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Show B' D REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. KBji KBJ Getting engaged Is like running to a KBj ilro; after they uro married they walk Hi l hack. BJ i ' After a man scttlos down to raatrl- KBJ f many tho tradesmen tako caro that KBJ' i he shall scttlo up. HhJ The man who tcachos women to KBh'd smoko always marries ono who won't KBUj let him do It himself. KB h . i Tho moral about deception Is that KB you would never do It If you wore KB ; going to get found out. ( If n womnn could bo sick abed and KB i ' shop at tho samo time bIio would bo KB i- S pretty near to happiness. KB ,, ! If women had brain power nB well KB i ' as their Instinct, man would ho mora KB ' of a crawling worm than ho Is. I J It makes a buxom woman awfully KB ' l nervous when she sees her husband KB y reading tho anti-fat ndvcrtlsomcnts. KB ft f When a mnn gives a womnn a Jow- Ka F I eled garter It Is a sign ho ought not I"""" to unless sho Is his wife, when ho l won't. I To feel that sho Is In good standing i a woman has to hnvo her doctor and I her minister Just tho way a man has J to have his banker. K Tho only women who don't talk BV I fj about clothes nil tho tlmo aro tboso Ka H who aro dumb, and thoy look at tho K I M fashion pictures all tho tlmo. New Kl I 1 York l'ress. |