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Show 1 PACIFIC COAST AEWS, FilldT DISPATCH CALIFORNIA. dU Fm.uci'Hro, 2o. Eighty persons, including male and female women suffragists, suf-fragists, participated in the farewell reception re-ception to Susan li. Anthony at the 1 Grand hotel last night. The difficult and dangerous operation opera-tion i of removing an ovarian tumor weighing twenty-rive pounds was performed per-formed on a German lady of this city on YVedne-day, and the patient is reported re-ported in u fair way to recover. 1 liichard W. Heath, of the linn of ! Heath Jt Langhorue, tobacconists, i Oakland, tiled a petition iu bankruptcy. ! Liabilities, mainly due to houses in i Lynchburg. Va., sO-1,000; nominal assets, gUKn.i. At San Kufael, Lower California, on the Uih, Louis Ucvare shot and killed colonel Pierce, acting captain of tho national guard stationed on the : frontier and formerly a colonel in tho national guaid in the city of Mexico. Surveys on the San Diego and San I Bernardino railroad were commenced ! this week. Los Angeles, 1j. Th- police this . morning arrested Julius Carvillo, who ; broke jail at San Bernardino two years ago and tied to Arizona and was im-' im-' prisoned at Tucson for a crimo committed com-mitted there, and again broke jail and ; escaped to this city, lie will bo turned ; over to San Bernardino. The illness of Judge Morrison has ; become alarming. Ilia case is thought to be critical. I The air was tilled with dust from sand storm yesterday. There is no in-j in-j dieations of spring. DRLUU.X. J aeksoiivillo, 1 j. G eorgo Tribble, tho young mau who was publicly cow-; cow-; hided by the Missoa liaison in ibis : placo, has been arrested on a charge i of perjury aud bound ovor in tho sum of 5,000. Portland, lo. The troops stationed j at forta Dopwai and Colville havo been ! ordered to Arizona. Some doubts aro ; expressed as to their ability to leave j tho latter fort on account of tho late- ness of tho season. ' SKCOND DISPATCH. 1 CAMFOHNIA. ! A special assessment on tho Union i and Firemen's fund insurance stock to meet Chicago losses is nearly paid up to-day and here will probably bo no stock in cither company sold on Monday. Mon-day. Prof. Marsh and ihe Yale college es-: es-: ploring parly who havo been spending tho season on the Pacific Coart, Bailed for tho east on the steamer Const it u-' u-' tion this morning. 1 It is believed that the vessel seen oil" Gold Bluff on the 10th inat. bottom bot-tom up, as reported by the Concordia ! to day, was eitber the bark Live Yankee from Portland or the schooner Amanda from Humboldt, as both of : them have been missing so long it is 1 supposed they arc lost. The sea was so rough that tho Concordia was unable un-able to go alongside to ascertain the nomo of i he wreck. The Panama steamer to-day carried $1-14,000 trcasuro aud $213,000 of wool and other cargo to the valuo of $1.1,000. Mining Stock. San Francisco, 10. 1 ,10 Treasure, 50 Hale tt Norcrufcs, 120, e. CJ0, 110, i-20, 119, h. 30. lOtJOPioche, 1(M, 10, 10i, 10$, 101, s. 30, 10. 0-1 Jacket, 63, 04, 03, b. 30, Gbi, b. 30. r 15 Kcntuck, 100, b. 30. COO Eureka Con., 22, 22, s. 30, 22J-, 3. 30, 23. b. 30, 22,, 22V. 22 j , in "llO Chollar, 34. 50 L. Hall, H. 815 "Raymond & Ely, 73, 74, b. 30, 73, 75, b. 30, 73, s. 30, 73, s. 10, 74. 55 Belcher, 410, 415, 425, 420. 045 Mahogany, 19, 18, 174, IS, b. 3, 17, 183, b. 30. 1350 Phoenix, 43fr, b. 30. 405 Meadow Valley, 27, 27, b. 30, 20. 42 Gould & Curry, 115, b. 10, 114, 355 Independent, 4, b. 30, 4. 170 Calcdona, 15, 14, 14, 10i, b. 30. 12S0 Succor, 5, 4, 42. 230 Knickerbocker, 1$, 5 Crown Point, 402. 40 Yalo, ID), 11. 25 Bclvievr, 13, 345 Overman, 28, 30, b. 30, 29'., 31, ! s. 30, 29. ' 80 G. Chariot, 23, b. 30, 22, s. 30. 210 S. Belcher, 34i, a. 3, 34, a, 30, I 35, b. 30, 35, 35, b. 30, 34. 40 Imperial, 42, 40, 41. 41 Elmoro, 101, 10-'., 11, b. 30, 111, b. 30, 11, b. 3. 310 War Eagle, 72, 8, b. 10, 7;, 8, 81, b. 30. 10 SU Patrick, 3i. 30 Ophir, 27. 325 Washington & Creole, 41. 41, b. 30, 4 J, b. 3. 25 Con. Vu ,13. 5 Alpha, 13. 50 Davey, 7. |