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Show SOME FEATURES. Long noses aro cautious and prudent; pru-dent; short ones Impulsive; and tlp-tllted tlp-tllted ones hopeful, Impulsive nnd joyous. Teeth that aro long and not narrow denoto large, liberal views, strong passions, pas-sions, and heroic virtues. If they are long and narrow a weak character Is denoted. Deep-colored oyes, with a well-arched well-arched lids, both upper and lower, show a truthful and affectionate nature. na-ture. An eyebrow slightly curling at tho outer edge denotes a Jealous nature na-ture If tho apex of tho ear lies closo to tho head tho owner possesses a ro-fined ro-fined nature, nut If tho top starts away from tho head at a well-defined angle, that person has an uneven disposition, dis-position, nnd la not to bo relied tipon. If a girl's thumb lies flat, or droops a little, martial submission to the mas-tor mas-tor mind Is Indicated. If tho thumb ha3 a tendency to stand at right an-bios an-bios to tho hand, tho damsel owning It Is headstrong. A strong character has a strong, erect thumb. Fingers which bend backward back-ward mean powerful determination. If thoy nro round, strength, both physical physi-cal and mental, Is Indicated. |