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Show GROVER CLEVELAND. If tho news should be published that Hon. Grover Cleveland is about to increase his weight, It might bo concluded that he was in politics again. Brookl)n Standard Union. Colonel Br) an sajs there Is not loom enough In the Democratic party for both him and Mr. Cleveland. The Democratic party has been made so small that It hasn't room In it for an) thing but lights. Philadelphia Press. Democrats may as well go on voting for Cleveland as an) body. It is pathetic pathet-ic to think of what the party would do if Cleveland should die. Trlnesta(Pa.) Republican. In speaking of Henry Ward Beech-er Beech-er Mr. Cleveland sa)s that "when he felt the ciuel stings of man's Ingratitude Ingrati-tude and malice he serenely looked toward to-ward his Heavenly Father's face and kept w lthln the comforting light of a pure conscience." If Mr. Cleveland applies the same principles to his political pol-itical relations, he has at least a pious consolation. |