place, has purchased a building on East Second South street. It Is anticipated that Mr. Grlllln will become a citizen of Logan ere long. We welcome all such men. Thomas Smith, an employee of the Sidney Stevens Implement Co. of Logan, Lo-gan, Utah, was a pleasant caller at our office last Saturday. Rlgby Star. Now Is the time to oil all leather used on the farm. A genuine article of Ncatsfoot oil for this purpose can be obtained at RItcr Rros. Drug Co. The Presbyterians will observo Easter Day with a special service. Special music has been prepared by the choir, and Mrs. Keclcr will also sing. All have a cordial Invitation to attend. The Cache Valley Tea Company at the old Fair stand, will be ready for business next Thursday. Everybody Is Invited to Inspect their elegant selections selec-tions In Teas, Coffees, Spices, etc. At the M. E. Church Sunday morning, morn-ing, and Easter Sermon will be delivered deliv-ered by the pastor, Rev. Clifton, and a special musical program rendered by tho chlor. In the evening the children and choir will render another musical program, Interspersed with recitations, recita-tions, etc. A cordial Invitation Is extended ex-tended to all. The story of "Flnnlgan's Rail" at the opera house Monday night might be told In the brief report of the trainmaster of the same name "on agln.olf again, FInnlgan." "Flnnlgan's Hall" Isn't a classical production, but considerably better than "Over the Fence"." Some specialties were good, but the same old Jokes in the same old way were indulged In and the major part of the audience, which was In the gallery, was glad to exchange Flnnlgan's Hall for the assortment of highballs obtainable at most any of our despensarics. Wantkd To rent a four room house, close to town. Notify this office. of-fice. Julian Grlllln, formerly superintendent superinten-dent of the machinery department at Agricultural College and who quite recently re-cently has been doing some business In the line of general blacksmlthlng on South Main street, has formed a partnership part-nership with one of his brothers. An extension to their premises will be built at oncc,and such other additions will be made that will make It a lirst-class lirst-class blacksmith and machine shop. An electric motor will be attached for power purposes. It Is the Intention Inten-tion of the firm to arrange their buildings build-ings in such a manner, that they will be able to do all kinds of work in their line. Mrs. Nellie Clayton of Preston Is In Logan visiting relatives. Mrs. Clayton has been seriously ill with appendicitis but has improved so much as to be able to make the trip here. She will remain with her brothers In Logan for some time. The Utah comm isslon for the St. Louis Exposition has issued a call to producers and citizens generally throughout the State asking them to commence at once to prepare for Utah's exhibit at the big exposition. The support of all prominent citizens, as well as producers, is asked. Cache, as one of the important counties of the state, should be able and willing to do something worth the while, and no doubt will. Leave your orders for Rocksprings and Clear Creek coal at Spande Furniture Co. Misses Hannah and Margaret Jensen Jen-sen went over to Mention Friday and remained with homo folks until Monday Mon-day morning. There Is nothing particularly parti-cularly remarkable in such a visit and it would probably have passed without with-out notice, had tho young ladles not walked the distance between here and Mention. A seven or eight mile jaunt may not be such a feat, but it Is true that few men care to Indulge In frequent Jaunts of this kind and that young ladles should take it Just for pleasure Is worthy of mention. These young ladles, together with others from the N. J. A. walked to Mcndon several times the past winter. Ladles Egyptian Cotton Hose, 2 pair guaranteed to wear all summer at C. K. W. Efforts of the Sixth ward water users to form an organization of the Oth ward, Henson and 3rd ward has resulted in failure, and now the 6th and 7th wards, including all who use water from the little Logan, have decided de-cided to organize for the protection of their water rights. On next Friday evening at 7:30 a mass meeting will be held In the Sixth ward meeting house for the purpose of perfecting a temporary organization and It is urged upon those interested to be present pre-sent and have a voice In the matter. Many of the water users feel the great necessity of the organization, for as the matter stands now, most anybody can infringe on their rights. The Fanners Association of the Fourth ward listened to an excellent address by Prof. Hall on Friday evening. even-ing. At the Saturday session of the Presbytery Pres-bytery of Utah at Spanish Fork, Prof. I. N. Smith, of the N. J. A. this city, and Rev. G. W. Martin of Mantl, were chosen as delegates to the General Assembly, As-sembly, which will meet In Los Angeles Ange-les tho latter part of May. Two great war horses In competition competi-tion the Estey Piano and the Newman Organ. Success to Harris Music Co. Corlanton has run up against another anoth-er little mountain, a Craig as It were, and a Levy Is necessary again. Miss Vlolettc Craig refused to play the part of Manltah, the stuttering Inamorata of the fool Hastol, and that gentleman gentle-man now has the pleasure of carrying Miss Lottie Levy around on his good right arm. Miss Craig claims that $160 salary must be forthcoming, and the fair Rclla says the same amount is Due her also. Miss Due lias been mollified, but Mr. Thatcher says Miss Craig is too Violet for harmony with other stage settings and refuses to let her play. On Friday evening, April 10th, the students of the Music Department of the Urigham Young College under the direction of Professor Wm. O. Robinson will present in the Thatcher opera house the delightful operetta, "Tho Merry Milkmaids." Tho cast . of llftcen principal characters and 7 a malo chorus of twelve voices will bo supported by a full chorus of forty. Tickets will be on sale at the box office Wednesday. Prices 75c, GOo and 25c. Cardon & Hurnhan have Just received receiv-ed the finest lino of Wallpaper that ever came to Logan. Postmaster Murdock has been interned in-terned that an Inspector will arrive In Logan In a few days and district tho city for free delivery purposes. He will place boxes, arrange routes, prepare pre-pare for the examination that Is to bo held before a great while and mako all other necessary arrangement to the Installation of the free delivery service. ser-vice. This begins to look like something some-thing definite will be done In the matter, mat-ter, and Logan citizens will have no kick coming on that score. Mr Murdock Mur-dock states that while there are but three or four carriers to be appointed , at least two hundred "would-be's" have applied for the privilege of taking tak-ing the examination. |