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Show H The Scenic Line to H Glccnwood Springs, Aspen, Lcadvllle, Pueblo. Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points east. H Connecting at Ogded Union Depot with all Southern Paclllc and Oregon Short Line trains. H The only Transcontinental Line passing directly through Salt Lake H WWMIHH I IM 1111111 lllii llillilllllllnllll Hill II 3 Splendidly Equipped Fast Trains Daily between f OGDEN AND DENVER. .S Via Three Seperatc and Distinct Scenic Routes I Through Pullman and Ordinary a I Sleeping Gars to H Denver, Omaha, Kansar ( ity, St Louis and Chicago Without Change. 1 Free Reclining Cha. r tars. Personally Conducted Excursions. I B W DINING CARS, Service a la Carte on all through trains. H For aatcs, foldcis, free Illustrated booklets, etc., Inquire of your I nearest ticket agent, sbcclfylng the Rio Grand route, or address 1 i. A. BENTON, G, P, A., Salt Lake City, j H JOSEPH NEWUOLD M Has the Finest line of Clothing, HJ Shoes, Hats, and Gents Furnishings Hj in the city. Give him a call. H P. O. HANSEN, MJ Dealer in and Mpnufacturer of H Monuments, Headstones, and Gen- ! oral Cemetery Work. Third St., M East of Tithing olllco. 1VM. READING H Prime Reef, Mutton, Pork, Veal. H Etc. Game and Poultry in Season. 83 Centre St. jfl JOHN BENCH. H 232 South MainStukkt. U Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Etc. The cheapest place in town for paint- B ing, Wall Paper, and Paper-hanging. W. T. RROWN" & CO. Manufacturers of Marble and Granite Monuments and Headstones. Large stock always on hand. 175 S. Main St. - - Logan, Utah PALACE RESTAURANT under new management of WM. VAN NOY & CO. Regular dinner from 12 to 3 p. m., daily, 25c. Short orders at all hours. Private rooms for Ladles and Parties. The best the market affords. af-fords. LOGAN KNITTING FACTORY. Leaders in KNIT GOODS. Main Street. - - - Logan, Utah CARDON, UURNHAM & CO., Dealers in Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, Picture Pic-ture Frames, Stoves, Ranges and Wall Paper. C. II. RAKER, Home-made add Imported Shoes for Ladles, Gents and Children Fine Repairing a Specialty. 13 West Center St. Logan, Utah SPANDE FURNITURE CO. Having bought our goods in the Eastern market for our spring trade, we arc able to give you good bargains In everything needed In the home. CACHE VALLEY LUMRER YARD A. l. skanciiy, Dealer In Building Material and Ruildcrs's Hardware, Hard-ware, Chicken Fencing, Rolts an Screws. Yards 2J blks South of Thatcher Rank LOGAN NOVELTY SHOP. R. M. Rolfsex, Prop. Dealer In RIcycles, Guns and Ammu nltion. Repaired Machinery. Key lltting and Saw Filing, etc. 38 West 1st North street. DR. P. M. PAULSON. DKNTIST. Rest Set of Teeth $10.00 FIlllngTceth 1.00 Cleaning Teeth 1.00 Highest class Crown and Bridge Work at most reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain. Olllce over U. O. store. NEW BUILDING. NO INSIDE ROOMS. HOTEL EAGLE. 0ABfli9XBBHflBw) o B M I J3 o I m I I M - I O 3 I 11. B u AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN. ZEPH THOMAS, Proprietor. ur-To.pATi! jioti:l. j 25 North Main Street. BIX I.AUQK SAMl'Li: 1100.M8. T t t, , HACK MKISTR ALL TltAIKS. i-OgaiJ, Utall. City Livery and Feed Stable I OPPOSITE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN STREET, LOGAN. H Rest of care given to animals' Commercial men nnd other persons need HV Ing livery will receive careftil attention. PRICES REASONAHLE. ' JH PORTER & STANTON I bpOeJvJ' jH Royal Blue Shoe I IS Till: SOLE OK HONOIt. H Fur sale by H James Quayle & Co. H SIGNS! I A L L K 1 X 1) S. H C 1 T Y V A 1 N T SHOP. H MS. Main St. C. V. Hanm'.n, - - - Proprietor. H ricnty of Cheap Money to Loan H The largest nnd best list of M Real Estate or nil kinds for sale. First-class Insurance H Company, nud wo do nil M kinds of legal work. M J. 7.. STEWART. H A. R PALMER I The Plumber. has again resumed business nt tho old M stand on First North Street, 37 West. H Telephone 2l)Y. Will be glud to servo wM old patrons, nnd all others. M Wlion In thu capital city stop at tho H Windsor Hotel, SALT LAKE CITY Centrally Located. South of Kciiyon Hotel, H Mnlii tHri'L't. KiiroiH'iMi plan, Unit's reason- H able. rHnto trade solicited, H G. W. LINDQUIST, I Undertaker. H 1st North St. East of Tithing Olllce. H 'H Joseph E. Wilson Jr V CONTRACTOR ' and Denier In Cement, Is prepared to M contract for sidewalk work, cellar nnd M stable floors, nud reservoirs. Call at j M 128.South First East St. ? James C. Walters, I ATTOREY-AT-LAW. gl iimNauovn"innk Logan, Utah. l.M |