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Show Tho Rlgby Star notes with plcasuio the putting down of a plank walk In front of 'one of the business houses of that city. A plank walk Is ceitalnlv an Impiovcment over the mud proposition, but how many of our business men or citizens would care to go back to tho plank walk again? And jet, If we aio Informed correctly, less than three years ago, It was almost an Impossibility to get any kind of a walk down In Logan. Can't the citizens see enough advantage advant-age In It to build good walks all over the city, at least that portion of It that Is greatly traveled? Any pioperty In the city with a good walk "in front of It Is worth Just as muchmoicas the walk cost, and should good walks become universal the piopeity value of the entile city would be Increased treble the cost of the walks. "The sun do move," and eventually Logan will become alive to Its possibilities. |