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Show Eastern Newspaper Comment on the three Democratic Presidential Aspirants MR. WILLIAM J. BRYAN. By the way, Is there anybody that Mr. llrjan does approve of? Chicago Record-Herald. Bryan calls on tho Dcmocrtcs to assert as-sert themselves. Well, what in the deuce are they going to assert? Moravian Mora-vian Falls (N.C.) Yellow Jacket. If the fate of the Uemociatlc party hangs upon the success or failure of Mr. Brian's attempt to oust Mr. Cleveland, Cleve-land, what else docs the party stand for? Minneapolis Times. Wanted. A war map of William Jennings Ui'.v an's mind since the reinstatement rein-statement of Aitliur Pile Gorman as leader of the Democratic forces in the senate. Philadelphia Inquirer. Colonel Bi)an acts Just as if he were afraid G rover Cleveland wanted to bicak Into the Populist party, but wc don'tbellevo Cleveland has any Idea of doing it. Philadelphia Press. Mr. Br) an seems to be trying to show that he Is not a back number by keeping ahead of the clock. He addressed ad-dressed an afternoon gathciing of Brookl)ii women the other day attired In full cvenlngdress. Seattle Post-In-tclllgcnccr. No matter what the actual form of statement, one thing has become as certain as the succession of the seasonsBryan sea-sonsBryan and Uranism are still potent forces In the Democratic party and must be reckoned with. Tioy Times. Bryan Is Just wild to get Judge Parker to say something so that he can talk back at him. Tho Nebraska man Is going to do Just as much next year to elect another Republican candidate can-didate as If he were again the nominee of his party. He should have due credit for his patriotism, though It Is unconcloiis. Philadelphia Times. Bryan Is a great peacemaker. "No man wants harmony more than I do," he declares In discussing the Democratic Demo-cratic situation. Then he goes on to say how harmony can be secured, which Is only by tho adoption of the tunc ho has composed and the performance per-formance of it upon the lute he has constructed. South Bend(Ind.) Tribune. Trib-une. Br)ansoundsa warning pretty nearly near-ly evciy day now, but people have got so haidcncd to It that they go right on with their business, and the warning warn-ing never touches them. The Nebraska bogy man ought to try to get up something that will lit the conditions con-ditions of the present time. Philadelphia Philadel-phia Press. The Commoner begins an editorial by sa)Ing, "If removing the coal tarill will cilpple the coal trust," etc. But Just hold on, Billy. We want you to show for the first time that the removal re-moval of the coal tariff has had any tendency to cripple tho coal trust before jou undertake to make sane folks believe that removing tho tariff kills the trusts. Moravian Falls (N C.) Yellow Jacket. |