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Show j fDy W. V. Tolcfirupa.J I AKKWST POlt PIRACY. San Francisco, 1G. A morning paper pa-per has a partial acoount of the arrest growing out of tho quarrel between Lower California and tho Mexican authorities au-thorities at La Paz about the oporations of tho company at Magdalena bay. Tho facts so far as known arc these: Don Manuel Cobas, a native and citizen citi-zen of Ecuador, who was a contractor under the Lower California company for gathering orchilia at jMngdalona bay, -and Chevarro, the collector of customs for tho port and district of La Paz, arrived here on Thursday on the steamer Constitution. Cobas was bound for South America, intendiug to start on tho steamer this morning. Some of the crew of tho American Ircna Greenwood were also passengers on tho Constitution from La Paz, and knew of his intentions. Yesterday parties presuming to be acting in tho interest of tho Lower California company obtained a warrant from the United States commissioner for the arrest of Cobas and Chevarro, on a charge of piracy in boarding board-ing aud taking possession of tho L ena Uifenicood in Magdalena bay, on the 28th of Ootoberlast, when a force was sent from Ls Paz to oust tho late administrator ad-ministrator of customs at Magdalena, who had, as tho Mexican authorities claim, been acting in total disregard of the laws aud his instructions. Cobas, while dining at tho hotel with bis friends last evening, was arrested on the warrant and taken to the U. ; S. Marshal's office. His friends not bciog informed of the chargo against him, supposed ho had been arrested by the police, and it was not until late lost evening that they were informend of the facts in the case. Bail in $10,-j $10,-j 0;K) was then given nnd Cobas was ro-. ro-. leased but subsequently arrested and I held for examination. Chevarro was in- formed last night that a warrant wasout I for him and he expected to bo arrested j this morning. The defendants claim I that the whole affair is a mere trick of the Lower California Co., and that when tho full facts are known ihcir action will be justified. San Francisco, .1(1. Tho alleged owners of the schooner lrcna Grcoi-wvftd Grcoi-wvftd have published a card in which they repudiate the idea (hat the seizure of that vessel a', Magdalena bay, for which Dan Manuel Cobas and collector Chevarro were arrested ! hercwasnn act of piracy, or anything ; like it. They claim that thoy pur-i pur-i chased the vessel here in June last for ( Cobas Bros, and despatched her to ; Magdalena bay for their account, bul I that the captain acted contrary to his : instructions, and failing to deliver her to the purcha.-;ers they seized her. : The affair will bo fully ventilated in the courts next week. Cobas is out on bail. |