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Show Tho news that Logan can legally Issue Is-sue bonds to the eUent of $ti.",000, Is very gratifying, If only for the reason that It ends a suspense that was becoming be-coming w cll-ulgh unendurable. Since the raise In the price of lighting service, ser-vice, the people as a whole have been more than anxious that the city svs-tcin svs-tcin be installed, and this decision removes re-moves the last and only obstacle In the way of the erection of the plant and putting in of tho s stern. The city officials of-ficials have up to this time done all that was possible In the matter, but their hands have been tied and the re lease comes to them with everr greater pleasure than does the news to the average av-erage cltlcu. The Major and council have been unjustly blamed for the delay de-lay and many Ill-natured thrusts have been made In their direction but in the progress of the work past dissatisfaction dissatis-faction will be forgotten and all will Join In the hope that tho desired end will he accomplished shoitlj. We have no doubt that the same excellent discretion that was manifested in securing se-curing this decision eie work was commenced, com-menced, will guide the council In Its completion of the woik so well begun. |