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Show Mother Sh'pton's Prophesy. Most c co body has heard of "Mother "Moth-er Shlpton's Prophecy." It was written writ-ten in 14M, seven .tears before Columbus Colum-bus dlscoteied America audluetcrv particular, excepting the predicted end of tho world, It has come to pass. It runs this way: Canlages without horses shall go. And accidents 1111 tho world with woe; Around the world thoughts will ily In the twinkling of an eje. Water shall mote wonders do ow stiange; jet shall be true; Tho world upside down shall be, And gold bo found at root of tree. Tluough hills man shall ride And no hoiso or ass be at his .side. Under water man shall walk, Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk, In.the air men shall bo seen, In white, In black, In green, Iron In tho water shall float As east as a wooden boat (lold shall be found 'mit stones In a land that's not unknown. Flro and water shall tt outlets do; England shall at last admit a .lew, And this world to an end shall come In eighteen hundred and eighty-one. |